Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "How to pass eval.max from lme() to nlminb?"
2006 Jan 31
lme in R (WinXP) vs. Splus (HP UNIX)
R2.2 for WinXP, Splus 6.2.1 for HP 9000 Series, HP-UX 11.0.
I am trying to get a handle on why the same lme( ) code gives
such different answers. My output makes me wonder if the
fact that the UNIX box is 64 bits is the reason. The estimated
random effects are identical, but the fixed effects are very
different. Here is my R code and output, with some columns
and rows deleted for space
2006 Feb 15
no convergence using lme
Hi. I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about how I can
overcome a problem of "iteration limit reached without convergence" when
fitting a mixed effects model.
In this study:
Outcome is a measure of heart action
Age is continuous (in weeks)
Gender is Male or Female (0 or 1)
Genotype is Wild type or knockout (0 or 1)
Animal is the Animal ID as a factor
2006 May 26
lme, best model without convergence
Dear R-help list readers,
I am fitting mixed models with the lme function of the nlme package.
If I get convergence depends on how the method (ML/REM) and which (and
how much) parameters will depend randomly on the cluster-variable.
How get the bist fit without convergence?
I set the parameters msVerbose and returnObject to TRUE:
lmeControl(maxIter=50000, msMaxIter=200, tolerance=1e-4,
2006 Mar 16
lme4/Matrix: Call to .Call("mer_update_y"...) and LMEoptimize gives unexpected side effect...
Dear all
I want to compute Monte Carlo p-values in lmer-models based on sampled data sets. To speed up calculations, I've tried to use internal functions from the Matrix package (as suggested ealier on the list by Doug Bates).
So I did:
fm2 <- lmer(resistance ~ ET + position + (1|Grp), Semiconductor,method='ML')
ynew <- simdata[,1]
2009 Jan 22
convergence problem gamm / lme
Hope one of you could help with the following question/problem:
We would like to explain the spatial
distribution of juvenile fish. We have 2135 records, from 75 vessels
(code_tripnr) and 7 to 39 observations for each vessel, hence the random effect
for code_tripnr. The offset (‘offsetter’) accounts for the haul duration and
sub sampling factor. There are no extreme outliers in lat/lon. The model
2003 Nov 10
Memory issues..
Hi dear R-listers, I'm trying to fit a 3-level model using lme in R. My
sample size is about 2965 and 3 factors:
year (5 levels), ssize (4 levels), condition (2 levels).
When I issue the following command:
I got the following error:
Error in logLik.lmeStructInt(lmeSt, lmePars) :
2004 Nov 30
lme in R-2.0.0: Problem with lmeControl
One note/question hier about specification of control-parameters in the
lme(...,control=list(...)) function call:
i tried to specify tne number of iteration needed via
lme(....,control=list(maxIter=..., niterEM=...,msVerbose=TRUE))
but every time i change the defualt values maxIter (e.g. maxIter=1,
niterEM=0) on ones specified by me, the call returns all the iterations
needed until
2012 Feb 05
Covariate model in nlme
Dear R users,
I am using nlme to fit a pharmacokinetic model. The base model is
parameterized in terms of CL, V1, V2 and Q.
basemodel<-nlme(Conc ~TwoCompModel(CL,Q,V1,V2,Time,ID),
data = data2, fixed=list(CL+Q+V1+V2~1),
random = pdDiag(CL+V1+V2~1),
2006 Aug 04
When I run gnls I get the error:
Error in nls(y ~ cbind(1, 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/exp(lscal)))), data = xy, :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976563
My first thought was to decrease minFactor but gnlsControl does not contain
minFactor nor nlsMinFactor (see below). It does however contain nlsMaxIter
and nlsTol which I assume are the analogs of
2005 Dec 29
'last.warning' problem at startup; package Matrix (PR#8453)
On starting an R session, I get the messages:
Fatal errir: unable to restore save data in .RData
Error in fun(...): couldn't find function "assignInNamespace"
Error: .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'Matrix'
The only object in my .RData is last.warning, thus:
> last.warning
$"optim or nlminb returned message false convergence (8)"
2003 Sep 16
gnls( ) question
Last week (Wed 9/10/2003, "regression questions") I posted
a question regarding the use of gnls( ) and its dissimilarity
to the syntax that nls( ) will accept. No one replied, so
I partly answered my own question by constructing indicator
variables for use in gnls( ). The code I used to construct
the indicators is at the end of this email.
I do have a nagging, unanswered
2006 Jan 24
nested ANCOVA: still confused
Dear R-users,
I did some more research and I'm still not sure how to set up an ANCOVA
with nestedness. Specifically I'm not sure how to express chicks nested
within boxes. I will be getting Pinheiro & Bates (Mixed Effects Models
in S and S-Plus) but it will not arrive for another two weeks from our
interlibrary loan.
The goal is to determine if there are urbanization (purban)
2010 Nov 03
optim works on command-line but not inside a function
Dear all,
I am trying to optimize a logistic function using optim, inside the
following functions:
#Estimating a and b from thetas and outcomes by ML
IRT.estimate.abFromThetaX <- function(t, X, inits, lw=c(-Inf,-Inf),
optRes <- optim(inits, method="L-BFGS-B", fn=IRT.llZetaLambdaCorrNan,
lower=lw, upper=up, t=t, X=X)
2005 Nov 02
nlminb failed to converge with lmer
Dear all,
I'm building binomial mixed-model using lme4 package.
I'm able to obtain outputs properly except when I include two particular
variables: date (from 23 to 34; 1 being to first sampling day) and Latitude
(UTM/100 000, from 55.42 to 56.53). No "NA" is any of those variables.
In those cases, I get the warning message: "nlminb failed to converge"
I tried to
2007 Nov 01
A question about lme object
I have a question about the lme function in R. My question is: After I got
the object from function lme, why the numIter value of the object is always
NULL? Following is my code:
the first 20 observation of data simul are:
> simul
2006 Jun 28
lme convergence
Dear R-Users,
Is it possible to get the covariance matrix from an lme model that did not converge ?
I am doing a simulation which entails fitting linear mixed models, using a "for loop".
Within each loop, i generate a new data set and analyze it using a mixed model. The loop stops When the "lme function" does not converge for a simulated dataset. I want to
2004 Jun 17
nlme graphics in a loop problem
Hi, I'm fitting mixed effects models using the lme function of the nlme
package. This involves using the various associated plot functions.
However, when I attempt to fit a number of models using an loop, whilst
the models work, the plot functions fail. As a trivial example, the
following works:
2011 Mar 17
fitting gamm with interaction term
Hi all,
I would like to fit a gamm model of the form:
Where f is the smooth function and
With random effects on X and on the intercept.
So, I try to write it like this:
gam.lme<- gamm(Y~ s(z, by=X) +X, random=list(groups=pdDiag(~1+X)) )
but I get the error message :
Error in MEestimate(lmeSt, grps) :
Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
2005 Aug 13
monte carlo simulations/lmer
Hi - I am doing some monte carlo simulations comparing bayesian (using
Plummer's jags) and maximum likelihood (using lmer from package lme4
by Bates et al).
I would like to know if there is a way I can flag nonconvergence and
exceptions. Currently the simulations just stop and the output reads
things like:
Error in optim(.Call("lmer_coef", x, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix"), fn,
1999 Jul 01
I am using rw0641.
In my continuing quest to understand repeated measures analysis, I again
return to lme. I exported the Potthoff and Roy data Orthodont.dat from
S-PLUS 4.5 to avoid capture errors and ran the examples in the R help. I
imported the data.frame with
data <- read.table("Orthodont.dat",header=T)
and created the objects
Orthodont.fit1 <-