Orpheus isn't an Epic employee though Mark Rein is our vice president.
Anyways, the Unreal Engine has been using Ogg Vorbis for streaming music for
almost a year now I think.
-- Daniel, Epic Games Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-vorbis@xiph.org [mailto:owner-vorbis@xiph.org]On Behalf Of
> Wilson
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:56 AM
> To: vorbis@xiph.org
> Subject: [vorbis] Unreal Tournament 2003
> I've just gotten around to reading the IRC chat with the developers of
> Unreal Tournament 2003.
> Looks like Vorbis support is a possibility:
> [21:53] <Mancubus> Has the idea of a built in mp3 player been
> introduced? :)
> [21:53] <Orpheus> Mancubus, wont happen
> [21:53] <Orpheus> Fraunhofer owns the rights to Mp3.
> [21:53] <Mancubus> Why not?
> [21:53] <Orpheus> Epic would have to Pay $ for every copy of
> their game sold
> [21:53] <Mancubus> Why?
> [21:53] <Orpheus> Built in Vorbis is feasible since thats what it
uses for
> sound anyway.
> [21:53] <Orpheus> Mancubus, Fraunhofer owns Mp3
> [21:54] <beg> built in vorbis would own
> [21:54] <Orpheus> you cant make a commercial decoder without paying a
> license fee.
> [21:54] <Mancubus> Fraunhofer?
> [21:54] <MarkRein[Epic]> An MP3 license is NOT cheap - Ogg Vorbis
> is just as
> good and there are converters available anyway
> Orpheus and MarkRein are both Unreal developers.
> cleaned.beyondunreal.com/UT2FAQ/xgr_irc.htm
> For those who aren't plugged into the gaming world, Unreal Tournament
> is the forthcoming sequel to Unreal Tournament, the very very successful
> first person shooter.
> --- >8 ----
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