similar to: How add degree character in axis?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "How add degree character in axis?"

2005 Jul 12
Please help me.....
Hi user R, I am try to calculate the spectrum function in two time series. But when plot a single serie, the labels in axes x is in the range 0.1 to 0.6 (frequency), but when calculate de spectrum with ts.union function, the labels x is in the range 1 to 6. I not understand why change the labels, and not know that is ralationship. Samebody can hel me in this analysis..... Thank for all fdo
2007 Mar 06
Off topic:Spam on R-help increase?
Folks: In the past 2 days I have seen a large increase of spam getting into R-help. Are others experiencing this problem? If so, has there been some change to the spam filters on the R-servers? If not, is the problem on my end? Feel free to reply privately. Thanks. Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Statistics South San Francisco, CA 94404 650-467-7374
2005 Oct 06
Simple question.....
Hi all user R, My simple question is...I have a vector of names of predictors, text<-c("datem","cola","eslom")...I try to plot the model with this predictor in sequence loop...., for(i in 1:3){ png(paste("fig_",i,sep="")) plot(preplot.gam(mod9)[[i]],se=T,rug=F,main="",xaxt="n",ylab="",xlab="")
2011 Jan 10
Error: package 'akima' is not installed for 'arch=i386'
Dear R users, I am having problems loading the akima package. I use Windows XP, and R version 2.12.1. When I try to load the package I get this error message: Error: package ''akima'' is not installed for ''arch=i386'' Any help appreciated and thanks you for your time. Carlos Montenegro Silva Magíster en Estadística Departamento Evaluación de Recursos División
2008 Apr 29
generic question ==>> mapping Longhurst biogeochemical ocean provinces in R
*Hello all ** I am a newbie to R plotting maps. I am trying to plot over a world map a layer of Biogeochemical provinces (BGCP) by A.R. Longhurst. Each ocean region unfortunately are quite irregular in shape (not perfect squares). In GIS this layer of ocean provinces would be a layer of polygons, which I am assuming it cannot be plotted with R. I was wondering If anybody has encounter this
2013 Jan 31
evaluar una exprseion
Hola a todos, Me gustaria saber como puedo evaluar / obtener el resultado guardado en un objeto cuando este se ejecuta. Quiero decir, el resultado de la siguiente expresion: > paste("res_UP_sep_dec_","16_17_18",sep="") [1] "res_UP_sep_dec_16_17_18" es un objeto (una lista) cuyo nombre es precisamente res_UP_sep_dec_16_17_18 >
2013 Apr 11
Problem with caret
Hello all. I am using method "bag()" to develop a bagging with my dataset. When I do bag( dataP, dataP$Score, B=10) I obtain this error: error en bag.default(Score ~ ., data = dataP, B = 10) : entrada en evaluacion: recursivo por defecto o problemas anteriores? ( in english, evaluating input: default recursive or previous problems?) Any idea? Thanks! [[alternative HTML
2008 Sep 24
weights option in lmer
Hi all, I am trying to run a linear mixed effect models in lmer() from the lme4 package using the weights option. I am using the R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25) and lmer version in lme4_0.999375-26, which I think it is the latest version! I am getting and error message when I add the option "weights" in the lmer function. This is the error message I get "Error en
2014 Dec 17
Problema con el subset
Hola a todos, Agradeceros de antemano vuestro tiempo y paciencia ya que soy un poco novato y tal vez esto sea un poco trivial.  Lo que quiero hacer es que me represente en eje de las x las fechas (columna fecha) y los valores de z (columna z) pero de los datos que he filtrado antes en (dfgrupo<-subset(df,df$parametroslaboratorio=="Aflatoxinas ByG")) y que los parámetros iguales
2014 Oct 19
Warnings en GLMM (lme4)
Hola, Soy nuevo manejando R y no tengo mucha experiencia. Estoy intentando modelar una función que me relacione el nº de cebas (nº de presas que los padres traen a los pollos) con el tamaño de parche de un bosque (factor categórico; 2 niveles= grande y pequeño). Al ser un conteo (nº de cebas) he pensado utilizar familia= poisson con link= logarítmico. He construido un GLMM con: Nº de cebas
2014 Jul 09
Conversion date a numeric y vuelta a date
Hola a todos: Debe de ser una tontería, pero no consigo saber porque la siguiente linea no devuelve la fecha actual: as.Date(as.numeric(Sys.time())) He hecho esa prueba porque no consigo pasar un numero convertido a partir de una fecha y modificado a fecha de nuevo. Gracias por adelantado. Un saludo, Alberto. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 May 24
intersecting polygons and conversion from decimal degree to km
Dear all, 1. How can I compute the intersecting area between 2 polygons ? 2. I have polygons with coordinates in decimal degrees (i.e. 13 deg 30 min = 13.5 decimal degrees). I want to compute their area and get the results in square meters or square kiometers. Can anyone give me a conversion coefficient or a pointer where I can find this information (sorry for this off topic question) ? Thanks
2012 Dec 17
simplifying code
Dear All,   I was wondering if you could help me with the following: I have the code:   tin <-0.5 tau <-24 output0 <-10 TIMELOW <-tin TIMEHIGH <-1*tau TIME1 <-c(seq(TIMELOW,TIMEHIGH, by = sign(TIMEHIGH-TIMELOW)*(tau-tin)/3))   then I would like to calculate:   cp1 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[1]) cp2 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[2]) cp3 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[3]) cp4
2008 Nov 10
as.Data with minutes resolution
Hi, I have a vetor os dates with day and hour:minutes. > time1 <- c("03/08/08-11:00","03/08/08-11:10") > time1 <- as.Date(time1,"%d/%m/%y-%R") > summary(time1) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. "2008-08-03" "2008-08-03" "2008-08-03" "2008-08-03" "2008-08-03"
2003 Jul 19
Problem with more than two Subnets!
Hello, I successfully built a vpn between two hosts ("main" and "iquique") (and its SubNets), but I have problems when I want to add another host ("valparaiso"): I get a lot of Duplicates packets everywhere and a very slow vpn. I guess that is a routing problem, but I have try with a lot of alternatives without result. I have try with "switch",
2004 Aug 26
text() with text, variables and math HOWTO?
Hello, One more question from the 'abusing R for blotting - particularly anally' department: How can I in the expression below make the '%~~%' show up as the aprrox-sign I want it to be? Thanks for any hint, Joh text( 500,1.5, cex=0.75, substitute( paste( OD[600][~nm], " of 1 at ", time1, " min ", "%~~%", time1h,
2008 Apr 09
fuzzy merge
Hi, I would like to merge two data frames. It is just that I want the merging to be done with some kind of a fuzzy criterion. Let me explain. My first data frame looks like this : ID1 time1 dt 1 2008-01-02 13:11 10 2 2008-01-02 14:20 20 3
2007 Jan 19
Newbie question: Statistical functions (e.g., mean, sd) in a "transform" statement?
Greetings listeRs - Given a data frame such as times time1 time2 time3 time4 1 70.408543 48.92378 7.399605 95.93050 2 17.231940 27.48530 82.962916 10.20619 3 20.279220 10.33575 66.209290 30.71846 4 NA 53.31993 12.398237 35.65782 5 9.295965 NA 48.929201 NA 6 63.966518 42.16304 1.777342 NA one can use "transform" to
2003 Nov 11
Greetings: It would seem to me that the three arguments "a", "c" and "p" ought to produce the same result with a data frame that doesn't have any missing data which is not the case. What am I doing wrong or what don't I understand? > tmp <- data.frame(vol,con,mot,esp,pri,sec) > tmp vol con mot esp pri sec 1 1.00 120 90 78 21 1 2 0.50
2010 Nov 15
merge two dataset and replace missing by 0
Hi r users, I have two data sets (X1, X2). For example, time1<-c( 0, 8, 15, 22, 43, 64, 85, 106, 127, 148, 169, 190 ,211 ) outpue1<-c(171 ,164 ,150 ,141 ,109 , 73 , 47 ,26 ,15 ,12 ,6 ,2 ,1 ) X1<-cbind(time1,outpue1) time2<-c( 0 ,8 ,15 , 22 ,43 , 64 ,85 ,106 ,148) output2<-c( 5 ,5 ,4 ,5 ,5 ,4 ,1 ,2 , 1 ) X2<-cbind(time2,output2) I want to