I have had a lot of problem to start the SQLNavigator under GNU/Linux because I'm using a Oracle client installed directly under GNU/Linux So I will post here how the SQLNavigator software can run successfully For run SQLNavigator under GNU/Linux you need some dlls of the windows Oracle client (you find they under $ORACLE_HOME/bin) Here are all the dll you need to run SQLNavigator, you must copy they under the $FAKEWINDOWSDRIVE:/Windows/System directory: core40.dll nasns80.dll ncr80.dll ni80.dll nl80.dll nlsrtl33.dll nmp80.dll nms80.dll nnci80.dll nnfd80.dll nnfg80.dll nnfn80.dll nng80.dll npl80.dll nr80.dll ns80.dll nt80.dll nz80.dll ora803.dll ora804.dll ora805.dll otrace80.dll Ciao Davide ______________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro Anti-spam it.yahoo.com/mail_it/foot/?http://it.mail.yahoo.com