similar to: Fwd: How to obtain cointegrated relationship from in urca package?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Fwd: How to obtain cointegrated relationship from in urca package?"

2007 May 25
How to obtain cointegrated relationship from in urca package?
Hi, I can plot the package to view the cointegrated relationship for each eigen value. Or I can use the normalized eigen vector to reconstruct the cointegrated relationship series. However, since the package can plot that for me, I wonder is there any specific slot/method in the class from where I can invoke to get this relationship instead of doing a duplicated work? Thank you. - adschai
2008 Dec 16
Cointegration and ECM in Package {urca}
Dear R Core Team, I am using package {urca} to do cointegration and estimate ECM model, but I have the following two problems: (1) I use to do cointegration first and can get the cointegration rank, alpha and beta. The next step is to test some restrictions on beta with blrtest(),bh5lrtest(), and bh6lrtest(). But none of them can add restrictions on all the cointegration
2007 Jun 06
Question about Johansen result
Hi,I obtained the ect term from cajorls in urca. I found a result that would like to obtain some explanation here. My setting is that I have 2 variate time series. I use to perform Johansen test. 1. I found that sometimes, in the case where the test statistics suggest that I have 1 relationship. After I investigate the ect obtained from cajorls (with r=1), the ect series fails unit
2011 Aug 22
Did I find a bug on TSERIES or URCA packages?
I'm tring the functions to check the cointegration of a matrix. I'm using **Phillips & Ouliaris Cointegration Test** The function in *tseries* package is **po.test** and **ca.po** in *urca* The results with **URCA** are: > ca.po(prices, demean='none') ######################################## # Phillips and Ouliaris Unit Root Test #
2012 Jan 15
A question about cointegration - How can we find the standard deviation in the cointegration relationship ?
Hello, I am using urca package to run cointegration. I would like to find the standard error in the (normalized, Johansen) cointegration relationship. How can I do it? As far as I know, The function "cajorls" in the "urca" package provides the normalized cointegrating relationships. Nevertheless, it does not provide the standard deviation of the coefficient for each
2004 Mar 26
Package update: 'urca' version 0.3-3
Dear R-list member, an update of package 'urca' has been uploaded to CRAN (Mirror: Austria). In the updated release unit root and cointegration tests encountered in applied econometric analysis are implemented. The package is written in 'pure' R and utilises S4 classes. In particular, the Johansen procedure with likelihood ratio tests for the inclusion of a linear trend,
2012 Aug 21
Trace values in the function
Hi all R users, I'm trying to replicate the same results that are given in a published article after been granted the same data that the authors use. I'm having problems to determine the cointegration rank of my data set using the Johnasen's trace test. This trace test is already programmed in the package and can be found in the function After I run the
2009 Sep 02
Cointegration/urca package
Hello!   I estimate vector error correction model (vecm) model. I have only one cointegratio relationship. I write :   joh.vecm.rls <- cajorls(joh.vecm, r=1) The output estimation is : Call: lm(formula = substitute(form1), data = data.mat) Coefficients:                up.d            expl.d        upd.d           r.d      ect1      -1.34e-01   4.55e+02   6.91e+00   2.43e+03 constant 
2008 Apr 07
'URCA' is not a valid package Error
Thank you Matthieu for your helpful suggestions. Unfortunately I still have problems. I have tried to compile it via your suggestion. " this is strange... you should have the usual summary... I have on my machine library(urca) test2<-ur.df(nottem, type="none", lags=1) summary(test2) " When I type in "library(urca)" I receive the following. "Error in
2008 Nov 12
problem with urca package
Dear R users, I have the joined txt file in the following direct directory C:// I have written the following lines: library(urca); PIBTUN<-read.table("C:/AF.txt", header=F); ur.df(PIBTUN,type='none',lags=1) but I have obtained the following message: Error in embed(z, lags) : 'x' is not a vector or matrix I don't What's the problem, can you please help me Thank
2005 Feb 25
summary method in URCA package doesn't work
I can't figure out how to get the "summary" method in the URCA package to work. E.g. when I use the following code fragment in the help for the "" function, it always tries to use the "summary" method from the "base" package, not the "urca" package. How do I force it use the "summary" method of the "urca" package?
2010 Mar 27
Error - pairs cointegrated trading
Hello guys, I'm trying to do a pairs trading cointegration analysis on two stocks (AXAP and AXANY), but I get an error that I don't understand... Here's my code: setwd("S:/Users/Alexis/Desktop/Essai") #chemin du dossier contenant les donn?es donnees <- read.csv("Data_R.csv", head=T, sep=";", stringsAsFactors=F) library(xts) dates <-
2006 Jun 29
Cointegration Test in R
Hello! I'm using the blrtest() function in the urca package to test cointegration relationships. Unfortunately, the hypothesis (restrictions on beta) specifies the same restriction on all cointegration vectors. Is there any possibility to specify different restrictions on the cointegration vectors? Are there any other packages in R using cointegration tests? Thanks and best regards. Dennis
2005 Dec 20
Help with and cajools (Johansen's Cointegration)
I am trying to run a conintegration analysis. I am a former user of S-Plus and understand the output of the coint and VECM output, but I am having trouble understanding the equivalent output in R. Here is what I ran >,constant=T,K=2,spec="longrun") > summary(coint) The first portion of the output that I did not understand [,1] [,2] [,3] y1
2007 Aug 21
Partial comparison in string vector
Hi list members I have a vector of strings x=c("w","ex","ee") And I want to get a logical vector showing the positions where my search string "e" matches the elements partially, i.e. is at least the left-hand part of the target strings, i.e. I want to get a vector FALSE TRUE TRUE. Any ideas? Thanks Steve Powell proMENTE social research research |
2012 Apr 27
panel cointegration
Hi - i am looking for a package with which I can perform panel cointegration tests. Old threads suggest plm and urca package, but I don't find suitable tests in these packs. Somebody knows more? best regards, Philipp -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Feb 05
fractional cointegration
Dear folk, I am stempting to estimate a vector error correction model using a seemingly fractionally integrated multivariate time series. The *fracdiff *package provides tools to estimate degree of fractional integration. But *fracdiff *can't help me to: 1. test equality of two degrees of fractional integration, say d1=d2? 2. estimate a multivariate cointegrating error correction model,
2007 Aug 08
cointegration analysis
Hello, I tried to use urca package (R) for cointegration analysis. The data matrix to be investigated for cointegration contains 8 columns (variables). Both procedures, Phillips & Ouliaris test and Johansen's procedures give errors ("error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary'" respectiv "too many variables,
2010 Dec 01
Beta values
Hello Anyone know how can I calculate the value of the beta parameter when I know the number of cointegrating relationships between two variables. I mean, I using the procedure: I do the following: summary ( (UR [, c (2.52)], type = "trace" ECDET = "trend", K = 2, spec = "longrun")) given that there is a cointegration relationship as I can get the
2007 May 15
urca package - summary method -
Hi I am using the package urca and I am interested about the KPSS test. That works fine except the method "summary" did not work in the script, only when it is typed direct in the console the results are shown( not a source file). Is there any problem with these method ?