On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 08:40:23PM +0100, DELAMARE M PASCALE wrote:
> When i start my tincd on station ou moi i obtain the error message
> Bogus data received from serveur port 655
> and i have the same message on serveur for moi.
> I have generate my keys again again like said in the documentation, i think
my net configuration is ok (or if not please help).
> I try to capture some paquet with ethereal on the real interface to follow
the exchanges between serveur and moi they talk together for a while then stop
and start again etc. i think they exchange their keys and challenge and
something is wrong and they stop.
> Please help, i think this configuration is most simple for a lot of you.
Your help will be welcome.
Could you send me copies of tinc.conf, hosts/moi and hosts/serveur, and
the output of tincd -n <netname> -d5 -D? And please, don't send Word
documents and/or screenshots again.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus@sliepen.eu.org>
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