Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Help with plit plot design in logit model"
2011 Aug 23
P values for vglm(zibinomial) function in VGAM
Hi ,
I know this question has been asked twice in the past but to my knowldege,
it still hasn't been solved.
I am doing a zero inflated binomial model using the VGAM package, I need to
obtain p values for my Tvalues in the vglm output. code is as follows
> mod2=vglm(dmat~Season+Diel+Tidal.phase+Tidal.cycle,zibinomial, data=mp1)
> summary(mod2)
vglm(formula = dmat ~ Season +
2002 Jun 19
split plot design with missing plots
Windows 2000 . 5.00.2195 with Service Pack 1.
R 1.5.1
Output from my split-split plot aov "alerted" me that I have done something
wrong. I designed an experiment with all combinations of all levels of each
treatment, but lost a little data (3 out of 192 plots). With the following
data, I run the following model:
> collim[c(1:6,187:192),c(1,3:6,9)]
plot Litter Fert
2008 May 26
use aov or lme for split plot design?
Dear all
I'm not sure if I did the right analysis for my specific split splot
design. We are
studying biomass increase with different CO2 concentrations with four
functional plant groups (e.g. grasses, herbs, broad-leafed trees and
conifers). Of each
functional plant group we have four species. The design is orthogonal.
The design is:
Blocks: 2 (climate chambers, called
2006 Oct 27
VGAM package released on CRAN
Dear useRs,
upon request, the VGAM package (currently version 0.7-1) has been
officially released on CRAN (the package has been at my website
http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/VGAM for a number of years now).
VGAM implements a general framework for several classes of
regression models using iteratively reweighted least squares
(IRLS). The key ideas are Fisher scoring, generalized linear
2005 Aug 10
Plit result of pairs in an Sweave compatible manner
I want to use "pairs" on a fairly big matrix, say more than 30 columns.
R tries to fit this on one page, which results in tiny invidual
rectangles, and dots are hard to see.
Is there a way to transform the output of pairs in a way that subplots
of 10*10, say, rectangles are generated. These subplots should then go
to Sweave which is accepting one figure at a time presently.
2011 Dec 25
install warning on fedora 16
Hi: I am working on some code in a package I'm writing and I'm getting the
warning below when I do
the install on a newly installed fedora 16 OS. But when I run the same
install on windows, I don't get the error. and when I used to run the
install on Fedora 14 ( I missed Fedora 15 ), I didn't get the warning
there either ?
Does anyone know what the problem might be ? Maybe a
2011 Aug 06
How set lm() to don't return NA in summary()?
I've data from an incomplete fatorial design. One level of a factor doesn't
has the levels of the other. When I use lm(), the summary() return NA for
that non estimable parameters. Ok, I understant it. But I use
contrast::contrast(), gmodels::estimable(), multcomp::glht() and all these
fail when model has NA estimates. This is becouse vcov() and coef() has
different dimensions. Is
2011 Aug 06
multcomp::glht() doesn't work for an incomplete factorial using aov()?
Hi R users,
I sent a message yesterday about NA in model estimates (
If I use aov() instead of lm() I get no NA in model estimates and I use
gmodels::estimable() without problems. Ok!
Now I'm performing a lot of contrasts and I need correcting for
multiplicity. So, I can use multcomp::glht() for this.
2002 Jun 21
lme: anova vs. intervals
Windows 2000 (v.5.00.2195), R 1.5.1
I have an lme object, fm0, which I examine with anova() and intervals().
The anova output indicates one of the interaction terms is significant, but
the intervals output shows that the single parameter for that term includes
0.0 in its 95% CI. I believe that the anova is a conditional (sequential)
test; is intervals marginal or approximate? Which should I
2012 Dec 05
nlme starting values are not the correct length
Dear R community,
I am trying to fit an nlme model where I want to estimate the fixed effects of two treatments on the parameters on the following equation Photo~(a*(1-exp(-c*PARi/a)))-b
I was able to fit a simple model without covariates following the method described in Mixed-Effects Methods and Classes for S and S-PLUS, version 3.0, but when I add the covariates, I get the error "
2013 Sep 19
(no subject)
Dear R sages,
I used the function rbind to combine a matrix (M) and a vector (Fert) to
get a new matrix (A). This was fine.
The issue is however, that the new matrix A has as its row names the name
of the vector Fert, even though I set teh new vector A to have
dimnames=NULL. See short code below fyi.
*M <- matrix(0, 2, 3)
diag(M) <- c(0.3,0.5)
2009 Jan 07
Multinomial Logit Model
I'm attempting to creat multinomial logistic regression model using the
following code:
mlogit<- vglm(ME ~ HIST,family=multinomial(),na.action = na.pass)
ME (dependent variable) has three levels (0,1,2)
How do I declare a reference outcome (either 0,1,2)?
2009 Jun 05
p-values from VGAM function vglm
Anyone know how to get p-values for the t-values from the coefficients
produced in vglm?
Attached is the code and output ? see comment added to output to show
where I need p-values
+ print(paste("********** Using VGAM function gamma2 **********"))
+ modl2<-
+ print(coef(modl2,matrix=TRUE))
2012 Mar 14
Questing on fitting Baseline category Logit model
Dear all,
I am facing some problem with how to fit a "Baseline category Logit
model" with R. Basically I am considering famous "Alligator" data as
discussed by Agresti. This data can also be found here:
(there is also an accompanying R file, however the underlying R code
could not load the data properly!!!)
Below are
2013 Apr 17
Bug in VGAM z value and coefficient ?
When i multiply the y of a regression by 10, I would expect that the
coefficient would be multiply by 10 and the z value to stay constant. Here
some reproducible code to support the case.
*Ex 1*
2009 Jun 16
Generation from COX PH with gamma frailty
I want to generate data set from Cox PH model with gamma frailty effects.
theta(parameter for frailty distribution)=2
cluster size=30
number of clusters=10
I think I should first generate u from Gamma(Theta,theta) and then using
this theta I could not decide how I should generate the survival times?
Is there any package for this? or any document you could suggest?
2006 Sep 25
F values for glm with binomial distribution
Hi Rneters,
I'm running a GLM model with a full factorial design in blocks and binomial
error distribution. I would like to have the F values for this model but I
got a message that "using F test with a binomial family is inappropriate in:
anova.glm(model, test = "F")". Should I not report F statistics on this kind
of analysis? I would appreciate any comment on this.
2007 Oct 29
VGAM and vglm
Hi Folks,
I wonderif someone who is familiar with the details
of vglm in the VGAM package can assist me. I'm new
to using it, and there doesn;t seem much in the
documentation that's relevant to the question below.
Say I have a vector x of 0/1 responses and another
vector y of 0/1 responses, these in fact being a
bivariate set of 0/1 responses equivalent to
2010 May 18
Using the zero-inflated binomial in experimental designs
I'm trying to use the inflated binomial distribution of zeros (since 75% of
the values are zeros) in a randomized block experiment with four
quantitative treatments (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5), but I'm finding it difficult,
since the examples available in VGAM packages like for example, leave us
unsure of how it should be the data.frame for such analysis. Unfortunately
the function glm does not have
2004 Feb 17
parse error in GLMM function
Hi R-Helpers:
I?m trying to use the function GLMM from lme4 package, (R-1.8.1, Windows
98),and I get the following error:
> pd5 = GLMM(nplant~sitio+
+ fert+
+ remo+
+ sitio:fert+
+ remo:sitio+
+ remo:fert+
+ remo:fert:sitio
+ data=datos,
+ family=binomial,