Hi all, Here''s a short example of how to interface with JRuby and the Windows API I thought I''d share: require ''java'' # LoadLibrary() Kernel32 = com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance("kernel32") # GetProcAddress() GetCurrentDirectoryA = Kernel32.getFunction(''GetCurrentDirectoryA'') # You can also do -> buf = java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(256) buf = Array.new(256).to_java(:byte) GetCurrentDirectoryA.invokeInt([256, buf].to_java) buf = java.lang.String.new(buf) p buf.to_s.strip It''s a little clunkier than MRI at the moment, because Java strings are immutable. We''re passing by reference, so we have to pass a ByteBuffer instead, and convert back and forth. Charles tells me that this will be hopefully be more seamless in the future. You could always monkey patch the String class, too. But, on the whole, not bad. I''ll probably do a little writeup about it on the O''Reilly blog soon. Regards, Dan