On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, alesclandre wrote:
> Well, well, well, what can i do to repair my windows98 system now ? It
> still works relatively OK, but some applications do not, and it crashes
> more than usual.
> One more question is: can i run the defrag utility under windows without
> getting
> all the files mixed up? I had to reinstall linux after running defrag under
> windows because the nodes were all mixed up.
That all depends. Are we talking of a zipslack type of linux that is
installed in the windows partition? Or a windows partition that was
improperly shrunk to make room for a linux partition? If you don't set
the size in the windows partition boot record after you shrink its
partition, windows will feel free to write all over whatever that (the
partition boot record) says it owns. It is not, in effect, able to read
the MBR, or it is too stupid to. And, probably, you should rename your
$*!$*! folders to whatever their stupid names were before
("Program Files" or something, just because it can put spaces in path
components, it has to do it).
> Oh, by the way, before i get remarks, i should indeed have looked whether
> it was OK o run IE5 with wine, and i am certain there had been warnings
> before ...
OK, you still haven't read the README. :-). No worry, there is a
warning, and it even mentions Explorer by name. But I don't think it
would hurt you to take a little peek.
I guess you sort of got IE5 to sort of work :-).
Best way I know to defrag a windows partition is "mkfs -t ext2". That
way you don't have to keep defragging it.
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