On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 15:31 +0100, chtorres at linux.ime.usp.br
wrote:> Full_Name: Cesar Henrique Torres
> Version: 2.2.0
> OS: winXP-pro
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Hi developer's!
> I'd like to know were gtools package is, because in the link below it
> cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/r-release
> This package is used in gplots and I'm trying to make a balloonplot.
> Thanks a lot,
> Cesar Torres.
Please do not post bugs on Contributed packages to the main R-bugs repo.
This now requires intervention by a member of R Core, none of whom are
in a position to resolve the problem. You should contact the package
maintainer instead. In this case it is Nitin Jain
(nitin.jain at pfizer.com) who I have cc'd here.
The problem here is that the current version of gtools for Windows is
not passing the required checks before it can be allowed to be included
in the main CRAN repo. This can be seen here:
On the above, scroll down to gtools and you will see links for the
following error log and interim resolution:
This brings you to:
where you will find the last version of gtools for Windows that passed
the required checks. This will need to be manually downloaded and may or
may not work in the presence of the other related packages given the
potential for version related conflicts. I suspect Nitin will have more
definitive comments.
Marc Schwartz