I've realized that there is no java api for encoding into vorbis. We got
decoding one tough(Vorbis SPI).
Currently we got Java Prgm to capture sound from mic and
"encoder_example.c" that would take byte stream and encode it into ogg
format.So, right now we are in the process of using JNI for calling the C
routines using Java.
The main aim is to transfer this data over Darwin Streaming Server(DSS), since
DSS accepts only RTP data, we want to create RTP packets. We already a have Java
program that does that, I mean it takes byte stream as input and converts(adds
RTP header) them into RTP packets.
What I would like to know is there something else to be kept in RTP header or
will this method work ?
Did anyone ever try to do this kind of thing ?
From: vorbis-bounces@xiph.org on behalf of Venkata Sripada
Sent: Fri 10/29/2004 11:09 AM
To: vorbis@xiph.org
Subject: [Vorbis] java vorbis encoder example or API needed
I'm currently involved in a project where in we need to record the audio
from a mic encode with vorbis, then put it in Ogg container, and then make it as
RTP packet and transmit over Darwin Streaming Server.
Till now we were using JMF with available codec's, since JMF handles the RTP
part life was pretty much easy using it. Now we want to use Ogg Vorbis because
of its adv's.
So in the process my first step would be to capture audio and compress it with
vorbis. My search for the appropriate API was not successful as I could only
find Decoder in Java but not the encoders.
I've downloaded the libvorbis and libogg but the code examples were in
"C" language.
Are there any resources in Java(API,examples) which would do help me in
achieving this.
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