Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "user-specified random effects design matrix in glmmPQL?"
2003 Apr 22
glmmPQL and additive random effects?
I'm a bit puzzled by how to write out additive random effects in
glmmPQL. In my situation, I have a factorial design on two
(categorical) random factors, A and B. At each combination, I have a
binary response, y, and two binary fixed covariates, C and D.
If everything were fixed, I would use
glm(y ~ A + B + C + D, family = binomial)
My first thought was to use
glmmPQL(y ~ A + B, random
2009 Nov 22
glmmPQL random effects model
Dear R-helpers,
I'd like to use glmmPQL to predict binary responses based on a data.frame
containing N entries (N<1000):
target covariate1 covariate2 covariate3 ... covariateM
134131 1 -0.30031885 0 0 -2.886870e-07
38370 1 -0.04883229 0 1 -1.105720e-07
19315 1 -0.11084267
2010 Sep 10
covariance matrix structure for random effect in glmmPQL
Dear all,
I'm using R function "glmmPQL" in "MASS" package for generalized linear mixed model considering the temporal correlations in random effect. There are 1825 observations in my data, in which the random effect is called "Date", and there are five levels in "Date", each repeats 365 times.
When I tried
2006 Feb 10
glmmPQL and random effects
Hello R users,
I am trying to run a model with a binary response variable (nesting
success: 0 failure, 1 success) and 8 fixed terms. Nesting success was
examined in 72 cases in 34 territories (TER) during a 6 study years.
Territories are nested within 14 patches (PATCH). I want to run a model
taking into account these nested factors and repeated observation. To do
this, I assume that the best
2005 Jan 05
lme, glmmPQL, multiple random effects
Hi all -
R2.0.1, OS X
Perhaps while there is some discussion of lme going on.....
I am trying to execute a glmm using glmmPQL from the MASS libray, using
the example data set from McCullagh and Nelder's (1989, p442) table
14.4 (it happens to be the glmm example for GENSTAT as well). The data
are binary, representing mating success (1,0) for crosses between males
and females from two
2006 Feb 27
singular convergence in glmmPQL
I am using the 'glmmPQL function in the 'MASS' library to fit a mixed effects logistic regression model to simulated data. I am conducting a series of simulations, and with certain simulated datasets, estimation of the random effects logistic regression model unexpectedly terminates. I receive the following error message from R:
Error in lme.formula(fixed=zz + arm.long,random=~1 |
2012 Nov 27
Variance component estimation in glmmPQL
Hi all,
I've been attempting to fit a logistic glmm using glmmPQL in order to
estimate variance components for a score test, where the model is of the
form logit(mu) = X*a+ Z1*b1 + Z2*b2. Z1 and Z2 are actually reduced rank
square root matrices of the assumed covariance structure (up to a constant)
of random effects c1 and c2, respectively, such that b1 ~ N(0,sig.1^2*I) and
c1 ~
2002 Jul 01
Dear R users,
can anybody explain me why the function glmmPQL(.) behaves in different
ways, depending on the number of measurements/individuals you use? To
show you this, I generated two examples. The first one includes 20
indivduals with each 100 repeated measurements (binary response), the
second one includes 40 individuals. The 'individuals' differ only in
different x values. I
2006 Sep 20
variance functions in glmmPQL or glm?
Hello R users-
I am new to R, and tried searching the archives and literature for an answer
to this - please be patient if I missed something obvious.
I am fitting a logistic regression model, and would like to include variance
functions (specifically the varIdent function). I cannot figure out how to
do this either in glmmPQL (or something similar) for the model with random
effects, or in glm
2010 Jan 23
(nlme, lme, glmmML, or glmmPQL)mixed effect models with large spatial data sets
I have a spatial data set with many observations (~50,000) and would like to
keep as much data as possible. There is spatial dependence, so I am
attempting a mixed model in R with a spherical variogram defining the
correlation as a function of distance between points. I have tried nlme,
lme, glmmML, and glmmPQL. In all case the matrix needed (seems to be
(N^2)/2 - N) is too large for my
2002 Jun 21
Interpreting output from glmmPQL
I'm running some models under R using glmmPQL from MASS. These are
three-level models (two grouped levels and the individual level) with
dichotomous outcomes. There are several statistics of interest; for the
moment, I have two specific questions:
1.) This question refers to the following model (I present first
the call, then the output of summary():
2004 Sep 15
FW: glmmPQL and random factors
I have just realised that I sent this to Per only. For those interested on
the list:
-----Original Message-----
From: Gygax Lorenz FAT
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:35 PM
To: 'Per Tor??ng'
Subject: RE: [R] glmmPQL and random factors
Hi Per,
> glmmPQL(Fruit.set~Treat1*Treat2+offset(log10(No.flowers)),
> random=~1|Plot, family=poisson, data=...)
> Plot is supposed
2004 Feb 10
GLMMpql: reporting on main effects
Dear R users
I am using GLMMpql to analyse some nested negative binomial response data.
How do I summarise the significance of my main effects? For example, in a standard linear mixed model (lme), I would use anova.lme to obtain an F statistic and P value for each of my main effects: how do I achieve a similar goal using GLMMpql?
many thanks
Sarah Richardson
Sarah Richardson
2003 May 19
Syntax for random effect in glmmPQL
Dear R-listers
I wonder if someone can help me with the syntax for the random effect in
glmmPQL()? I have a data set with a response variable "y" (counts), two
dependent variables: "treat" (4 levels) and "site" (2 levels). The
latter, I want to use as a random variable. How do I specify this in the
Is it like this:
2006 Apr 10
Weights in glmmPQL
I am using the R function glmmPQL to fit a logistic GLMM, with weights.
I am finding that I get fairly different parameter estimates in glmmPQL
from fitting the full dataset (with no "weight" statement) and an
equivalent, shorter dataset with the weights statement. I am using the
weights statement in the 'glmmPQL' function exactly as in the 'glm'
function. I
2006 Jun 14
lmer and mixed effects logistic regression
I'm using FC4 and R 2.3.1 to fit a mixed effects logistic regression.
The response is 0/1 and both the response and the age are the same for
each pair of observations for each subject (some observations are not
paired). For example:
id response age
1 0 30
1 0 30
2 1 55
2 1 55
3 0 37
4 1 52
5 0 39
5 0 39
I get the
2007 Feb 20
Simplification of Generalised Linear mixed effects models using glmmPQL
Dear R users I have built several glmm models using glmmPQL in the
following structure:
m1<-glmmPQL(dev~env*har*treat+dens, random = ~1|pop/rep, family =
(full script below, data attached)
I have tried all the methods I can find to obtain some sort of model fit
score or to compare between models using following the deletion of terms
(i.e. AIC, logLik, anova.lme(m1,m2)), but I
2003 May 28
Bradley Terry model and glmmPQL
Dear R-ers,
I am having trouble understanding why I am getting an error using glmmPQL (library MASS).
I am getting the following error:
iteration 1
Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) :
Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
The long story:
I have data from an experiment on pairwise comparisons between 3 treatments (a, b, c). So a typical run of an experiment
2013 Jul 11
Differences between glmmPQL and lmer and AIC calculation
Dear R Community,
I?m relatively new in the field of R and I hope someone of you can
help me to solve my nerv-racking problem.
For my Master thesis I collected some behavioral data of fish using
acoustic telemetry. The aim of the study is to compare two different
groups of fish (coded as 0 and 1 which should be the dependent
variable) based on their swimming activity, habitat choice, etc.
2007 Apr 12
GLM with random effects
Hi R-Users,
I have 3 replicates ('Replicate) of counts of parasites ('nor.tot.lep')
before and after an experiment ('In.Out'). I am trying to treat the
three replicates as a random effect in order to determine if the main
effect (In.Out) significantly influences my dependent variable
(nor.tot.lep) after the variance explained by the replicates is
accounted for. I have