I need help in assembling a pretty basic collection of things. I'm trying to put together a basic filesystem and kernel for network booting, here's what I basically need Kernel 2.6.22 Busybox Networking (dhcp, nfs client) Fsck Lynx Reiserfstools Dosfstools Vim and nano ( emacs is preferred ) And svgalib And .... A custom dir layout. All of this needs to be reproducible by me, the instructions are enough if it works and I can compile on a fedora core 6 box. I'd like to, in the future add the following: Static startup screen (for a logo) Samba Smbclientutils Alsa mono Can someone help with this one, It would really help get this project going. I can tolerate an image size up to 75/100 mb (smaller the better) The first person to deliver the following will get an amazon.com gift card for $50: * Working Configuration that boots to a commandline (bash or busybox) without having to login * Zipped up dev tree * Complete Instructions (simple instructions in a txt file are ok) * Working binary root image (not just a link to a site, and not using nalfs or something) Authenticlick, Inc. 5757 Wilshire Boulevard | Penthouse One Los Angeles, California 90036 Tel: 323.330.0404 x302 | Fax: 323.330.0755 email: jalifrangis at authenticlick.net <mailto:jalifrangis at authenticlick.net> Jacob Alifrangis Director of Operations