similar to: calibration curve for cph()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "calibration curve for cph()"

2012 Jan 02
calibration curve for glmnet object
Hi, I created a logistic regression model using the glmnet package. This model is of class "glmnet" or "lognet". I wanted to plot a calibration curve for this model using the calibrate() function from rms package, but the objects used are different, rms requires a fit from lrm(). Is there another function for getting the calibration plot for this glmnet object, or can anyone
2012 Feb 08
Discrimination and calibration of Cox model
I have been working on fitting Cox model for prediction by using rms package. I want to measure model's calibartion and discrimination. Discrimination was measured by using validate() in rms, Dxy can be transferred to Harrell's c index. But in this way, I cannot get 95%CI of c index. How can I do this in R? And by the way, what value should be in c index to present the model's well?
2009 Nov 23
Calibration score for survival probability
Good afternoon! I need to evaluate the goodness-of-fit (aka calibration) for survival probability estimates from a Cox model. I tried to use 'calibrate' in the Design package but I'm not sure if it should/would produce what I need (ie a chi-sq type statistic with a table of expected vs observed probabilities). Any other functions I should be aware of? Also, has anybody come across
2018 Feb 16
Competing risks - calibration curve
Hi, Sorry not to provide R-code in my previous mail. R code is below #install.packages("rms") require(rms) #install.packages("mstate") library(mstate) require(splines) library(ggplot2) library(survival) library(splines) #install.packages("survsim") require(survsim) set.seed(10) df<-crisk.sim(n=500, foltime=10, dist.ev=rep("lnorm",2),
2010 Aug 15
calibration plot labels
Dear all, when i do the calibration plot, i put the x label y label , there is some labels are i did not put it , like "resample optimism added ..." i want to get rid of the these label , is any body know how can i get rid of these label. these are the following command i used cal <- calibrate(f, u=12, method=c("boot"), B=100,m=70, data=a1)
2011 Sep 01
How to retrieve bias-corrected probability from calibrate.rms
Dear R users: In Prof. Harrell's library rms, calibrate.rms plot the Bias-corrected Probability and Apparent Probability. The latter one can be retrieved from class calibrate.default. But how to retrieve the former one. BW *Yao Zhu* *Department of Urology Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Shanghai, China* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 09
calibration curve options
Hi R-users, can anyone explain me how to play around with the options of the bootstrap calibration curve obtained using the calibrate() function in Design package? I am trying to colour the diagonal, i.e. the ideal curve, in red, and also hide the bias-corrected curve. Thanks, Dave _________________________________________________________________ Show them the way! Add maps and directions to
2011 Sep 06
calibrate.cph plots
Hi! How can I exclude the legends from calibration plots  generated by calibrate.cph regards, Salvo [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
While sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ pubty+ FPA+ strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data = dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K, with library(Design) library(mice) ds2d<-datadist(dated.sexrisk2) options(datadist="ds2d")
2018 Mar 21
selectFGR vs weighted coxph for internal validation and calibration curve- competing risks model
Dear Geskus, I want to develop a prediction model. I followed your paper and analysed thro' weighted coxph approach. I can develop nomogram based on the final model also. But I do not know how to do internal validation of the model and subsequently obtain calibration plot. Is it possible to use Wolbers et al Epid 2009 approach 9 (R code for internal validation and calibration) . It is
2011 Aug 01
How to make a nomogam and Calibration plot
Dear R users, I am a new R user and something stops me when I try to write a academic article. I want to make a nomogram to predict the risk of prostate cancer (PCa) using several factors which have been selected from the Logistic regression run under the SPSS. Always, a calibration plot is needed to validate the prediction accuracy of the nomogram. However, I tried many times and read a lot of
2011 Aug 20
 Dear R-users,   I  have two questions regarding validation and calibration of Survival regression models.   1.  I am trying to calibrate and validate a cox model using val.surv. here is my code:  f.1<-cph(Surv(time,event)~age, x=T, y=T, data=train)  test1<-test[,"age"]  val.surv(f.1, newdata=data.frame(test1), u=10)    but I get an error message:    Error in val.surv(f.1, newdata
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages. For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2009 May 05
calibration plot
Hi, I have a binary variable and corresponding predicted probability (using logistic regression on some explanatoey variables); I want to check that the model is well-calibrated using a calibration plot. how can I have the calibration plot for my data? thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jul 11
validation, calibration and Design
Hi R experts, I am trying to do a prognostic model validation study, using cancer survival data. There are 2 data sets - 1500 cases used to develop a nomogram, and another of 800 cases used as an independent validation cohort. I have validated the nomogram in the original data (easy with the Design tools), and then want to show that it also has good results with the independent data using 60
2010 Mar 16
clasificacion support vector machines (package e1071)
Hola a todos, Estoy iniciandome en R y la verdad es que aun estoy muy muy verde.... Estoy intentando clasificar unos datos con support vector machines, pero me da fallo al usar la funcion predict. El código que uso es el siguiente: calibrate<-read.table("calibration.txt", header=TRUE) calibrate$calibration<-as.factor(calibrate$calibration)
2009 Oct 07
Updates to rms package
The rms package, a replacement for the Design package, has been updated on CRAN. The most major change is the addition of smooth calibration curves for externally (val.surv function) or internally (calibrate.cph, calibrate.psm) validating a survival model with right-censored data. The polspline package is used to estimate the survival probability at a fixed time point as a function of the
2009 Oct 07
Updates to rms package
The rms package, a replacement for the Design package, has been updated on CRAN. The most major change is the addition of smooth calibration curves for externally (val.surv function) or internally (calibrate.cph, calibrate.psm) validating a survival model with right-censored data. The polspline package is used to estimate the survival probability at a fixed time point as a function of the
2010 Mar 18
aumentar tamaño de memoria a mas de 4Gb‏
Hola de nuevo, Esta es la información de mi sesion: R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=Spanish_Spain.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base Lo que yo prentendo es
2003 Dec 08
Design functions after Multiple Imputation
I am a new user of R for Windows, enthusiast about the many functions of the Design and Hmisc libraries. I combined the results of a Cox regression model after multiple imputation (of missing values in some covariates). Now I got my vector of coefficients (and of standard errors). My question is: How could I use directly that vector to run programs such as 'nomogram', 'calibrate',