Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "tree problem"
2012 Oct 14
svyhist and svyboxplot
The following code is expected to produce 4 charts. But, I only get charts 1,2 ,& 4, NOT CHART # 3.
For Chart# 3, I am getting the following error message: Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { : arguments must have same length
I would appreciate if someone could help me resolve the issue.
2012 Oct 02
svyby and make.formula
Although my R code for the svymean () and svyquantile () functions works fine, I am stuck with the svyby () and make.formula () functions. I got the following error messages.
- Error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable # svyby ()
- Error in xx[[1]] : subscript out of bounds # make.formula ()
A reproducible example is appended below.
I would appreciate if
2003 Feb 12
Various Errors using Survey Package
I have been experimenting with the new Survey package. Specifically, I was
trying to use some of the functions on the public-use survey data from NHIS
(2000 Sample Adult file).
Error 1): The first error I get is when I try to specify the complex survey
nhis.design<-svydesign(ids=~psu, probs=~probs, strata=~strata, data=nhis.df,
Error in svydesign(ids =
2012 Dec 03
Excluding all missing values with dcast ("reshape2" package)
Hello--I'm doing a simple crosstab using dcast:
rawfreq <- dcast(nh11brfs, race3~CHCCOPD, length)
with the results
race3 Yes No NA
1 White non-Hispanic 446 5473 21
2 Other non-Hispanic 29 211 0
3 Hispanic 6 81 1
4 <NA> 10 83 1
How would I modify this call to exclude all missing values; that is, to
2012 Oct 05
I was trying to draw histograms of age at death and got the following 2 error messages:
1) Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { :
arguments must have same length
2) Error in findInterval(mm[, i], gx) : 'vec' contains NAs
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max(x) :
2010 Jul 02
help with the xtable package
HI, Dear R community,
I am using the xtable to create the table, but how can I see the table?
The following is the codes I used:
> data(tli)
> tli.table <- xtable(tli[1:10, ])
> digits(tli.table)[c(2, 6)] <- 0
> print(tli.table, floating = FALSE)
% latex table generated in R 2.11.0 by xtable 1.5-6 package
% Thu Jul 1 20:43:43 2010
2008 Jan 07
recode() function results in logical output, not factor output
Dear R Users:
I have race-ethnicity groups identified in the factor variable Ethnic_G.
I need to collapse Ethnic_G into a new variable with only two factors, 1 (White, non-Hispanic) and 2 (Minority).
As seen in the code and output below, the recoded race-ethnicity variable is put into logical format, not factor format.
I've used library(car) and the package was updated.
Any ideas on
2017 Jul 09
Help with ftable.svyby
Hi all,
When I try the following with pkg Survey it returns the error below:
ftable(svyby(~INCOME, ~AGECL+RACECL, svymean, design=q50),
rownames=list(AGECL=c("<35", "35-44", "45-54", "55-64",
"65-74", ">=75"),
RACECL=c("white non hispanic", "non white or
2009 Oct 31
Help me improving my code
I am new to R. My problem is with the ordered logistic model. Here is my
Generate an order discrete variable using the variable
wrwage1 = wages in first full calendar quarter after benefit application
in the following way:
wage*1*Ordered *=
1 *if*0 *· wrwage*1 *< *1000
2 *if*1000 *· wrwage*1 *< *2000
3 *if*2000 *· wrwage*1 *< *3000
4 *if*3000 *· wrwage*1 *<
2010 Mar 25
Returning Data Frame from Function for use Outside Function
I have a function (see below) that does some bootstrapping (I am happy to
expand offline why I could use existing functions.) I put my results into
and empty matrix and add a row of results with each iteration. My problem is
i am a new user to R and I don't understand data frames, matrices, elements,
and vectors well. What I would like is to have a data frame I can manipulate
outside of the
2009 Jun 04
Binning or grouping data
Newbie here. Many apologies in advance for using the incorrect lingo. I'm
new to statistics and VERY new to R.
I'm attempting to "group" or "bin" data together in order to analyze them as
a combined group rather than as discrete set. I'll provide a simple example
of the data for illustrative purposes.
Patient ID | Charges | Age | Race
1 |
2007 Jul 03
Please help with legend command
Hi R-ers:
I'm drawing a plot and have used different line types (lty) for
different race/ethnicity groups. I want a legend that explains what line
types correspond to the different race/ethnicity groups. I used the
following code:
legend( 1992 , 42 , c("Hispanic" , "non-Hispanic white (NHW)" ,
"non-Hispanic black" , "AI/AN" , "Asian" ) ,
2017 Jul 09
Help with ftable.svyby
try resetting your factor levels and re-run?
q50 <- update( q50 , INCOME = factor( INCOME ) , AGECL = factor( AGECL ) ,
RACECL = factor( RACECL ) )
On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Orsola Costantini via R-help <
r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I try the following with pkg Survey it returns the error below:
> ftable(svyby(~INCOME, ~AGECL+RACECL,
2009 Nov 09
Complicated For Loop (to me)
I'm trying to run a loop that will subset my data into specific sets by
regions and by race/ethnicity. I'm trying to do this fairly compactly, and
I cannot get this to work.
A "simple" version of the code that I am trying to run is:
names <- c("white", "black", "asian", "hispanic")
for(j in names){
for(i in 1:9){
2008 Aug 25
R for Windows GUI closes when I try to read.spss
** High Priority **
I have been trying to read an SPSS file into R using
read.spss ("C:/Documents and Settings/Roderick Harrison/My
Documents/RWORK/ihisdat.sav", use.value.labels = TRUE, to.data.frame =
FALSE, max.value.labels = 500, trim.factor.names = FALSE, trim_values =
TRUE, reencode = NA, use.missings = to.data.frame)
Each time (at least 5 or 6 by now) I get the following
2011 Jun 26
how to extract data from a function printout - example provided
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to extract data from a function that prints out two or more summaries? In the function below (the whole code is provided) we get 5 different tables of data. I would like to split each of these tables in a separate file (while the function itself shouldn't be changed), so that further analysis on each data set could be carried out. Your help is deeply
2008 Sep 23
odds ratio: how to create reference
HI there,
i know this is a basic question, though i need some help because this
is somewhat away from my current issue, but nevertheless interesting
to me... Lets assume i have some estimated probabilities, say
estimated by a logit model. i know i can also state them as an odds
Now i?d like to state these odds ratios as a reference to a specific
outcome of my investigated
2018 Oct 16
Comprobar los nombres de columnas entre varios dataframes
Buenas tardes,
Quiero aplicar la función rbind y necesito tener los mismos nombres de
columnas. Como tengo unas 195 variables en cada dataframe, necesito
hacerlo de una forma rápida. Tengo 9 bases de datos y tengo que fusionar
todas. ¿Como puedo comprobar que los nombres de las variables son los
mismos? Y de lo contrario, ¿como detecto las diferencias?
He probado con
2011 Feb 01
dotchart {graphics} 2.11.1 vs. 2.12.1
I have a factor vector of subject races (Asian, Black, Hispanic, White; n=30) that I want to plot with a Cleveland dotplot or dotchart.
I tried the following in R2.12.1 :
> dotchart(table(school$Race))
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : invalid plot type
Using the same data set in R2.11.1 the operation succeeded (I tried several variations to be sure):
2010 Oct 02
Non-Parametric Adventures in R
I just started using R and I'm having all sorts of "fun" trying different
I'm going to document the different things I'm doing here as a kind of case
study. I'm hoping that I'll get help from the community so that I can use R
Anyways, in this study, I have demographic data, drug usage data, and side
effect data. All of this is loaded into a csv