Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Labelling curves on graphs"
2009 Oct 22
contour() & contourLines()
Hi Folks,
I have been using contour() to produce some contour plots
(of a spatially-smooted density produced by kde2d()), with
very satisfactory results.
I now want access to the coordinates of the points on the
contours, and it would seem that contour() does not return a
value, so there is nothing from which these could be extracted.
However, apparently contourLines() does, and it seems to be
2007 Oct 04
Contour plot (level curves)
Hi all,
I have a sample of n values from a bivariate distribution (from a MCMC
procedure). How could I draw a contour plot of "the joint density" based on
that sample ?
Sorry if I was not too clear.
Thans in advance,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 20
Surface generated as product of two curves
I have the following data table:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 2575 1927 1754 581 354
[2,] 1156 810 730 541 237
[3,] 417 297 199 125 110
[4,] 281 132 132 47 58
[5,] 152 84 87 54 19
Each column represents a time interval expressed in nano-seconds
Each row represents an energy interval expressed m=n MeV
Each table value represents the average gamma rays intensity
2010 Oct 24
Contour Plot on a non Rectangular Grid
Dear All,
I would like to plot a scalar (e.g. a temperature) on a non-rectangular
domain (or even better: I would simply like to be able to draw a contour
plot on an arbitrary 2D domain). I wonder if there is any tool to
achieve that with R. I did some online search in particular on the list
archives, found several queries similar to this one but was not able to
find any conclusive answer.
2004 Nov 04
Labelling contour lines
I am using contour to draw contour lines onto a photo (jpeg) of a leaf on
a white background.
I have two problems:
1) The contour gets plotted at right angles to the jpeg image. I guess
this is a problem of referencing the start and end points of the image
matrix but I can't see how to over come this other than loading in a
second image that has been rotated 90 degrees and plotting the
1998 Dec 03
contour labelling [was "Re: image ()"]
> From: Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> To: royle at bearmtn-e0.cgd.ucar.edu
> CC: lgygax at access.unizh.ch, r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: contour labelling [was "Re: [R] image ()"]
> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.106)
> >>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey A Royle <royle at bearmtn-e0.cgd.ucar.edu>
2012 Jul 02
Heat Maps
Hello Everyone I am new to R
I have drawn indifference curves using the program below (Contour Plot)
u <- function(x, y) x^0.5 + y^0.5
x <- seq(0, 1000, by=1)
y <- seq(0, 1000, by=1)
a <- c(10, 20, 30)
contour(x, y, outer(x, y, u),levels=a,col="blue")
Now can any body please tell me how to draw Heat maps
and that too on the same indifference curve plot (contour)
2009 Nov 22
contour(): lines & labels in different colours?
Greetings, All!
I want to draw contour lines in red, using contour(), but also
have the contour labels (for the level-values) in black so that
they will stand out against a coloured background already generated
using filled.contour() (the background shades from green at low
levels of "risk" to red at high levels).
In any case, contour labels in red are already somewhat inconspicuous
2009 Sep 13
ountour "resolution"
Greetings all!
I'm wanting to plot contours of a function, and I don't
want to evaluate it at a dense grid of points (i.e. I don't
want a huge array of values).
Say I have a vector of x-values such as x <- 0.1*c(1:10),
and the same for y <- 0.1*(0:10).
I then evaluate a 10*10 matrix z of values of z = f(x,y).
so I can then do
CL <- contourLines(x,y,z)
and get a list of
2007 Apr 05
Plotting multiple curves with lattice graphs
Hi List,
I would like to plot multiple curves (parametric
density curves) in one plot.
For example:
# parameters for three normal density curves
parms =
# I can easily draw three normal density curves using
to=150, ylab="density", col="red")
2003 Jul 12
help with bivariate density plot question
Dear R users:
I have a dataset with two variables (>20000 observations, two samples from same subject) and I used "kernSur" from library(Genkern) to
get a estimated bivariate density and corresponding plots as follows:
op <- KernSur(x,y, xgridsize=50, ygridsize=50,
2011 Aug 08
Sample size AUC for ROC curves
Does anybody know a way to calculate the sample size for comparing AUC of ROC
curves against 'by chance' with AUC=0.5 (and/or against anothe AUC)?
2009 Nov 28
extract coordinates from contour lines
To everyone,
Is there a way to extract coordinates or an equation from a "straight" contour line?
Julius Tesoro
2009 Jan 06
smoothed contour lines
Hi all,
I'm trying to draw a contour plot
with rounded (smoothed) contour lines instead of sharp angles;
when the grid consists of only a few points
in x- and y- axis, the resulting contour
is in facts rather ugly since very sharp angles may appear.
I did not find any way to do it,
by using either "contour" or "contourplot" (from the lattice package),
I wonder if there
2004 May 14
how add objects to an svm graphic
Dear all,
I'm not able to solve easily the following simple problem.
I really hope someone can give me some hints.
I trained an svm (e1071). Now I'd like to show the results graphically.
I used plot.svm and I'd like to add some other objects to the plot:
points, (coloured) ellipses to indicate some intersting regions, curves,
and so on...
I tried to pass these as additional
2003 Jun 27
Returning contour co-ordinates
Dear R-helpers,
I'd like to be able to post-process contours coming from contour(). Does
anyone have a version of contour() (or something similar) which will return
the contour coordinates?
In searching the archives I've come across a message in Nov 01 which had
this on a wish-list, but I can find no later reference.
With thanks,
John Field
Adelaide, South Australia
2006 Mar 29
auth problem: wbinfo works, smbclient doesn't
Hi guys,
I have a strange problem. I can authenticate a user with wbinfo from my domain
controller (security =3D ads), however when I try and map a share, the
authentication fails. i.e.
# wbinfo -a 'COAL+bcanglo%bcpass'
plaintext password authentication succeeded
challenge/response password authentication succeeded
# smbclient '\\xxxxxxx\timtest' -U 'COAL\bcanglo'
2007 Mar 16
Probably simple function problem
# I have a simple function problem. I thought that I
could write a function to modify a couple of vectors
but I am doing something wrong
#I have a standard cost vector called "fuel" and some
adjustments to the
#costs called "adjusts". The changes are completely
dependend on the length
#of the dataframe newdata I then need to take the
modifed vectors and use
# them later. I
2004 Nov 24
scatterplot of 100000 points and pdf file format
I want to draw a scatter plot with 1M and more points and save it as pdf.
This makes the pdf file large.
So i tried to save the file first as png and than convert it to pdf.
This looks OK if printed but if viewed e.g. with acrobat as document
figure the quality is bad.
Anyone knows a way to reduce the size but keep the quality?
Dipl. bio-chem. Witold Eryk Wolski
2003 Mar 07
"Local trend surfaces" Ex from V&R MASS
Hi Folks,
I'm probably overlooking some small point, but can't see it.
Trying the "Local trend surfaces" example from p.437 of MASS
(3rd edn) by V&R, all goes well until the line
contour(topo.mar$x, topo.mar$y, topo.lo$fit,
levels=seq(700,1000,25), xlab="fi t", ylab="")
which produces the response:
Error in contour.default(topo.mar$x,