similar to: GLM: order of terms in model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "GLM: order of terms in model"

2006 Mar 31
add1() and glm
Hello, I have a question about the add1() function and quasilikelihoods for GLMs. I am fitting quasi-Poisson models using glm(, family = quasipoisson). Technically, with the quasilikelihood approach the deviance does not have the interpretation as a likelihood-based measure of sample information. Functions such as stepAIC() cannot be used. The function add1() returns the change in the scaled
2006 Oct 22
"glm" function question
I am creating a model attempting to predict the probability someone will reoffend after being caught for a crime. There are seven total inputs and I planned on using a logistic regression. I started with a null deviance of 182.91 and ended up with a residual deviance of 83.40 after accounting for different interactions and such. However, I realized after that my code is different from that in
2005 May 23
comparing glm models - lower AIC but insignificant coefficients
Hello, I am a new R user and I am trying to estimate some generalized linear models (glm). I am trying to compare a model with a gaussian distribution and an identity link function, and a poisson model with a log link function. My problem is that while the gaussian model has significantly lower (i.e. "better") AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) most of the coefficients are not
2012 May 07
Can't find the error in a Binomial GLM I am doing, please help
Hi all, I can't find the error in the binomial GLM I have done. I want to use that because there are more than one explanatory variables (all categorical) and a binary response variable. This is how my data set looks like: > str(data) 'data.frame': 1004 obs. of 5 variables: $ site : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": NA NA NA
2009 Jul 10
generalized linear model (glm) and "stepAIC"
Hi, I'm a very new user of R and I hope not to be too "basic" (I tried to find the answer to my questions by other ways but I was not able to). I have 12 response variables (species growth rates) and two environmental factors that I want to test to find out a possible relation. The sample size is quite small: (7<n<12, depending on each species-case). I performed a
2000 Oct 18
AIC in glm()
Hi all, I am trying to understand how is calculated the AIC returned by glm(). I have a model object m1 which fitting results are: > summary(m1) [...] (Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 3.735714) Null deviance: 1439.8 on 15 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 52.3 on 14 degrees of freedom AIC: 70.357 Since there are 2 parameters, I would naively compute: AIC
2009 May 08
glm fit
Hi, I try to ask here, because I hope someone will help me understand this problem- I have fittet a glm in R with the results > glm1 <- > glm(log(claims)~log(sum)*as.factor(grp),family=gaussian(link="identity")) > summary(glm1) Call: glm(formula = log(claims) ~ log(sum) * as.factor(grp), family = gaussian(link = "identity")) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q
2010 Jan 26
AIC for comparing GLM(M) with (GAM(M)
Hello I'm analyzing a dichotomous dependent variable (dv) with more than 100 measurements (within-subjects variable: hours24) per subject and more than 100 subjects. The high number of measurements allows me to model more complex temporal trends. I would like to compare different models using GLM, GLMM, GAM and GAMM, basically do demonstrate the added value of GAMs/GAMMs relative to
2012 Feb 28
Interpreting the Results of GLM
Hi, I'm wondering if you can help me, this is a really simple query but I keep getting confused. I have run a GLM to see how boldness varies over time following a particular treatment. The results are as follows... Call: glm(formula = boldtwentyfour ~ treatment + boldcontrol) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.7577 -0.5469 0.0456 0.5515 1.5327
2001 Aug 21
Problem using GLM in a loop
Hello, I am try to perform a modeling which is relevant in a strongly heteroscedastic context. So I perform a dual modeling (modeling of both mean and variance of a response) in using the following loop: jointmod <- function(formula, data, itercrit=10,devcrit=0.0001) { # # Init step # init <- glm(formula=formula,family=gaussian, data=data) response <-
2006 Jul 21
glm cannot find valid starting values
glm(S ~ -1 + Mdif, family=quasipoisson(link=identity), start=strt, sdat) gives error: > Error in = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart > = > etastart, : > cannot find valid starting values: please specify some strt is set to be the coefficient for a similar fit glm(S ~ -1 + I(Mdif + 1),... i.e. (Mdif + 1) is a vector similar to Mdif. The error
2011 Jun 13
glm with binomial errors - problem with overdispersion
Dear all, I am new to R and my question may be trivial to you... I am doing a GLM with binomial errors to compare proportions of species in different categories of seed sizes (4 categories) between 2 sites. In the model summary the residual deviance is much higher than the degree of freedom (Residual deviance: 153.74 on 4 degrees of freedom) and even after correcting for overdispersion by
2008 Nov 12
Understanding glm family documentation: dev.resids
Hi all Consider the family function, as used by glm. The help page says the value of the family object is a list, one element of which is the following: dev.resids function giving the deviance residuals as a function of (y, mu, wt). But reading any of the family functions (eg poisson) shows that dev.resids is a function that computes the *square* of the deviance residuals (at least, by
2013 Jun 25
F statistic in add1.lm vs add1.glm
Should the F statistic be the same when using add1() on models created by lm and glm(family=gaussian)? They are in the single-degree-of-freedom case but not in the multiple-degree-of-freedom case. MASS:addterm shows the same discrepancy. It looks like the deviance (==residual sum of squares) gets divided by the number of degrees of freedom for the term twice in add1.glm. Using anova() on the
2012 Mar 03
interpreting the output of a glm with an ordered categorical predictor.
Greetings. I'm a Master's student working on an analysis of herbivore damage on plants. I have a tried running a glm with one categorical predictor (aphid abundance) and a binomial response (presence/absence of herbivore damage). My predictor has four categories: high, medium, low, and none. I used the "ordered" function to sort my categories for a glm. ah <-
2004 Mar 16
glm questions --- saturated model
> -----Original Message----- > From: r-help-bounces at > [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of David Firth > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:12 PM > To: Paul Johnson > Cc: r-help at > Subject: Re: [R] glm questions > > > Dear Paul > > Here are some attempts at your questions. I hope it's of some help.
2006 Mar 27
Glm poisson
Hello, I am using the glm model with a poisson distribution. The model runs just fine but when I try to get the null deviance for the model of the null degrees of freedom I get the following errors: > null.deviance(pAmeir_1) Error: couldn't find function "null.deviance" > df.null(pAmeir_1) Error: couldn't find function "df.null" When I do: >
2006 Mar 16
DIfference between weights options in lm GLm and gls.
Dear R-List users, Can anyone explain exactly the difference between Weights options in lm glm and gls? I try the following codes, but the results are different. > lm1 Call: lm(formula = y ~ x) Coefficients: (Intercept) x 0.1183 7.3075 > lm2 Call: lm(formula = y ~ x, weights = W) Coefficients: (Intercept) x 0.04193 7.30660 > lm3 Call:
2007 Dec 07
Adding a subset to a glm messes up factors?
Hi everyone, I have a problem with running a glm using a subset of my data. Whenever I choose a subset, in the summary the factors arent shown (as if the variable was a continuous variable). If I dont use subsets then all the factors are shown. I have copied the output from summary for both cases. Thanks for the help, Muri > model<-glm(log(cpue)~year,family=gaussian) Call: glm(formula =
2005 Feb 02
anova.glm (PR#7624)
There may be a bug in the anova.glm function. deathstar[32] R R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.0.1 (2004-11-15), ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project