similar to: polr (MASS): score test for proportional odds model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "polr (MASS): score test for proportional odds model"

2009 Mar 05
identify() and postscript output
In the following, I'm fitting a logistic regression model, and using car:::influencePlot. When I run the latter with output to the screen, it calls identify() that lets me label observations with large CookD. However, if I use postscript() to get .eps output, identify() seems not to be called at all. If instead, I use dev.copy2eps() after getting output to the screen, the point labels
2005 Apr 27
Fitting a kind of Proportional Odds Modell using nlme, polr, lrm or ordgee
Hello, I'm trying to fit a special kind of proportional odds model from: Whitehead et al. (2001). Meta-analysis of ordinal outcome using individual patient data. Statistics in medicine 20: 2243-2260. (model 2) The data are as follows: library(nlme) library(geepack) library(Design) library(MASS) options(contrasts=c("contr.SAS","contr.poly")) counts <-
2010 Dec 15
problems with mosaic plot
I'm pretty sure that I did everything right, but my R is just not drawing the mosaicplot that I want, and there is also no error messege, looks like this right now: > mosaicplot(arthritis) > mosaicplot(~ sex + treatment + improved, data = arthritis, color = TRUE) > -- View this message in context: Sent
2008 Jan 05
Likelihood ratio test for proportional odds logistic regression
Hi, I want to do a global likelihood ratio test for the proportional odds logistic regression model and am unsure how to go about it. I am using the polr() function in library(MASS). 1. Is the p-value from the likelihood ratio test obtained by anova(fit1,fit2), where fit1 is the polr model with only the intercept and fit2 is the full polr model (refer to example below)? So in the case of the
2007 Aug 02
proportional odds model
Hi all!! I am using a proportinal odds model to study some ordered categorical data. I am trying to predict one ordered categorical variable taking into account only another categorical variable. I am using polr from the R MASS library. It seems to work ok, but I'm still getting familiar and I don't know how to assess goodness of fit. I have this output, when using response ~ independent
2007 Aug 02
proportional odds model in R
Hi all!! I am using a proportinal odds model to study some ordered categorical data. I am trying to predict one ordered categorical variable taking into account only another categorical variable. I am using polr from the R MASS library. It seems to work ok, but I'm still getting familiar and I don't know how to assess goodness of fit. I have this output, when using response ~ independent
2005 Aug 12
Manually Calculating Odds from POLR Model
Hello, I am using polr(...) to generate a model. The summary shows the coefficients and the intercepts. For example: coefficient for x1 = c1 coefficient for x2 = c2 intercept A|B = i1 intercept B|C = i2 I can then run predict(..., type="p") with the model and see the odds for each factor. For example: A B C 1 0.3 0.5 0.2 2 0.4
2005 Sep 05
convergence for proportional odds model
Hey, everyone, I am using proportional odds model for ordinal responses in dose-response experiments. For some samll data, SAS can successfully provide estimators of the parameters, but the built-in function polr() in R fails. Would you like to tell me how to make some change so I can use polr() to obtain the estimators? Or anyone can give me a hint about the conditions for the existance of MLE
2009 Feb 20
why doesn't table() have a data=argument?
In an Rweave tutorial written for possibly naive R users, I felt it necessary to explain why table() had to be used inside with(), whereas other tools like xtabs() had a data= argument. with() is quite nice for such cases, but it seems an unnecessary thing to learn right off. Before I turn this question into a request for R-devel, is there any inherent reason why it might be hard to add a
2010 Jun 09
non-parametric repeated measures anova using Proportional Odds Model - examples?!
Hello dear R-help mailing list, I wish to perform a non-parametric repeated measures anova. If what I read online is true, this could be achieved using a mixed Ordinal Regression model (a.k.a: Proportional Odds Model). I found two packages that seems relevant, but couldn't find any vignette on the subject:
2007 Feb 20
R: Re: summary polr
Hi all, The problem is that when you try to use the function summary of a polr object in a function, it does not work. The problem is not related to the formula or the structure of data involved. It is probably related to the use of the function "vcov" in the code of summary for polr, and the iterative procedure to estimate the Hessian. Anyway, here there is an example extracted from
2007 Jul 25
Function polr and discrete ordinal scale
Dear all, To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale. For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way? polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula =
2003 Feb 25
Dear all, I have used polr in MASS but I am uncertain about the summary(polr.object) interpretation and would be happy for help on that. This is my summary: > summary(shade.polr) Re-fitting to get Hessian Call: polr(formula = as.ordered(shade) ~ as.factor(objekt), data = sof, weights = as.numeric(frek)) Coefficients: Value Std. Error t value 2.1699520 0.3681840 5.8936612
2003 Dec 30
odd results from polr vs wilcoxon test
Dear R helpers, I would like to ask why polr occasionally generates results that look very odd. I have been trying to compare the power of proportional odds logistic regression with the Wilcoxon test. I generated random samples, applied both tests and extracted and compared the p-values, thus:- library(MASS) c1=rep(NA,100); c2=c1 for (run in 1:100) { dat=c(rbinom(20,12,0.65),rbinom(20,12,0.35))
2005 Nov 12
Error message in polr
Dear members of the list, I'm fitting ordinal regressions using polr, and in some models I get the error copied below. Dependent variable is an ordered factor of bird abundance categories, and predictors are continuous habitat variables. > ro6 <- polr(formula = abun ~ InOmbrot + Oliva.OC + ToCultAr + DivCulArb + AltitMax + COORXY) > summary(ro6) Re-fitting to get Hessian
2002 Feb 07
newbie question: polr and glm.control
I'm running polr() and getting warning messages from It seems reasonable to use glm.control() to turn on the trace and follow what does when called by polr(); or is it? glm.control(maxit=10, trace=TRUE) polr(act~., data=mm) The glm.control() sets the trace TRUE, but there's no change in the output from polr(). Many thanks in advance for any help/pointers.
2010 Sep 06
likelyhood maximization problem with polr
Dear community, I am currently trying to fit an ordinal logistic regression model with the polr function. I often get the same error message : "attempt to find suitable starting values failed", for example with : require(MASS) data(iris) polr(Species~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length+Petal.Width,iris) (I know the response variable Species should be nominal but I do as levels
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
Hi, I'm getting an error message using polr(): Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite The outcome variable is ordinal and factored, and the independant variable is continuous. I've checked the source code for both polr() and optim() and can't find any variable called
2011 Mar 01
How to understand output from R's polr function (ordered logistic regression)?
I am new to R, ordered logistic regression, and polr. The "Examples" section at the bottom of the help page for polr<>(that fits a logistic or probit regression model to an ordered factor response) shows options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl +
2009 Jan 13
deviance in polr method
Dear all, I've replicated the cheese tasting example on p175 of GLM's by McCullagh and Nelder. This is a 4 treatment (rows) by 9 ordinal response (cols) table. Here's my simple code: #### cheese library(MASS) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) y = c(0,0, 1, 7, 8,8,19, 8,1, 6,9,12,11, 7,6, 1, 0,0, 1,1, 6, 8,23,7,