Marcel Ritter <Marcel.Ritter at rrze.uni-erlangen.de> schrieb am 07.06.02
02:49:13:> I've been working with pxelinux for quite some time now, and I'd
like to
> use PXE and a simple kind of selection menu (like syslinux does).
> But I couldn't get it to work. I can enter several "label"
sections to
> my pxelinux.cfg/<something> but it'll never ask, just boot the
> first/default one ...
> Is this currently supported at all? Or did I miss something?
which version of syslinux are you using for the boot menu? Is this a special
E.g. Suse is using a highly patched version of syslinux.
AFAIK there's nothing like a 'menu' in syslinux, only the possiblity
to have some
'boot:'-prompt and to display some boot image (which can have some
on what to do here). The same is possible with pxelinux.
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