On 8.2.19. 22:39, albi wrote:>>> The setup looks like this:
>>> web <- tinc "tiosp" -> gateway <- tinc
"tiutl" -> backup
> Which lan ips do all your computers have? network addess will be fine.
> ALBI...
Hi Albi,
tinc tiosp:
tinc tiutl:
tinc tiosp:
tinc tiutl:
I'm using something similar to Amazon's VPCs, where a logical group of
instances has a local subnet from the cloud provider. This local subnet
is always As there are multiple VPC's, these private local
subnets dont collide.
Web is in a logical group / local subnet / in its own VPC with other
instances (more webworkers and loadbalancers and things like that).
Gateway and Backup are together in their own VPC with other instances
(like a gitlab and what not).
I'm using Ansible to roll out tinc. The connect_to's always have static
public IPs in their tinc host config files, while others may only have
private IPs there, for example:
root at backup-1:~# cat /etc/tinc/tiutl/hosts/monitoring_1
Address =
Do you think that could be the cause for the problem..?
As said, the tincs themselves are working perfectly as expected. My idea
is that if one node wants from one tinc to another tinc, it has to go
via the gateway, which will then route the packet (on the gateway I want
to do fancy firewalls later).
So the webworkers (web) and loadbalancers and so on are in one tinc
(which works), while gateway (which is in one AWS VPC with backup,
monitoring, gitlab and so on) is also in that tinc. gateway is a
connect_to in _every_ tinc I want to set up.
What is still totally puzzling me is that the packets from web _reach_
backup, but backup doesn't know how to answer... So in the setup for
web, I seem to have done something right :P But I can't spot the
difference between backup and web :(
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Peter Thurner
Blunix GmbH - Consulting for Linux Hosting 24/7
Glogauer Straße 21
10999 Berlin, Germany
P: +49 30 / 120 839 90
W: https://www.blunix.org
AG Charlottenburg, HRB 174906 B
CEO: Peter Thurner
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