I don't know haw to use cvs very well, con you please send me the site files in a bzip2 file? Can you open a wine-translation mailing list, translation and writing c code are two very different things, and it would be better to have a separate mailing list. ?And I still don't know what to do about images, I've translated the home page and the about page into italian, but all the pngs are still in English, and as I can't edit the images, i think we should find a graphics expert that can do that, finally, most people I know that can translate don't know what CVS is, and probably don't want to learn how to use it, it would be more simple to just have a FTP publishing server, and a web-master for every language, people could then just send the translated pages to him, and he could check them, and put them on the server; thats haw Mandrake does, and I must say that the result is very good. p.s. Is there a way to make the pngs of the site changeble like a text, maybe with GIMP?