I wasn't aware of Speex running on a dsPIC, but it's sure nice to learn.
The BSD license does not require redistribution of the code, so if may
well be just a port (not a reimplementation). Of course it would be nice
if the port was released under the BSD too. This would probably be good
for everyone (changes easy to merge for Microchip). Anyone from
microchip on this list?
Le jeudi 02 juin 2005 ? 14:58 -0400, David Willmore a ?crit
:> All,
> I don't know if this is widely known, but it appears that Microchip
> has just released a library to perform speex compression/decompression
> on a dsPIC processor.
> The library is available under their license, so I can only assume that
> it is a reimplementation of the algo and not a port. Does anyone
> know otherwise?
> Cheers,
> David
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Jean-Marc Valin <Jean-Marc.Valin@USherbrooke.ca>
Universit? de Sherbrooke