On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Novosielski, Ryan via Syslinux
<syslinux at zytor.com> wrote:> Hi there,
> I've been trying to boot some new machines via uEFI and it does not
work, as you can see below. From my hunting around on the mailing list, there
may have been a bunch of fixes that have been committed that have some bearing
on uEFI, and even some on the mailing list that appear to be aimed at solving
similar problems. However, I can't manage to build a new one based on the
repository. Is there a newer-than-6.03 SYSLINUX64 EFI binary sitting around
somewhere, or can someone point me to build directions?
None officially.
If those have difficulty, try:
If you have difficulty with both, please report the following:
- Make/model of system
- UEFI firmware revision
- What NIC type and port number?
- UEFI extension agents (struggling to recall the proper term;
comparable to a BIOS PXE OROM for add-in cards)
- Was a proxyDHCP/PXE server involved in addition to DHCP?
- TFTP or HTTP transfer
- TFTP/HTTP on a unique server or on the DHCP server or proxyDHCP/PXE server?
- Where do the DHCP server, proxyDHCP/PXE server, and TFTP/HTTP server
live relative to the client and each other (ie different subnets)?
- What precisely did you observe? On the screen? booting behavior?
- Have you performed any packet captures, preferably an tap/packet
mirror capture?