I search for long time to make works ghost floppy image "out of the box" with syslinux without success. The only solution i found is to modify the the file generated by ghost boot wizard. the ghost boot wizard generate a "file.sys" i made (with the help of irc helper) a script to modify this file : you have to put the file.sys without extension as parameter #!/bin/bash fichier=$1 dd if=$fichier.sys of=$fichier.vfd skip=8 taille_depart=`du -b $fichier.vfd |awk '{print $1}'` taille_finale=2949120 taille_tmp=`echo $taille_finale-$taille_depart|bc` dd if=/dev/zero of=$fichier.tmp bs=$taille_tmp count=1 cat $fichier.vfd $fichier.tmp > $fichier.img rm -f $fichier.sys rm -f $fichier.vfd rm -f $fichier.tmp ls -al after that you've got a file.img wich works it's a solution but the best would be that ghost floppy image works with memdisk without problem -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Pascal ---------------------------------------------------------------
I search for long time to make works ghost floppy image "out of the box" with syslinux without success. The only solution i found is to modify the file generated by ghost boot wizard. the ghost boot wizard generate a "file.sys" i made (with the help of irc helper) a script to modify this file : you have to put the file.sys without extension as parameter #!/bin/bash fichier=$1 dd if=$fichier.sys of=$fichier.vfd skip=8 taille_depart=`du -b $fichier.vfd |awk '{print $1}'` taille_finale=2949120 taille_tmp=`echo $taille_finale-$taille_depart|bc` dd if=/dev/zero of=$fichier.tmp bs=$taille_tmp count=1 cat $fichier.vfd $fichier.tmp > $fichier.img rm -f $fichier.sys rm -f $fichier.vfd rm -f $fichier.tmp ls -al after that you've got a file.img wich works it's a solution but the best would be that ghost floppy image works with memdisk without problem -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Pascal ---------------------------------------------------------------
Good day again Pascal, *tap* *tap* *tap*... "Is this thing on?" :) Did you receive my response? If so, and it didn't help you, that would be good to know. It would also be good to know what isn't working about your setup. Is it the networking that fails? Did you use 3Com Boot Services to hand out PXELINUX (pxelinux.0)? - Shao Miller