Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves
2008-Mar-11 08:33 UTC
[theora] Theora RoadMap Online Meeting - 13th March, Thursday? 14:00 UTC?
Note: I'm resending this message because it seems it didn't get through to the list for some reason. I also updated the date from 14th to 13th per request Mike and derf's request. Original message as follows: So, we haven't hold one of those monthly meetings in ages. Monty mentioned he would like to schedule a Theora-specific meeting to establish a proper roadmap to get out of beta. I'm suggesting this [Thursday], the [13th] of March. 14:00 UTC seems like a good compromise for everyone. Feedback or suggestion for better time/date welcome. The place is #xiphmeet in freenode's IRC server. Everyone is welcome to join. -Ivo P.S: a USA time conversion to UTC table may be found here, http://www.dxing.com/utcgmt.htm
Conrad Parker
2008-Mar-11 09:20 UTC
[theora] Theora RoadMap Online Meeting - 13th March, Thursday? 14:00 UTC?
On 12/03/2008, Ivo Emanuel Gon?alves <justivo@gmail.com> wrote:> I'm suggesting this [Thursday], the [13th] of March. 14:00 UTC seems like a > good compromise for everyone. > ... > P.S: a USA time conversion to UTC table may be found here, > http://www.dxing.com/utcgmt.htmand for the rest of the world ... http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2008&month=3&day=13&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=37&p3=240 K.
Ralph Giles
2008-Mar-11 11:08 UTC
[theora] Theora RoadMap Online Meeting - 13th March, Thursday? 14:00 UTC?
On 11-Mar-08, at 4:32 PM, Ivo Emanuel Gon?alves wrote:> I'm suggesting this [Thursday], the [13th] of March. 14:00 UTC > seems like a > good compromise for everyone. Feedback or suggestion for better > time/date welcome.I can't make this. Looking forward to the log though. -r
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Planning of next challenges for Firefox
- [fdo] Server reboot Thursday morning UTC
- Final Theora Roadmap Meeting: April 11, 6:00 UTC / April 10 23:00 Canada/Pacific
- Final Theora Roadmap Meeting: April 11, 6:00 UTC / April 10 23:00 Canada/Pacific
- Final Theora Roadmap Meeting: April 11, 6:00 UTC / April 10 23:00 Canada/Pacific