Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Forming SQL Query at run-time"
2007 Dec 18
R brakes when submitting a query to MySQL
I would like to retrieve data stored in MySQL database, so I installed
RMySQL package.
I can successfully connect with the my database using the following code
> dvr<-dbDriver("MySQL")
> con2<-dbConnect(dvr,group="exbardiv")
> mysqlDescribeConnection(con2)
User: mmorag
Host: localhost
Dbname: exbardiv
2009 May 06
rmysql query help
I am trying to use an R script to connect to a mysql database. I am
having a problem using a variable in the where clause that contains a
"space" in its value.
If I include the variable inside the quotes of the query - i think it is
searching for the name of the variable in the database and not the value
of the variable.
If I put it outside the quotes, then it complains
2007 Dec 08
FW: R memory management
I'm using R to collect data for a number of exchanges through a socket
connection and constantly running into memory problems even though task I
believe is not that memory consuming. I guess there is a miscommunication
between R and WinXP about freeing up memory.
So this is the code:
for (x in 1:length(exchanges.to.get)) {
tickers<-sqlQuery(channel,paste("SELECT Symbol
2002 Jan 26
Trouble with contrasts
I have a nagging problem with contrasts and I can't seem to resolve it.
A factor exists with four levels (lib1, lib2, con1, con2) and when I
check the contrasts or set the contrasts to any of the prespecified
ones, I do not get the exact contrasts necessary to test the
theoretically relevant ones. I need orthogonal contrasts that look just
like this matrix:
con1 con2
2020 Oct 08
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
Hi Philip,
You've probably realized by now that R doesn't like column names that
start with a number. If you try to access an R-dataframe column named
2B or 3B with the familiar "$" notation, you'll get an error:
> library(DBI)
> library(RSQLite)
> con2 <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "~/R_Dir/lahmansbaseballdb.sqlite")
> Hack12Batting <-
2020 Oct 08
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
This is really a feature of SQL, not R. SQL requires that you double quote
column names that start with numbers, include spaces, etc., or that are SQL
key words. E.g.,
> d <- data.frame(Order=c("sit","stay","heel"),
Where=c("here","there","there"), From=c("me","me","you"))
2001 Mar 19
generic database access methods
I've been putting together a package that defined generic methods for
database access. The packages is called "Rdbi." It borrows as much as
possible from existing database packages / proposals. I'd like to start
a discussion about the proposed interface. Here's what I've come up
with so far:
# Rdbi: connectionMethods.R
dbConnect <- function(dbObj, ...)
2007 Jun 05
multiple plot in odfWeave
Hello R users,
I found the odfWeave package to create an odf document. It seems to be a
very nice tool.
So i tried to used it to create a report with multiple plot:
I create an odt file with some code inside:
I connect to a mysql database
I get a list of projects
foreach project I would like to make a plot (a map exactly)
then in a R console I use the odfweave (inFile, outFile) function.
2013 Aug 09
Agrupar los terminos de la leyenda
Bueno, una pequeña vuelta de tuerca más usando ggplot.. Aunque no quedó tan limpio como el de Carlos (gran resolucion) tambien te sirve.
Un saludo
dec.df <- mat[mat$sol=="dec",]
lim.df <- mat[mat$sol=="lim",]
dol.df <- mat[mat$sol=="dol",]
2009 Jan 28
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
Dear r helpers
I run the following code for nested logit and got a message that
Error in optim(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, -2, -0.2), fr, hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS") : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
What does this mean? and how can I correct it?
Thank you
> yogurt = read.table("yogurtnp.csv", header=F,sep=",")> attach(yogurt)>
2009 Mar 02
initial gradient and vmmin not finite
Dear Rhelpers
I have the problem with initial values, could you please tell me how to solve it?
Thank you
> p = summary(maxLik(fr,start=c(0,0,0,1,0,-25,-0.2)))
Error in maxRoutine(fn = logLik, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start, :
NA in the initial gradient
> p = summary(maxLik(fr,start=c(0,0,0,1,0,-25,-0.2),method="BFGS"))
Error in optim(start, func, gr =
2011 Aug 08
RODBC: sqlUpdate doesn't handle properly POSIXct field?
Hello all!
Can someone confirm whether there is a bug or not?
I was trying to use sqlUpdate in place of sqlSave as data set I import has duplications. However I get errors while using fast=FALSE argument to safely update/ignore duplicates:
Error while executing the query[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'UPDATE "data" SET "logger"=1,
2010 Aug 13
decision tree finetune
My decision tree grows only with one split and based on what I see in
E-Miner it should split on more variables. How can I adjust splitting
criteria in R?
Also is there way to indicate that some variables are binary, like variable
Info_G is binary so in the results would be nice to see "2) Info_G=0"
instead of "2) Info_G<0.5".
Thank you in advance!
And thanks for Eric who
2001 Jul 30
Remote controlling R via sockets
Many thanks to the R core team for their work on R connections. I was delighted to discover that it is now possible to remote-control R-1.3.0 via a socket connection - something which Brian Ripley noted was not yet possible with R-1.2.0 back in January 2001 in the first R News newsletter. How? Just substitute source() for readLines() in last few lines of the example for a socket connection given
2015 Mar 03
Feature request: copy attributes in gzcon
The `gzcon` function both modifies and copies a connection object:
# compressed text
con1 <- url("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/datasets/csb/ch12.dat.gz")
con2 <- gzcon(con1)
# almost indistinguishable
identical(summary(con2), summary(con1))
# both support gzip
readLines(con1, n = 3)
readLines(con2, n = 3)
# opening one opens both
2013 May 16
connect to local mySQL database
I would like to access a local mysql database.
In python using the sqlite3 library it is quite straightforward. I just have to pass the path to the sqlite-file;
Is there something similar in R (or specifically in the RMySQL package)?
It seems like I have to use the MySQL function in the RMySQL package in order to ...
"initializes a MySQL
2020 Oct 03
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
The double quotes are required by SQL if a name is not of the form
letter-followed-by-any-number-of-letters-or-numbers or if the name is a SQL
keyword like 'where' or 'select'. If you are doing this from a function,
you may as well quote all the names.
On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 6:18 PM Philip <herd_dog at cox.net> wrote:
> The \?2B\? worked. Have no idea why. Can
2020 Jun 29
A warning in gzcon but not in gzfile
Hi all,
I used `gzfile` and `gzcon` to read a compressed file but I found that
`gzcon` gave me a different result than `gzfile`. It seems like the `gzcon`
does not handle the data correctly. I have posted an example below. In the
example, a portion of a compressed file is downloaded from Google Cloud as
a raw vector, and the data is saved into a temp file. If I use ` gzfile` to
read the file, it
2003 Apr 29
calling R from PHP and saving outputs
Hi all,
I have to call R from PHP code. I manage to run R and to make it parse
my script (see below) but I have an error which I cannot cope with yet
while running the PHP page:
Error in file("/home/faisnel/Rscripts/testphp2.Rout", open = "wt") :
unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file
`/home/faisnel/Rscripts/testphp2.Rout' Execution
2013 May 11
prediction in a loop with only one sample
Dear all,
I have a sample with 920 observations. I want to create a loop which takes
300 of these observations for the prediction and the rest to estimate the
My idea was to create something like this:
cs.training.dat <- read.table...
cs.training.dat_sub1 <- subset(cs.training.dat, Income>10)
cs.training.dat_sub2 <- subset(cs.training.dat_sub1, Dept.Ratio<=1)