similar to: mongrel updates?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "mongrel updates?"

2006 Nov 01
Nginx, Mongrel, Proxy and REMOTE_ADDR
I''m using a cluster of mongrels behind an apache 1.3 proxy pass. I''ve been passing the request to pen, which in turn balances the cluster of mongrels. Now, I''d like to be able to use a different server to send the static files created by the rails application, so I tried to replace pen with nginx. Everything seems to work fine except the environment variable REMOTE_ADDR.
2007 Jul 29
Mongrel stops responding after period of inactivity
Hi I posted this to the Ruby on Rails Talk group but I thought I''d post it here too as it''s probably a more appropriate group. Hope this is ok. I''m running a 2-instance Mongrel cluster behind Apache 2.2.4 with Rails 1.2.3. If no requests are received by the application for several hours (this usually happens overnight) then Mongrel stops responding and no requests are
2007 Dec 12
Upgrading from Mongrel 1.0.1 and Mongrel cluster 0.2.1
I am considering upgrading to either Mongrel 1.1.1 or 1.0.4, and Mongrel-cluster to 1.0.5. Are there any gotchas or issues I need to be aware of? Also where can I find the release notes for the various releases? (The ones I found seem very sparse). Thanks, Brian -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Dec 01
Mongrel 0.3.18, rails 1.1.6 and cookies
I''ve run into an issue with my rails application being unable to properly set cookies on Mongrel 0.3.18. If I run the simplified code below in Mongrel 3.14.4, both cookies are properly sent to and saved by the browser. With the same code in 0.3.18, only the auth_token cookie is created (if I switch them, only the userid as it will only properly create the first cookie in the list.)
2006 Nov 05
logrotate, mongrel cluster and monit
While I could figure this out, I''m asking here first to see if anyone has already dealt with/created this. I''m running a mongrel cluster, running 4 mongrels on ports 8001-4. I''m using capistrano to deploy. And I''d like to use monit to check to make sure everything is running nice. I''d like to have monit restart only single mongrels if they fail, and
2006 Dec 28
Mongrel fails in Win32, mongrel_service missing, with possible fix
I just ran into an issue with a new mongrel install on Win32. When trying to run mongrel from RadRails 0.7.2 on win32, I got an error while loading that it couldn''t locate mongrel_service. C:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel_service-0.3.1/lib/mongrel_service/init.rb
2007 Jun 27
Q on cgi_multipart_eol_fix preqequisite for Mongrel on Win2K
Hi list, I downloaded and tried to install Mongrel (latest stable version) from the -win32 gem. Platform is Win2K. It said it needed daemons so got and installed that. Then it said it needed cgi_multipart_eol_fix (I think that was the name, not at my machine now, can confirm later and repost if needed). Googled for that but couldn''t find it. (Don''t have net connectivitity for a
2006 Oct 20
Apache/Mongrel Question
I''m setting up a new server in anticipation of switching from lighttpd+fcgi. My application isn''t completely imported yet, so I don''t expect it to work. For instance right now when pulling up my app from localhost I get my Ruby/Rails MySQL error message. But when I pull it up from a remote computer I get a proxy error from Apache: ====================== Proxy Error
2008 May 29
Error: Mongrel timed out this thread: too many open files
I just switched to Mongrel, and it''s been working much better than my previous lighttpd/fastcgi setup. So thanks for the awesomeness. My current problem: once or twice an hour, I get following error in production Mongrel timed out this thread: too many open files I never get it in testing or on our staging server. Any ideas what would cause that? It doesn''t *appear*
2007 Feb 02
Mongrel and MemcacheSessionStore
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hey, I''ve been using Mongrel for quite some time now but I ran into an issue that threw me back to lighttpd + fastcgi. The application in question was running fine in the production environment with SQLSessionStore and using a mongrel cluster behind a load balancer. However, by switching to a MemcacheSessionStore (using either
2008 Mar 18
Mongrel Crashes in Production
I have been getting this error on the production server after rails was updated to 2.0.2 and moreover this worked perfectly in the development mode. This crash occurs when no one is using the app for an hour or so. This is the error that I get in the logs. (nohup.out file). The production log doesnt show anything unusual. Please help me out guys.
2006 Oct 25
[ADV] "Mongrel: Serving, Deploying, and Extending Your Ruby Applications" BOOK
Time for some all time pimpage folks. Me and Matt Pelletier wrote a small PDF book on Mongrel entitled: "Mongrel: Serving, Deploying, and Extending Your Ruby Applications" since we really wanted you to know what it was about. It''s published by Addison Wesley Professional, has just over 100 pages of goodness, and is available for $14.99 at:
2007 Dec 19
Segmentation fault in Mongrel when run with --debug
I am having a problem with mongrel just stopping inside a periodically_call_remote function so I ran mongrel with debug enabled Mongrel seg faults after a few minutes The mongrel filelog shows 5 files open when this happens. Same log files that are open all the time. Wed Dec 19 15:10:21 -0700 2007 FILES OPEN BEFORE REQUEST /calibration/ackAdjustDistance --- log/mongrel_debug/objects.log: 2
2007 Aug 19
Possible memory leak problem...
I''m trying to figure out a possible memory leak problem I have in my application. I''ve tested both with mongrel and webrick and the problem remains. So I think it''s not a mongrel problem, but I''m posting here to see if anybody can help me. The RAILS application is quite simple, no special plugins ( no RMagick that has the memory problem ),
2007 Jun 28
You Will All Die In 1 Week (Mongrel To Require 1.8.6)
Hopefully that gets everyone''s attention. Evan Weaver has whined enough to make me do a release to change the requirements on the Mongrel gem so that it doesn''t need the cgi_multipart_eof_fix anymore. *************************** THIS ALSO MEANS THAT MONGREL WILL HAVE TO REQUIRE RUBY 1.8.6 OR GREATER! NO EXCEPTIONS! *************************** I know Debian guys like to hack
2008 Jun 03
clients hang on large PUTs to Mongrel::HttpHandler-based web service
Hi folks, I have a problem with a storage web service our group wrote using Mongrel::HttpHandler We have a consistent problem when using http PUT to this service when the data is larger than about 4 GB. The web service actually retrieves and processes the data, but the clients hang - the TCP connection is still in the ESTABLISHED state on the client side, but the TCP session no longer exists on
2006 Sep 18
Finally! Mongrel Official (for Unix)
Hello! Today I''m announcing a "soft but official" release of Mongrel for the Unix fans in the crowd. It''s been running stable for quite some time now for many people, and should be great for nearly everyone. You can read the announce at: This release includes new versions of mongrel_upload_progress and mongrel_cluster.
2007 Mar 29
Machine reboot - monit fails to start mongrels
Greetings - I dug around a bit and I couldn''t find a definitive answer to this question, apologies if it''s been covered before. A box running a apache 2.2 -> mongrel cluster for a rails app got power cycled at my ISP. Unfortunately monit couldn''t start the mongrel processes because the pid files were still there. Here is my monit config (for each mongrel
2006 Dec 16
trying to add another app
hey all, I have an app working great with apache2 and mongrel_cluster. However, I''m trying to run another application and now when I go to app1.comit falls to and the opposite. That''s probably because I messed up somewhere with the cluster. this is the content of my conf.d/app1.proxy_cluster.conf: <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster> BalancerMember
2007 Nov 22
Gentoo warning
Hi, I''ve done some benchmarking on our new servers (being built now), AMD X2 5600, gentoo-hardened. With the same CFLAGS (safe cflags: -march=k8 -O2) I''ve tested the following configs: 1, emerge ruby rubygems, then gem install mongrel (or emerge mongrel, the performance was similar) 2, download the same ruby version, untar, ./configure, make, make install, download rubygems,