Hey linux newbie here, I've spent all day trying to get wine to work, but I cant get anything right... anyways, here's my problem: [chris@localhost chris]$ wine explorer.exe fixme:pthread_kill_other_threads_np FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock fixme:pthread_kill_other_threads_np This seems to repeat every 15 sec or so, until i start getting this: Check permissions or set VFAT "quiet" mount flag Wine ERROR: Couldn't set file attributes for existing file "/windows/windows/fonts" among other various things. I hope this is enough information for a diagnosis can anyone help? Thanks, 25
On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:25:59 -0400, "TwoFive" <crazyanimal78@hotmail.despammmm.com> wrote: <snip pthread error messages> I get these messages on all of my test applications. That don't stop them to start.>Check permissions or set VFAT "quiet" mount flag >Wine ERROR: Couldn't set file attributes for existing file >"/windows/windows/fonts"This is a real problem, your Fat partition seems to be mounted readonly. Windows applications assume usually to be able to write to C:\. Change the way the partition is mounted (this is not Wine dependant)>among other various things.'other' things can be harmful. AFAICT the pthread messages are harmless. Gerard
Im getting an error and trying to find the actual documentation to fix it but having no luck maybe some one here has a solution ? cdowns@scavenger:~$ wine --winver nt40 --managed /usr/share/wine-c/Program\ Files/sman/SETUP.EXE FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock fixme:pthread_kill_other_threads_np FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_rdlock FIXME:pthread_rwlock_unlock X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). cdowns@scavenger:~$ thanks in advance -D