Anupam Tyagi
2024-Jul-09 10:46 UTC
[R] Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph. Anupam [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Martin Maechler
2024-Jul-16 09:22 UTC
[R] Automatic Knot selection in Piecewise linear splines
>>>>> Anupam Tyagi >>>>> on Tue, 9 Jul 2024 16:16:43 +0530 writes:> How can I do automatic knot selection while fitting piecewise linear > splines to two variables x and y? Which package to use to do it simply? I > also want to visualize the splines (and the scatter plot) with a graph. > Anupam NB: linear splines, i.e. piecewise linear continuous functions. Given the knots, use approx() or approxfun() however, the automatic knots selection does not happen in the base R packages. I'm sure there are several R packages doing this. The best such package in my opinion is "earth" which does a re-implementation (and extensive *generalization*) of the famous MARS algorithm of Friedman. ==> Note that their strengths and power is that they do their work for multivariate x (MARS := Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines), but indeed do work for the simple 1D case. In the following example, we always get 11 final knots, but I'm sure one can tweak the many tuning paramters of earth() to get more: ## Can we do knot-selection for simple (x,y) splines? === Yes, via earth() {using MARS}! x <- (0:800)/8 f <- function(x) 7 * sin(pi/8*x) * abs((x-50)/20)^1.25 - (x-40)*(12-x)/64 curve(f(x), 0, 100, n = 1000, col=2, lwd=2) set.seed(11) y <- f(x) + 10*rnorm(x) m.sspl <- smooth.spline(x,y) # base line "standard smoother" require(earth) fm1 <- earth(x, y) # default settings summary(fm1, style = "pmax") #-- got 10 knots (x = 44 "used twice") below ## Call: earth(x=x, y=y) ## y ## 175.9612 ## - 10.6744 * pmax(0, x - 4.625) ## + 9.928496 * pmax(0, x - 10.875) ## - 5.940857 * pmax(0, x - 20.25) ## + 3.438948 * pmax(0, x - 27.125) ## - 3.828159 * pmax(0, 44 - x) ## + 4.207046 * pmax(0, x - 44) ## + 2.573822 * pmax(0, x - 76.5) ## - 10.99073 * pmax(0, x - 87.125) ## + 10.97592 * pmax(0, x - 90.875) ## + 9.331949 * pmax(0, x - 94) ## - 8.48575 * pmax(0, x - 96.5) ## Selected 12 of 12 terms, and 1 of 1 predictors ## Termination condition: Reached nk 21 ## Importance: x ## Number of terms at each degree of interaction: 1 11 (additive model) ## GCV 108.6592 RSS 82109.44 GRSq 0.861423 RSq 0.86894 fm2 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0) # (more extensive forward pass) summary(fm2) all.equal(fm1, fm2)# they are identical (apart from 'call'): fm3 <- earth(x, y, fast.k = 0, pmethod = "none", trace = 3) # extensive forward pass; *no* pruning ## still no change: fm3 "==" fm1 all.equal(predict(fm1, xx), predict(fm3, xx)) ## BTW: The chosen knots and coefficients are mat <- with(fm1, cbind(dirs, cuts=c(cuts), coef = c(coefficients))) ## Plots : fine grid for visualization: instead of xx <- seq(x[1], x[length(x)], length.out = 1024) rnx <- extendrange(x) ## to extrapolate a bit xx <-, c(rnx, list(length.out = 1200))) cbind(f = f(xx), sspl = predict(m.sspl, xx)$y, mars = predict(fm1, xx)) -> fits plot(x,y, xlim=rnx, cex = 1/4, col = adjustcolor(1, 1/2)) cols <- c(adjustcolor(2, 1/3), adjustcolor(4, 2/3), adjustcolor("orange4", 2/3)) lwds <- c(3, 2, 2) matlines(xx, fits, col = cols, lwd = lwds, lty=1) legend("topleft", c("true f(x)", "smooth.spline()", "earth()"), col=cols, lwd=lwds, bty = "n") title(paste("earth() linear spline vs. smooth.spline(); n =", length(x))) mtext(substitute(f(x) == FDEF, list(FDEF = body(f))))