Peter, Sorry to trouble you but I have a quick question concerning your pxelinux / syslinux program. I'm having trouble creating a partcular boot configuration. I'd be grateful of you could help.... Im looking for the folowing setup: Boot a machine, by default it boots from the network card. This using tftp drags your network boot program across and presents the boot prompt (as in your documentation).
Possibly Parallel Threads
- more on PXELinux confiuration file woes and "blkSize"
- pxelinux doesn't answer ARP requests when it should
- Help!I have problem in using pxelinux about menu.c32 and vesamenu.c32
- Serial console with pxelinux on Soekris net4501
- pxelinux.0 not fully booting in EFI 64 mode...not requesting ldlinux.e64 via TFTP...