On sam, 2004-07-24 at 13:40 +0800, illiminable wrote:> Just been looking at a few speex files i have, and it seems several of them
> have comment packets that are not to spec....
> Specifically, they are not in the format a=b, some of them just have a
> with data and no "key". The files say they were encoded with
speex 1.0,
> should these be considered invalid, ie just ignore any malformed comment
> field ?
I think the problem is that speexenc allows a generic --comment option
that allows everything instead of checking that there's an "="
somewhere. For the decoder, I guess I should also reject incorrect
comments, but for now, I don't. Patches are welcome.
Jean-Marc Valin <Jean-Marc.Valin@USherbrooke.ca>
Universit? de Sherbrooke
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