Le jeudi 23 mars 2006 ? 14:51 +0800, tk a ?crit :> hi,
> >.. And equally important; during discontignous transmission, in which
> >there may be small communication pauses (of either 3 seconds or
> several
> >minutes), it would be beneficial if the jitter buffer remembered
> it's
> >current estimates instead of resetting to the default.
The current reset code is something I'm not happy about. I'm re-writing
it at the moment. It should only reset when there *are* packets coming
in, but with timestamps that are way off.
> just my two cents.
> even during discontinuous transmission, i am looking at minutes of
> pauses, there should be keepalive packets sent from which jitter
> could be calculated.
This is when Speex does (or should do, I haven't tested in a while) BTW
when you enable DTX. I think it will send about 2 packets per second.