Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "seeking function to perform Flexible UPGMA clustering"
2008 Apr 17
Moving from Splus to R: irregular and regular time series
Dear R developpers,
I am a user of Splus since many years and I have developped lots of
functions to plot graph of data and model results of irregular or
regular times series.
In Splus regular times series are created using the rts function and
irregular time series using the its functions. In both cases, times is
given as a numeric vector.
There is no problem in plotting a regular and an
2004 Nov 16
From S-Plus to R
Dear Isabelle,
for most of my work I have switched from S-Plus to R, because it is
easier to make scripts with due to the better documentation and some
other more reasonable implementations. And there was also a cost
issue with the S-Plus Server, which is not for free at all.
In R I use the its package for time series, which is quite sufficient
for my needs. The only problem I encountered was
2009 Jan 17
Dendrogram with the UPGMA method
I am clustering objects using the agnes() function and the UPGMA
clustering method (function = "average"). Everything works well, but
apparently something is wrong with the dendrogram. For example:
2004 Dec 13
R-help folks:
Thanks in the past for your help. I have another question that I hope
has a simple answer. I have searched the R home pages and the R-help
archives with no hits. How can I cluster data in R using UPGMA?
I am not subscribed to the list (can't keep up with all the traffic!),
so I would appreciate it if you could email directly to me (or to the
list and to me).
2005 Apr 22
density estimation
sorry for my english
I would like estimate density for multivariate variable,( f(x,y) , f(x,y
,z) for example) ; for calculate mutual information
how is posible with R?
Bernard Palagos
Unité Mixte de Recherche Cemagref - Agro.M - CIRAD
Information et Technologie pour les Agro-Procédés
Cemagref - BP 5095
34033 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1
2007 Jul 25
Function polr and discrete ordinal scale
Dear all,
To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale.
For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way?
polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula =
2007 Feb 27
interactions and GAM
Dear R-users,
I have 1 remark and 1 question on the inclusion of interactions in the gam function from the gam package.
I need to fit quantitative predictors in interactions with factors. You can see an example of what I need in fig 9.13 p265 from Hastie and Tibshirani book (1990).
It's clearly stated that in ?gam "Interactions with nonparametric smooth terms are not fully
2013 Jul 23
Heat Map for species - code from Numerical Ecology with R
Hello, I am relatively new to R and I am working through the code that is provided in the book Numerical Ecology with R and I have run across an error message that I can't seem to figure out. I am using the vegan, ade4, gclus and cluster packages. The code is as follows: # Ordered community table # Species are ordered by their weighted averages on site scores or <- vegemite(spe,
2006 Mar 18
No subject
What you may need is to compile this package from source. It is explained
in one of the R manuals (I can't remember which one though).
You can also look at my "R Guide for Windows Users" at
http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~kwan022/rinfo.php (Section 5).
I'm not sure the exact contents in the labdsv_0.9-1.tar.gz , but in general
you can first unpack it with, e.g.:
tar zxvf
2015 Dec 21
Cannot allocate vector of size
Hola a tod en s,
Soy nuevo en R-help-es, por lo que perdonadme si debería haber mandado este email a una sección en particular.
Quería consultaros un error que me aparece en R al hacer una matriz de disimilitud a partir de una tabla con 6000 columnas x 11000 filas. El mensaje que da R es "cannot allocate vector of size 10Gb", y me resulta extraño ya que tengo 64 Gb de RAM disponible.
2002 Jul 17
rpcclient enumdrivers enumprinters
Hi all,
i'm new to the list and here's my first question :
I'm trying to install several printer drivers on my samba server with
imprints. I did a package with the NT/2000 and W9x drivers and the
mkprintpkg command. Then I used the command install_printer_drivers.pl to
install the files in the appropriate directories. So now i'd like to check
the drivers available and the
2003 Sep 12
partial mantel
Dear all,
Has anyone written R code for partial Mantel Tests- as described for
instance in Legtendre & Legendre (1998) ?
In other words, in a community ecology analysis, I would like to calculate
the correlation between two dissimilarity matrices, controlling for a third
distance matrix representing geographical distances between sites.
Christophe Bouget
Biodiversité et gestion des
2003 Feb 04
basic question
Dear R users,
Up to now, I only used precompiled packages. As I am working on vegetation
ecology, I would be interested in using a package not stored by CRAN called
labdsv_0.9-1.tar.gz and developped by Dave Roberts at the National Center
for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (unfortunately I did not find any
corresponding .zip file).
Although I tried to follow the proposed guidelines to
2008 Jun 16
pvclust distance matrix
I am attempting to assign significance levels to a UPGMA cluster analysis as part my doctoral research. The pvclust function works well but doesn't include the similarity index I need (morisita's) as an option for computing a distance matrix. Morisita's is available in vegdist in the VEGAN library but I am having a hard time getting the vegdist function to "direct
2010 Dec 09
convert non-ultrametric phylo to dendrogram
I am beginning to work with the 'ape' package in R, and have run into some
trouble. I generated a UPGMA tree based on DNA sequence distance in Paup*
and read it into R, where it became an object of class "phylo". However, I
need it to be classified as a "dendrogram" for my purposes (to use it to
order the layout of a heatmap). I get an error using as.hclust.phylo
2015 Dec 22
Cannot allocate vector of size
Hola Rubén,
Totalmente de acuerdo con los consejos de Carlos. Ten en cuenta que
aunque R disponga de varios (bastantes) GB de memoria, algunos de los
objetos que va creando durante el proceso pueden consumirla por
completo. Es decir, que aunque tu ordenador tenga 64GB de RAM, es
posible que no queden 10 GB libres para almacenar un objeto (porque ya
hay demasiados objetos grandes en la
2015 Dec 23
Cannot allocate vector of size
Antes de nada, me gustaría daros las gracias por toda vuestra ayuda.
He estado probando todo lo que me habéis dicho a la vez, y no hay manera, sigo teniendo el problema con el espacio.
En cuanto al tamaño de la base de datos, es más grande de lo que puse, me equivoqué y puse el tamaño de una base anterior con la que estuve trabajando, la actual tiene 36866 filas x 6500 columnas.
He seguido todas
2015 Dec 22
Cannot allocate vector of size
Yo creo que el problema principal está en betapart.core(), que crea y
mantiene simultáneamente en memoria varios objetos de alrededor de 1 Gb
que luego combina en una lista... Probablemente es entre las líneas el
código de betaper.core donde hay que ir eliminando objetos.
El 22/12/2015 a las 18:26, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió:
> Hola, ¿qué tal?
> Yo no
2009 Nov 20
different results across versions for glmer/lmer with the quasi-poisson or quasi-binomial families: the lattest version might not be accurate...
Dear R-helpers,
this mail is intended to mention a rather trange result and generate potential useful comments on it. I am not aware of another posts on this issue ( RSiteSearch("quasipoisson lmer version dispersion")).
MUsing the exemple in the reference of the lmer function (in lme4 library) and turning it into a quasi-poisson or quasi-binomial analysis, we get different results,
2003 Jan 10
plot() and lines() multivariate problem
Dear list
I'm trying to solve the following problem since 2 days with no success.
Could someone help a newbie, please ?
I have a dependant variable which is diameter of shell, and two factors
which are level on the beach (3 levels 'B', 'E' and 'H') and a hydrodynamics
indice (3 levels 1, 2 and 3)
To study diameter variations according to these factors, I may use