Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Confusion with sapply"
2011 Jan 16
xyplot: modify axis tick marks
I would like to plot time against rainfall data (data is at the end)
using xyplot.
The basic code looks like this: xyplot(rainfall~time, type="a")
When I do this, the graph looks ok except that the x-axis has too many
values. I would just like to display the years and not the months on
the x-axis. I've been fiddling around with 'scales', and read previous
posts about
2007 May 09
Removing a list of Objects
I have a simple beginner's question on removing a list of
objects. Say I have objects C243.Daily1, C243.Daily2...C243.Daily5 in my
workspace. I'd like to remove these without using rm five times.
So I write.
> a <- list(paste("C243.Daily",sep="",1:5))
> rm(a)
Obviously this wouldn't work, as it would only remove the object a.
But is there any way
2007 May 10
Getting the last day of the month.
Given a date, how do I get the last date of that month? I have
data in the form YYYYMM, that I've read as a date using
> x$Date <-
But this gives the first day of the month. To get the last day of the
month, I tried
> as.Date(as.yearmon(x$Date,frac=0))
But I don't get the last day of the month here. (Tried
2007 May 14
Conditional Sums for Index creation
Apologies for the long mail. I have a data.frame with columns of
price/mcap data for a portfolio of stocks, and the date. To get the
total value of the portfolio on a daily basis, I calculate rowSums of
the data.frame.
> set.seed(1)
> ab <- matrix(round(runif(100)*100),nrow=20,ncol=5)
> ab[1:5,4:5] <- NA
> ab[6:10,5] <- NA
> ac <- as.data.frame(ifelse(ab <=
2007 May 10
Quick question on merging two time-series of different frequencies
A quick beginner's question. I have two time series, A with
daily data, and another B with data at varying frequencies, but mostly
annual. Both the series are sorted ascending.
I need to merge these two series together in the following way: For any
entry of A, the lookup should match with B until we find an entry of B
that's larger than A's.
For all A[i], i = 1,...,N and B[j],
2007 Jun 14
Preserving dates in Excel.
Quick question: Say I have a date variable in a data frame or
matrix, and I'd like to preserve the date format when using write.table.
However, when I export the data, I get the generic number underlying the
date, not the date per se, and a number such as 11323, 11324, etc are
not meaningful in Excel. Is there any way I can preserve the format of a
date on writing into a text-file?
2007 Jun 05
Problems with Merge
I have a history dataset, a matrix with about 1590 obs, and 242 cols,
and I need to update this matrix with an 'update' matrix that has about
30 rows, and roughly similar number of columns as the history ds (but
not necessarily equal). The update dataset is read from an Excel ODBC
connection. When I try and merge these datasets, I get counter-intuitive
2009 Mar 25
Creating date seq in data frame
I have the following type of data:
myData <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = letters[1:5], xDate =
seq(as.Date("2001/2/1"), as.Date("2005/2/1"), by="year") )
> myData
x y xDate
1 a 2001-02-01
2 b 2002-02-01
3 c 2003-02-01
4 d 2004-02-01
5 e 2005-02-01
What I need is a new column, say xDate2, that for each xDate (or for each
unique combination of
2010 Jul 29
multiple graphics windows open
Dear R People:
Now I have a function with 3 graphics windows. I'd like for them all
to be visible. However, the first window goes blank. Here is the
basic setup. The first plot is the entire series. The user selects
two points, which in turns generates a subset plot and an EWMA subset
plot. Finally, if things worked right, the user should be able to
click on "Tile Vertically"
2004 Mar 10
Inserting Date Field into Oracle table using ROracle
Attached is a mail regarding question how to insert Date field using ROracle
package. I am stuck with this problem and appreciate receiving help from
gurus on this list.
Code used mainly is:
library(ROracle) ### --- Version 0.53
drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
con <- dbConnect( drv, "user/passwd")
d <- data.frame(CDATE = "2004-03-10 10:12:00")
2013 Apr 11
Understanding contents of packages
During the transition to R3.0.0 (OS X), one of the packages that I used -- SASxport -- did not work until I used the "type=source" option in install.packages.
This led to an adventure:
1. I downloaded the package source: SASxport_1.2.4.tar.gz
2. in the SASxport/R folder, I found all the functions that are part of the package.
I became interested in whether I could
2005 Dec 05
Automatic time zone conversion
Dear R-help,
I was trying to convert a date and time record extracted from a fortran
subroutine I worte and I encounter some problem. The data read in time
and date in a format like "2000-05-11_01:00:00.0000" in fortran output.
It is in GMT. I need to convert it to CST (GMT+8). I did the following
> cdate
[1] "2000-05-11_01:00:00.0000\005\003"
# I am not sure
2016 Aug 19
can't build from source: error: template with C linkage
Hi All,
Users have contacted me because they can not build MCMCglmm from source. All are using R 3.3.0 on various machines with different compilers
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2) 5.4.0
g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
Mac OS X El Capitan (version/compiler unspecified)
The issue seems to be with mixing C/C++ with the repeated error:
2010 Aug 01
aggregating a daily zoo object to a weekly zoo object
Dear R People:
I'm trying to convert a daily zoo object to a weekly zoo object:
xdate <- seq(as.Date("2002-01-01"),as.Date("2010-07-10"),by="day")
xt <- zoo(rnorm(3113),order=xdate)
xdat2 <- seq(index(xt)[1],index(xt)[3113],by="week")
xt.w <- aggregate(xt,by=xdat2,mean)
Error: length(time(x)) ==
2016 Aug 19
can't build from source: error: template with C linkage
This looks like the result of including a C++ system header inside an
extern "C" block. There is no evidence of this happening in the current
version 2.22.1. However, it did happen in the previous version 2.22 via
the chain of inclusions:
MCMCglmmcc.h -> cs.h -> R.h -> various C++ system headers
See Writing R Extensions P 108.
I would check that the people reporting this bug
2010 Jul 29
multiple graphics windows open with sessionInfo
Dear R People:
Hello again. I'm trying to have 3 graphics windows visible
simultaneously. I set up a zoo series.
Then I plot the original series. I use the locator function to select
2 values from the original series, which generates a subset of the
original series.
Next, I plot the subset.
The last step is to produce an EWMA chart from the subset series.
Fair enough. I've tried
2017 Nov 05
Extreme bunching of random values from runif with Mersenne-Twister seed
On 04/11/2017 10:20 PM, Daniel Nordlund wrote:
> Tirthankar,
> "random number generators" do not produce random numbers. Any given
> generator produces a fixed sequence of numbers that appear to meet
> various tests of randomness. By picking a seed you enter that sequence
> in a particular place and subsequent numbers in the sequence appear to
> be unrelated.
2019 Jan 06
Failed to install RQuantLib in Ubuntu machine
<This issue was previously posted in R-help, but advised to post here as a
more relevant group>
I was trying to install RQuantLib in my Ubuntu machine which failed with
below information :
*> install.packages('RQuantLib', repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/
<http://cran.rstudio.com/>', INSTALL_opts = c('--no-lock'))*
*Installing package into
2002 Apr 11
extract week from date
Hello R-users,
Does anyone know how obtain the week of a date?
(in SPPS the instruction is "xdate.week")
Juan Ramon
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2017 Nov 03
Extreme bunching of random values from runif with Mersenne-Twister seed
Appreciate the point that both you and Serguei are making, but the sequence
in question is not a selected or filtered set. These are values as observed
in a sequence from a mechanism described below. The probabilities required
to generate this exact sequence in the wild seem staggering to me.
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 11:27 PM, William Dunlap <wdunlap at tibco.com> wrote: