Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "NaN causes "error in fitter" with cph.calibrate from pkg Design"
2009 Feb 17
Processing a list of fit objects
Hi, I have a list of fit objects (fit objects from HMISC functions)
I create elements in the list in this way
lrm.sumtot <- lrm( ae7bepn ~ trarm + sumtot , data=sd.fix)
lrm.list[['lrm.sumtot']] <- lrm.sumtot
And I can run (anova(lrm.sumtot))
The following also gives the anova I'd expect
zz <- lrm.list[['lrm.sumtot']];anova(zz)
And similarly for the summary
2008 Aug 30
Unable to send color palette through plot.Design to method="image"
I have been trying to specify a different color palette to the image
method in plot.Design. My model has crossed two rcs() arguments and
one two-level gender argument. The goal which appears to have been
mostly achieved is to produce separate bivariate plots for men and women
The call to plot does produce a level plot but it appears only with
the default color palette despite various
2009 Oct 07
Updates to rms package
The rms package, a replacement for the Design package, has been updated
on CRAN. The most major change is the addition of smooth calibration
curves for externally (val.surv function) or internally (calibrate.cph,
calibrate.psm) validating a survival model with right-censored data.
The polspline package is used to estimate the survival probability at a
fixed time point as a function of the
2009 Oct 07
Updates to rms package
The rms package, a replacement for the Design package, has been updated
on CRAN. The most major change is the addition of smooth calibration
curves for externally (val.surv function) or internally (calibrate.cph,
calibrate.psm) validating a survival model with right-censored data.
The polspline package is used to estimate the survival probability at a
fixed time point as a function of the
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called
directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages.
For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a
latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and
latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2011 Sep 06
calibrate.cph plots
How can I exclude the legends from calibration plots
generated by calibrate.cph
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2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ in.love+ pubty+ FPA+
strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data =
dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, time.inc=16)
runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K,
2006 Mar 10
error message in cph
Hi, List,
I am using function 'cph' in package 'Design'. I have run into this error
message but could not find documentation after looking for a long time.
Could someone help me out? What kind of problem it is in my data set and
how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!
Error in fitter(X, Y, strata = Strata, offset = offset, weights = weights,
:NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function
2006 Feb 26
frailty in coxph or repeated measures in cph (Design)
I am trying to build a model to aid a clinical decision. Certain patients have a blood marker measured at each visit - a rise of this may indicate recurrence of the cancer after treatment (endpoint is "clinical recurrence", censored). In a proportion (up to 30%), this rise is a false positive - hence I wish to correlate factors at the time of the rising test to clinical recurrence,
2006 Jun 15
survival probabilities with cph (counting process)
I have fitted a cox model with time-varying covariates (counting process style)
using the cph function of the Design package. Now I want to know the survival probabilities at each time point given the history of a single individual.
I know the survest function, but I am not sure how to interpretet its output when using time-varying covariates. Does it just give the probabilities as if it
2011 Mar 07
survest() for cph() in Design package
Hi, I am trying to run a conditional logistic model on a nested case-control
study using cph() and then estimate survival based on the model. The data came
from Prof Bryan Langholz website where he also has the SAS code to this, so I am
trying to replicate the SAS results.
The data attached. Basically, the variables are:
rstime: risk set age
rsentry: fake entry time, just before rstime
2010 Dec 02
Last post: problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph -- sorry, package was rms
Sorry everybody, temporary dyslexia.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless smartphone
2011 Oct 12
Cross posting (was "Restricted Cubic Splines within survfit.cph)
You wrote:
"It may be best to either write to the package maintainer (me, as you
did) or post to the group but not both."
This is just a note that I disagree wrt my own packages:
I go on vacation or trips, or have other projects so won't always
Other folks on the list often have good ideas that I'd miss
My preferred standard is "ask the list, with a copy
2011 Sep 03
Hi all!
I'm trying to plot validate.cph.
I have a problem because I'm collating several plots but I can't reduce the size of the plots otherwise the labels below the plot overlap.
If I remove the footnotes, I can add it in the main text.
How can I remove the footnotes i.e. stuff like black:observed gray:optimism ...
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2007 Feb 15
bootcov and cph error
Hi all,
I am trying to get bootstrap resampled estimates of covariates in a Cox
model using cph (Design library).
Using the following I get the error:
> ddist2.abr <- datadist(data2.abr)
> options(datadist='ddist2.abr')
> cph1.abr <- cph(Surv(strt3.abr,loc3.abr)~cov.a.abr+cov.b.abr,
data=data2.abr, x=T, y=T)
> boot.cph1 <- bootcov(cph1.abr, B=100, coef.reps=TRUE,
2008 Dec 11
How to generate a prediction equation for a stratified survival model that was fitted by cph() in Design package
Dear all,
I used cph() function from Frank harrell's Design package to create a
survival model, then used functions 'Function' and 'sascode' to generate
prediction equation based on the saved survival model. But it failed. I
included a stratified variable in the model. If I removed the
stratification, they were working well. Does that mean that function
2009 May 15
anova(cph(..) output
I am a beginner in R and statistics, so my question may be trivial. Sorry in
I performed a Cox proportion hazard regression with 2 categorical variables
with cph{design}. Then an anova on the results.
the output is
> anova(cph(surv(survival, censor) ~ plant + leaf.age + plant*leaf.age,
> Mpnymph)
Wald Statistics Response: Surv(survival, censored)
2010 May 22
Modeling time varying effects in with cph: how to ?
Dear R users,
I know, this is the second time i return on this topic. Sorry, but this
analysis is of great value for me, and i hope someone can help me.
I need to model a time-varying effect in a Cox model. Briefly explained
2010 Dec 02
problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph
Hi all (and especially Frank),
I'm trying to use x=T, y=T in order to run a validated stepwise cox
regression in rsm, having multiply imputed using mice. I'm coding
baseform is
baseform<-Surv(si.age,si=="Yes")~ peer.press + copy.press + excited +
worried + intimate.friend + am.pill.times +
2011 Feb 26
tansformation of variables in cph from rms package
Dear all:
I have used the cph function in the rms package.
log10 was used to transform the variables, as follows:
after I run the nomogram function.
I found "variable limits and transformations are such that an infinite axis
value has resulted."
How to add variable limits in the nomogram function?
Thanks a lot
*Yao Zhu*