On May 6, 2004 04:04 pm, Anton Blajev wrote:> Hello there group.
> I need some help becasue I'm having problem registering a dll with
> regsvr32....
> So, I want to run win32 program, that needs 3 dlls to be registered,
> I've succeeded to register the other two but I can't get registered
> last one :(
> here is what it returns...
> valqk@test:~/.wine/fake_windows/store$ regsvr32 c:\\store\\ATLEngine.dll
> fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no classfactory created for CLSID
> {44ec053a-400f-11d0-9dcd-00a0c90391d3}, hres is 0x80040154
I presume you do not have a ATL.dll in your "C:\Windows\System"
directory. If
you have then try registering it first.
> Failed to register dll c:\store\ATLEngine.dll
> Wine failed with return code 255
> /usr/bin/wine: line 615: kill: 127: invalid signal specification
> valqk@test:~/.wine/fake_windows/store$
> as you can see, I'm working with faked windows directoery(with some
> and ie and odbc installed trough wine :)
> any ideas or suggestions why this is failing like this?
> please help.
> 10x in advance!
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Bill Medland