Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "2-dim density plot"
2011 Sep 09
get mean from cdf
Hi All,
How can I get the expected value from a discrete cdf? Is there any R
function that can do this?
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2008 Sep 23
How to draw the graph of f(x,y) = x * y ?
Dear All,
The function curve() draws the graph of functions from R to R. Is
there some homologous function to curve() to draw functions from R^2
to R?
Thanks in advance,
2009 Mar 17
help with 3-D plot of kernel density estimates
I guess I have a naive question. I use kde2d function in a standard way to
estimate kernel densities of x and y (x and y are vectors) and plot them
using image().
But what if I want to see kernel estimates of three variables, x, y and z (a
vector) plotted together ? Something in which x<->y is plotted and colored
according to the corresponding value of z ?
2007 Feb 09
two perspective plots in in plot
Dear all,
I would like to put two perspective plots into one plot. The help page
for ?persp shows how one can add points and lines but not another
perspective plot.
z <- 2 * volcano # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z)) # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z)) # 10 meter spacing (E to W)
## Don't draw the grid lines : border = NA
2003 Jul 12
help with bivariate density plot question
Dear R users:
I have a dataset with two variables (>20000 observations, two samples from same subject) and I used "kernSur" from library(Genkern) to
get a estimated bivariate density and corresponding plots as follows:
op <- KernSur(x,y, xgridsize=50, ygridsize=50,
2005 Feb 05
plot smooth density estimates for bivariate data
Hi, there.
Suppose I have a bivarariate data matrix y1 and y2. I want to plot a 3-D
picture of the estimated density f(y1, y2) against y1 and y2? How can I do
that? Do I use persp() or density()?
Thanks for your help.
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2007 Nov 26
2d Joint Density Plot
Hi all,
I'm fairly new to R, so I'm still trying to feel out what is available to
me. I would like to be able to plot joint density in a two dimensional plot
where density is indicated by color or darkness gradients, like a 2d color
coded topographic map. Ideally, the output would be something I could then
plot other points or lines on.
Currently, I'm calculating joint density with
2013 Feb 14
3D-plots of 2D-grids
Hello everybody,
I have an Ascii-grid (100x100m) with population density over Switzerland
(local coordinations system, CH LV03). Now I would like to have a nice
graphic to present the data. I would like to make a plot that will show the
density as the z-variable and raise for example a stacking pillar showing
how high the density is in that hectare. I attached a map that's similar to
what I
2009 Sep 10
index of min elements in matrix
Hi, All,
How can I get the indices of the minimum elements in a matrix without using
a loop?
For example, if the matrix is
4 5 2
2 8 9
5 2 3
Then I want to output (1,3), (2,1), (3,2).
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2009 Aug 08
generalized linear models
Hi, R users,
I am trying to use glm to do logistic regression. I know generally when I
have two covariates, say x1 and x2, then I do
fit <- glm(y~x1+x2,famliy='binomial')
But now my covariates form a n*p matrix, say x, so actually each column is a
covariate. So I think I should do
fit <- glm(y~x,family='binomial')
Then I need to predict new data. How should I write the
2007 May 17
3d graph question
Hi, this is simple,
I've generated a bivariate normal distribution with a known correlation.
I want to plot the density function with p(y,x) on the vertical axis
and x, and y on the horizontal axes. How is that done? Thanks in advance!
mu <- c(0,1) # mean vector
sigma <- matrix(c(1,.8,.8,1), ncol=2)
tmp <- mvrnorm(1000, mu, sigma)
2004 Mar 17
Persp plotting of kernel density estimate.
Dear All,
I am trying to visualize the surface of a bivariate kernel density
I have a vector of bivariate observations(x,y), and a function which
computes the kernel density estimate z corresponding to each
I cannot generate the (x,y) data in the ascending order needed by
I was wondering whether there is an R version of the S function interp.
Would anybody
2003 Jan 14
density plot - beginner's question
I am trying to plot densities given on a two dimensional grid. My
data is in the an external file, and is arranged in three columns:
x, y, density
how may i get a plot of this? i would like to get (1) a three
dimensional plot and (2) a color coded two dimensional plot.
I have tried using
image(x, y, density)
but i am asked to put the data in ascending order. i am not sure
how i may
2003 Jan 11
any plot ?
Dear R-ers:
I'm sorry to disturb you, I want just ask if R can plot a given
complicated density function. I mean if we have the expression of the
density en we want to see how it's look like? and this is a density
with two variables thus it's a 3D plot
Thank you very much
Hicham Amsterdam
2010 Feb 20
Add lines (contours) to lattice wireframe plot
I draw a surface corresponding to bivariate density of independent
variables (rho=0) using persp(). Then I add a contour line (i.e.,
circle in my case) at a particular density. Below is a minimal example
of what I have so far.
# Bivariate density
dnorm2d <- function(x, y, rho = 0) {
xoy = (x^2 - 2 * rho * x * y + y^2)/(2 * (1 - rho^2))
density = exp(-xoy)/(2 * pi * sqrt(1 - rho^2))
2011 Jul 13
3D density plot of point set
Hello everybody,
I would like to solve the problem described below in R (if
possible). I am very new to R and have therefore no idea what to
even look for in the docu. Therefore, if someone could tell me if
this is possible in R and where I might find the respective docu
then I would already be very thankful.
I have a large set (a few million) of points in 3D. I would like to
create a
2013 Jun 25
Correct scaling of axis in persp3d plot
I want to format my axis in my persp3d plot.
With my data, which I attached I created a persp3d plot with the following code, which I summarized from different code snippets I found:
library(rugarch)library(rgl)library(fGarch)fd <-as.data.frame(modelfit,which ='density')color <-rgb(85,141,85,maxColorValue=255)x <-seq(-0.2,0.2,length=100)y <-c(1:2318)f
2013 Oct 15
plotting a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot
I am trying to plot a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot. My existing code is:
X <- mvrnorm(1000,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2))
X.kde <- kde2d(X[,1],X[,2],n=25) # X.kde is list: $x 1*n, $y 1*n, $z n*n
persp(X.kde,phi=30,theta=60,xlab="x_b",ylab="x_a",zlab="f") ->res
Any suggestions are very
2010 Apr 28
What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions?
Hi R help,
What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions?
I also have the following availability problem with "plot3d" and "scatterplot3d", and "wireframe":
Warning: unable to access index for repository http://cran.ch.r-project.org/bin/macosx/leopard/contrib/2.10
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs,
2008 Dec 08
Multivariate kernel density estimation
I would like to estimate a 95% highest density area for a multivariate
parameter space (In the context of anova). Unfortunately I have only
experience with univariate kernel density estimation, which is remarkebly
easier :)
Using Gibbs, i have sampled from a posterior distirbution of an Anova model
with k means (mu) and 1 common residual variance (s2). The means are
independent of eachother, but