Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "apply model predictions over larger area with predict()"
2010 Sep 23
Dear All,
I have data in HDF file format and would like to read it into R.
I have tried the package hdf5 without success.
Any ideas and suggestions??
Kind regards,
Katrin Fleischer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
Subdepartment Hydrolgy and Geo-Environmental Sciences
Room E-360
De Boelelaan 1085
Tel: +31 20 59 87391
2008 Sep 24
looping through variables
Hello everyone,
I have the following problem:
My analysis includes many predictor variables (>50) in the form of
raster maps (asc), but I am trying to avoid having to type all their
names over and over again in the analysis (e.g. for vectorisation, for
deletion of NA's, etc.)
So ideally I would like to store them in some way that their names
only have to be typed once and can always
2010 Jul 20
data from SpatialGridDataFrame
Dear All,
I have a raster map of the class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame' and coordinates
of the class 'SpatialPoints'. I would like to retrieve the values that are
contained in the raster map at the specific locations given by the
Can anyone help me out?
Kind regards,
Katrin Fleischer
2010 Jul 23
calculate slope of line
Dear All,
I fear that this is a really easy question but I do seem to go around in
I have 2 points on a plot and would like to calculate the slope of the
line drawn through these 2 points.
that cant be so hard?!
Thank you in advance,
Katrin Fleischer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
Subdepartment Hydrolgy and Geo-Environmental Sciences
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Using the small reproducible example below, I'm wondering how best to
complete the following task:
In the small reproducible example below, the 3D array prec has indexes that
correspond to time, x, y (i.e., prec[time, x, y]). In this case, the time
index is hours since some predefined start time. I'd like to add up all
the time indexes in 'prec' based on whether or not the
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Thanks for the reprex. Wouldn't have bothered without it.
The following is I believe **almost** what you want. It seems a bit clumsy
to me, so others may provide you something neater. But anyway...
## Convert POSIXct vector to dates
## There are 22 different days, not 21
date <- as.Date(prec_idx)
## Sum results by date at each i,j of the last 2 array dimensions
z <-
2018 Jun 19
Paquete dismo, cálculo coeficiente de variación
en la misma definici?n de la funci?n:
# P15. Precipitation Seasonality(Coefficient of Variation)
# the "1 +" is to avoid strange CVs for areas where mean rainfaill is < 1)
p[,15] <- apply(prec+1, 1, cv)
Un saludo,
On Martes, 19 de Junio de 2018 13:07:27 Marcelino de la Cruz Rot escribi?:
> Hola Jaume:
> Si miras el c?digo de biovars() ver?s que la
2003 Feb 03
Overlaying a moving average curve on top of a barplot
I''m using standard barplot (Windows version 1.6.2 of R) to represent a certain weekly metric "v" and I would like to properly overlay on top of it its moving average "mean.8" (window of 8 weeks). I must be doing something wrong since the moving average (using "lines") doesn''t overlay properly, i.e., both x-scales do not match!
2008 Oct 27
License Question
Dear All,
I learned about R during my studies at Cologne University of Applied Science. Now I work at Allianz Dresdner Bauspar AG and I would like to install R here too. Is there any license issues that need to be taken in consideration, any fees to pay by the company? I know there are answers to this in the FAQs but I didn't really understand the legal language. Could you therefore just give
2008 Apr 10
two graphs in one figure?
Dear all,
how can I plot a line graph and a bar graph in one single figure? I tried
to combine "barplot" and "plot". Even though they both have the same
x-values (1 to 55), it just doesnt look as if they match in their scale
(the barplot is much wider than the "plot"....even though I tried to put
limits on the x-axis).
Here is an example of what I did:
2008 Feb 28
p-value in Spearman rank order
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to do a Spearman rank order test, and used the cor() function
with the method "spearman".
It gives me a number (correlation coefficient?) , but how can I get the
Thank you for the help in advance!
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2018 Jun 19
Paquete dismo, cálculo coeficiente de variación
Estimados erreros,
Estoy intentando entender como calcula el paquete dismo (
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dismo/index.html) un coeficiente de
variación. Os pongo un ejemplo:
tmin <- c(10,12,14,16,18,20,22,21,19,17,15,12) # temperatura mínima media
mensual de un año
tmax <- tmin + 5 # temperatura máxima media mensual de un año
prec <- c(0,2,10,30,80,160,80,20,40,60,20,0)
2018 Mar 25
Suggesting patch to link DOIs against secure resolver
Dear Madams and Sirs,
because the DOI foundation recommends a new, secure resolver [1], I
wanted to suggest the attached patch. It
a) updates a static DOI link in the docu,
b) the code chunks that generate new ones, and
c) a reg-ex that detects DOI links.
Hopefully, my first venture into SVN & patch files was done correctly.
My apologies, if there is anything amiss. In that case, I'll
2006 Feb 15
labelling dots in plots
I would like to label outliers (or all dots) in a plot
plot(as.matrix(ValAddInd_byYear), as.matrix(Cons_Elec_Ind_byYear))
ideally by the 30 different row.names, but anything else (x or y values, for example)
would already be helpful.
I've tried various things with pch, but they didn't work and I can't find anything else.
Any hint appreciated!
2002 Jul 07
Installation of package "mass"
I've downloaded the package "mass" and I've tried to install it, but it
didn't work. Can you help me (I use Windows)?
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2017 Jun 25
Help to organize data
Hi everybody,
My name is Jackson and come here ask for a help to organize data.
I really need help from you. I have several data sets to organize.
I have to summarize precipitation data collected in different days and
months in only one table.
However, those data are disperse in days and times. Those rainy days have a
more observations than drought ones.
Below you can find a hypothetical
2011 Sep 08
random sampling but with caveats!
I wonder if someone can help me. I have built a gam model to predict the presence of cold water corals and am now trying to evaluate my model by splitting my dataset into training/test datasets.
In an ideal world I would use the sample() function to randomly select rows of data for me so for example with 936 rows of data in my HH dataset I might say
ss <- sample(nrow(HH), size =
2012 Nov 07
error message no lines available in input
Dear all,
a program that worked well for weeks today gave me consistently the error
no lines available in input
referring to the lines
for (i in (0:(timeintervals-1)))
{ j=subjectquantity+6+i*(subjectquantity+7)
print (j)
results<-read.table(file, header=F, skip=j, nrows=subjectquantity)
timeintervals have been specified as argument as 12
subjectquantity as 9
the file it should
2004 Aug 12
Problems receiving SIP calls
I can't see for the trees :)
I can make calls out to my SIP provider but get an "unable to authenticate
<calling no.> when I try to call in via the PSTN number they have supplied me
(where <calling no.> = phone number trying to make the call)
register => 4316568:xxxxxxxx@sipgate.de
2007 Aug 21
Output from while and for loop
I am new and am having a hard time getting the proper syntax for output
from loops. I am working on a simulation to generate a null expectation of
bee behavior. Pieces of it work. The part that I am having specific
difficulty is in output of a vector from within the while loop that I am
using. Basically the simulation works as such: I have a starting point
and a neighbor matrix and a