similar to: Fitting a trend-line

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Fitting a trend-line"

2009 Jul 13
Problems in plotting with abline
Dear R-users, I am using R(a package igraph) to calculate certain topological features of networks. When I try to draw a plot between these features I get an error. Following is the code I am using : *> plot(met_eco_deg,met_eco_bet) > lmout<-lm(met_eco_bet ~ met_eco_deg) > abline(lmout) Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) :
2009 May 29
problem with "ls" command
Hi all , I am facing some problems with 'ls' command. Whenever I use it I get the following error : ls("KEGG.db") Error in as.environment(pos) : no item called "KEGG.db" on the search list ls("pkgname") Error in as.environment(pos) : no item called "KEGG.db" on the search list and this is true for any package. Can anything be done
2003 Feb 25
linear trend
hej! can anyone help me with a hint how to find a function to fit a linear trend line into a scatter plot. as well as testing it for significance. thanx/thisse
2009 Aug 26
Help regarding frequency distribution Graphs
Hi all, I am trying to construct a frequency distribution graph i.e. suppose there is a variable *"k"* and it takes a range of values. What I want to do is to plot *"P(k)" *(probability/frequency of finding a specific value of *"k"*) vs *"k"*.I would like to get a smooth curve between "P(k) vs k". I have already tried
2010 Jan 08
Directory operations
Dear all, I have this directory structure : Dir1 Dir2 Dir3 Dir4 ......................... A.xml D.xml G.xml B.xml E.xml H.xml C.xml F.xml I.xml Within each of these directories (Dir1, Dir2 etc) there are a num of xml files (A.xml, B.xml etc). What I want to do is to enter into the first directory read all the xml files do certain operations
2009 Apr 22
Problems with old version of R
Hi all, Presently I have R-2.6 version installed on my system. Because of this I am unable to install certain packages.Will an "updatepackages()" command help or would I have to uninstall the older version of R and then install the newer versions ? Can anyone help me out ? Thanks in advance. Anupam Sinha [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Nov 08
linear trend line and a quadratic trend line.
Dear list users How is it possible to visualise both a linear trend line and a quadratic trend line on a plot of two variables? Here my almost working exsample. data(Duncan) attach(Duncan) plot(prestige ~ income) abline(lm(prestige ~ income), col=2, lwd=2) Now I would like to add yet another trend line, but this time a quadratic one. So I have two trend lines. One linear trend line
2006 Mar 10
add trend line to each group of data in: xyplot(y1+y2 ~ x | grp...
Although this should be trivial, I'm having a spot of trouble. I want to make a lattice plot of the format y1+y2 ~ x | grp but then fit a lm to each y variable and add an abline of those models in different colors. If the xyplot followed y~x|grp I would write a panel function as below, but I'm unsure of how to do that with y1 and y2 without reshaping the data before hand. Thoughts
2010 Jan 21
3d trend line
I have a 3d scatter plot and I need to add a trend line. I can add a regression plane, but I need a line, not a plane. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Feb 17
Error while installing 'netmodels'
Dear all , I am trying to install a package by name 'netmodels' keep on getting the following error : > install.packages("netmodels") Warning in install.packages("netmodels") : argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/lib64/R/library' also installing the dependency ‘VGAM’ trying URL
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
Thanks, John. However, loess.smooth() is producing a very different curve compared to the one that results from applying predict() on a loess(). I am guessing they are using different defaults. Correct? On Thu, 23 Mar 2023 at 20:20, John Fox <jfox at> wrote: > Dear Anupam Tyagi, > > You didn't include your data, so it's not possible to see exactly what >
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
Dear Anupam Tyagi, You didn't include your data, so it's not possible to see exactly what happened, but I think that you misunderstand the object that loess() returns. It returns a "loess" object with several components, including the original data in x and y. So if pass the object to lines(), you'll simply connect the points, and if x isn't sorted, the points
2012 Feb 20
Time Series - Trend Line
How can I had a trend line to my plot? My data looks like this: Date=seq(as.Date("1910/1/1"), as.Date("1920/1/1"), "day") Values=runif(length(Date), min=-5, max=5) dataset=data.frame(Values,as.Date(Date)) I just want to add a linear trend line to this plot(dataset,col=rgb(1,0,0,1/8),cex=0.5,pch=19) -- View this message in context:
2009 May 28
Unable to load R
Dear all, I have recently installed R on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL5) system. But I am unable to load R and it is giving the following error : */usr/local/lib/R/bin/exec/R: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory* I have checked for the presence of the above mention library and found that the library
2024 Jul 16
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
>>>>> Anupam Tyagi >>>>> on Tue, 9 Jul 2024 16:16:43 +0530 writes: > How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear > splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I > also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph. > Anupam NB: linear splines, i.e. piecewise
2010 Sep 23
accumulation curves
Hi, I am trying to fit a logarithmic trendline to a scatterplot of a species accumulation curve. I've tried abline, lines, curve and scatter.smooth but none of these work. Can anyone help please, Kyran
2023 Mar 23
loess plotting problem
For some reason the following code is not plotting as I want it to. I want to plot a "loess" line plotted over a scatter plot. I get a jumble, with lines connecting all the points. I had a similar problem with "lowess". I solved that by dropping "NA" rows from the data columns. Please help. library(stats) attach(gini_pci_wdi_narm) plot(ny_gnp_pcap_pp_kd, si_pov_gini)
2024 Jul 09
Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph. Anupam [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jan 24
lme and varFunc()
Dear R users, I am currently analyzing a dataset using lme(). The model I use has the following structure: model<-lme(response~Covariate+TreatmentA+TreatmentB,random=~1|Block/Plot,method="ML") When I plot the residuals against the fitted values, I see a clear positive trend (meaning that the variance increases with the mean). I tried to solve this issue using weights=varPower(),
2007 Jul 19
Trend lines on a scatterplot matrix
I'm using pairs() to generate a scatterplot matrix; pairs(~, data=datam,subset=status=="control",main="Controls", labels=c("G/W","Peak Separation","Age","S/N")) How can I add regression lines to the plots?