Kenneth mentioned he wanted a cross-platform audio library to use for ogg123. So, I've spent the last week hacking up the libao from ac3dec that someone suggested earlier. It bears little resemblance to the old code, but now does what I want. libao now supports OSS and WAV file output, with the infrastructure in place to expand further. There are Solaris and IRIX drivers that I inherited from the original libao, but have not been tested. Eventually, I want to add ESounD, Win32, ALSA, and BeOS support. I've also modified ogg123 to use libao and support multiple output devices. So, now I can play audio to my soundcard while simultaneously writing to WAV file (or 6 wav files if you are so inclined). Basically, ogg123 does what it did before but now it can be easily extended to include other platforms and file formats. So my next question is: Can this be integrated with the existing vorbis source? If so, what is the best way to do this? The modifications include patches to, vorbis-tools/, vorbis-tools/ogg123.c, as well as copying the libao directory of files into vorbis-tools. --- Stan Seibert --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: