Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "separate y-limits in xYplot panels"
2002 Mar 06
Problem in .First.lib
I downloaded a package "multtest" (from bioconductor.org) in R, and
installed it by 'R CMD <package>' (after unzipping and taring).
The problem is when I say 'library(multtest)' in R, the following error is
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2003 Sep 09
How limits are set in a scales list
I have a lattice plot that has 4 pages with 4 columns and 8 rows per
page. I wish to have the rows use a separate x-axis since their
ranges are quite different, but I wish to have those same limits used
on each page.
By setting an element of the scales list to something like x = list(limits =
lim.list$CFU, lim.list$CFU, lim.list$CFU, lim.list$CFU,
2003 Sep 11
S+DOX eqivalent in R?
Dear List,
I am looking for a function `Pseudo standard error' (PSE), which is
available in S+ DOX (design of experiemnt) module - Is there a similar
function available in R?
Reference for PSE function is in the paper:
'Quick and easy analysis of unreplicated factorials' by Russell V. Lenth,
Technometrics, 1989, 31, 4, 469-473.
2005 Dec 20
Extracting data from .zip file in WINDOWS version of package
I am building a R-package for Genetics analysis. The accepted data is in pedigree (.ped) file format.
To load the data (say CAMP.ped) from "data" directory, I have a function "CAMP.R", which does the job.
The package builds successfully in Linux (.tar.gz) and the data loads successfully by "data(CAMP)".
However, when I build the package in WINDOWS, the data
2017 Jan 13
Wrong code bug after GVN/PRE?
I've stumbled upon a case where I think gvn does a bad (wrong)
optimization. It's a bit messy to debug though so I'm not sure if I
should just write a PR about it a let someone who knows the code look at
it instead.
Anyway, for the bug to trigger I need to run the following passes in the
same opt invocation:
-sroa -instcombine -simplifycfg -instcombine -gvn
The problem
2005 Oct 20
Error in building package indices
Dear R-devel members,
We are building a new package (GeneticsBase) for analysis of genetic data .
While doing "R CMD check with R-2.1.1, I am getting the following error:
** building package indices ...
Error in "colnames<-"(`*tmp*`, value = c("family", "pid", "father",
"mother", :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to
2007 Mar 09
lpSolve space problem in R 2.4.1 on Windows XP
I am trying to use the linear optimizer from package lpSolve in R 2.4.1 on
Windows XP (Version 5.1). The problem I am trying to solve has 2843
variables (2841 integer, 2 continuous) and 8524 constraints, and I have 2 Gb
of memory. After I load the input data into R, I have at most 1.5 Gb of
memory available. If I start the lp with significantly less memory
available (say 1 Gb), I get
2007 Jun 18
Second y-axis in xyplot (lattice) where y1 and y2 have different ranges
Hi all,
I realize this is asking a lot of lattice, but I want to add a second y
axis inside a xyplot and have y1 and y2 have different ranges. Given dat
below, I can add a second y axis by overlaying a new plot with
par(new=T) and label axis 4 with standard graphics. I've seen an example
for doing something similar in xyplot even though Deepayan has indicated
that lattice isn't the right
2008 Nov 03
descretizing xy data
I have a dataset with a continuous independent variable (fish length, range:
30-150 mm) and a binary response (foraging success, 0 or 1). I want to
discretize fish length into 5 mm bins and give the proportion of individuals
who successfully foraged in each each size bin. I have used the cut function
to discretize the length values into my desired bins, but I can't figure out
how to
2013 Jan 05
package metafor: error when setting 'col' and 'at' for a forest plot
I am using metafor to create forest plots. This code gives me the expected
plot (setting x axis tick marks):
forest(forest$OR, ci.lb=forest$Low, ci.ub=forest$High, at=log(c(.05, .25,
1, 10)), slab=forest$SNP, atransf=exp)
As does this (setting colors):
forest(forest$OR, ci.lb=forest$Low, ci.ub=forest$High, col=c(1,2,3),
slab=forest$SNP, atransf=exp)
But if I try to set both 'at' and
2010 Dec 15
Using Metafor package: how to backtransform model coefficients when Freeman Tukey double arcine transformation is used
I am performing a meta-analysis using the metafor package. My data are
proportions and I used the Freeman Tukey double arcine (FT)
transformation to fit the random effects model. Now I want to create a
forest plot with my estimates backtransformed to the original scale of
proportions. Can this be done?
2005 Dec 18
package unlisted (PR#8410)
Full_Name: Cesar Henrique Torres
Version: 2.2.0
OS: winXP-pro
Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi developer's!
I'd like to know were gtools package is, because in the link below it isn't:
This package is used in gplots and I'm trying to make a balloonplot.
Thanks a lot,
Cesar Torres.
2017 Jan 13
Wrong code bug after GVN/PRE?
Yeah, there's a lot of things this could be.
On the memdep side:
Note that memdep is not actually properly updated in all cases by most
passes that claim to not invalidate it (they don't invalidate dependent
pointers, only pointers they directly touch).
There's already a bug filed about this. So far we've only seen missed-opt,
not wrong code from this.
But it should be possible
2013 Nov 16
Problema con el titulo de la leyenda en grafico con xyplot
Estimados, tengo un grafico al que debo anexar la leyenda en el costado
derecho. Mi problema es que el titulo de la leyenda debe decir
"Concentration (mM)" el que es muy largo y la ultima M sale cortada. No
puedo abreviar la palabra porque justamente me rechazaron el grafico por
que estaba abreviada esa palabra.
Aqui pego el codigo con el que se hacen los graficos y anexo un archivo
2011 Aug 18
Error message: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
Dear R-users
I need to calibrate kappa, rho, eta, theta, v0 in the following code, see
below. However when I run it, I get:
y <- function(kappahat, rhohat, etahat, thetahat, v0hat) {sum(difference(k,
t, S0, X, r, implvol, q, kappahat, rhohat, etahat, thetahat, v0hat)^2)}
> nlminb(start=list(kappa, rho, eta, theta, v0), objective = y, lower =lb,
> upper =ub)
Error in dots[[1L]][[1L]] :
2008 Apr 01
set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Tom Cohen <tom.cohen78@yahoo.se> skrev: Thanks Prof Brian for your suggestion.
I should know that for right-skewed data,
one should generate the samples from a lognormal.
My problem is that x and y are two instruments that were thought to
be measured the same thing but somehow show a wide confidence interval
of the difference between the two intruments.This may be true that
2011 Apr 11
forest + igraph ?
Is it possible to have two meta-plots in one graph (not par(mfrow=c(2,1))? But somthing like
if (interactive()) {
forest(dat.Treat$RR, ci.lb=dat.Treat$lower, ci.ub=dat.Treat$upper, xlab="Relative Risk",slab=dat.Treat$ID,refline=1)
forest(dat.Control$RR, ci.lb=dat.Control$lower, ci.ub=dat.Control$upper, xlab="Relative
2012 May 08
Translation of Linear minimization probelm from matlab to r
Hi everyone, i?m a new user of R and i?m trying to translate an linear
optimization problem from Matlab into r.
The matlab code is as follow:
options = optimset('Diagnostics','on');
[x fval exitflag] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],options);
f = Linear objective function vector (vector of 45,rows)
A = Matrix for linear inequality
2010 Sep 19
Weibull- Random Censoring
I generate random vector from Weibull distribution
sampWB <-urweibull(sampleSize, shape=shape.true, scale=scale.true, lb=0, ub=Inf)
how can I create subvector containing 30% of samplesize of sampWB which should be assigned as Censored data?
The probability for each value in sampWB can be uniform to be included in the subvector.
2013 Feb 15
minimizing a numerical integration
Dear all,
I am a new user to R and I am using pracma and nloptr libraries to minimize
a numerical integration subject to a single constraint . The integrand
itself is somehow a complicated function of x and y that is computed
through several steps. i formulated the integrand in a separate function
called f which is a function of x &y. I want to find the optimal value of x
such that the