I tried the directoryName way, works fine. I started with webgen yesterday.
Thank you, now I understand the purpose of directoryName too.
On Friday 04 January 2008, Thomas Leitner wrote:> On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 09:08:12 +0100
> Odd Arild Olsen <oao at oao.no> wrote:
> > Webgen uses file paths to generate multilevel menues, bread crumbs
> > etc. And limits the character range in paths to a-zA-Z. As the
> > directory names are used verbatim as menu labels this is fairly
> > limitting for non-english pages. Is there a way to map directory
> > names to configurable UTF8 strings for menu labels?
> You can set arbitrary titles for directories in two ways:
> * set the meta information `directoryName` in the index files (one
> index file for each language) of the directory
> * set the meta information `title` directly on the directory using the
> meta information backing file (`metainfo.yaml`, needs to be in the
> website directory). However, you can''t set a localized title this
> For example:
> metainfo.yaml
> src/
> src/index.en.page
> src/index.de.page
> src/dir
> src/dir/index.de.page
> src/dir/index.en.page
> src/index.en.page:
> ---
> directoryName: Website Root
> ---
> src/index.de.page:
> ---
> directoryName: Website Wurzel
> ---
> metainfo.yaml:
> dir/:
> title: Unlocalized Title
> Hope that helps!
> -- Thomas
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