similar to: (sans objet)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "(sans objet)"

2006 May 06
R et Java
Bonjour, Je developpe une application java et je veux integrer du code R dans mon programme . Le programme de test que j’ai fait est : import org.omegahat.R.Java.*; public class REvalSample { public static void main(String [] args) { String [] rargs = {"--slave", "--vanilla"}; System.out.println("Sample program to call R engine from
2006 May 06
R and Java
Hello I m tryng to execute the code below and I have a problem with the R-Java connection.: import org.omegahat.R.Java.*; public class REvalSample { public static void main(String [] args) { String [] rargs = {"--slave", "--vanilla"}; System.out.println("Sample program to call R engine from Java"); ROmegahatInterpreter interp = new
2004 Aug 06
hello, i have the same problem than Lukas Bulwahn Le Mercredi 20 Novembre 2002 15:30, "Mitchell Smith" a écrit : > The Debian Icecast server is compiled with password crypt support, which > means you can't put the password in in cleartext. You will have to > > apt-get install makepasswd > > and do something like > > echo "password" >
2009 Mar 21
Calling R from Java (trying the R interface to Omegahat and Java)
Dear R-helpers, I run R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) on i386-apple-darwin8.11.1 I would like to call R from Java. I downloaded SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz, and then issued the command suggested on RSJava/ : % R INSTALL -c SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz ARGUMENT 'INSTALL' __ignored__ WARNING: unknown option '-c' ARGUMENT 'SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz' __ignored__ I then
2007 May 16
Installing SJava - problem
Hi there. I am trying to install SJava on my windows xp machine. I downloaded the windows source file SJava_0.69-0.tar.gz from the web site I have folloed the XP command line instructions as directed in the table underneath the download link: cd $RHOME/src/library unzip cd SJava ./ $RHOME cd $RHOME/src/gnuwin32 make pkg-SJava I
2004 May 26
VOIP Service Providers
Hello, I am looking for a VOIP Service Provider to work with getting started with Asterisk. Does anyone have any brief recommendations? Ease of use and support are the key criteria. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ed Mansouri Ucompass - Make sure we stay connected to you Add yourself to the Ucompass Address Book
2011 Aug 16
Problems installing SJava
Hello, I am trying to install SJava but I haven't been able to complete it successfully. I have tried to install it from bioconductor using the followin code and got the following output: > source("") BioC_mirror = Change using chooseBioCmirror(). > biocLite("SJava") Using R version 2.12.2, biocinstall
2004 May 18
Asterisk on OS X
Hello, I have researched a few postings where users mentioned being able to install Asterisk on Mac OS X Panther by adding some code after line 165 in the Makefile and then compiling. This has been unsuccessful for me. I downloaded the asterisk-0.9.0.tar.gz tarball and am trying to install from it. The output I get upon trying to make after editing the Makefile can be viewed at:
2003 Sep 28
Problem with sas.get function in Hmisc library
I tried to use for the first time the Frank Harell's sas.get function (in Hmisc library) and cannot manage to import my sas datas. When I use the sas.get(library,member, ...) method, I get the following error : > sas.get("pme","Edfv1_a")-> Error in sas.get("pme", "Edfv1_a") : library, "pme", is not a Unix directory In
2005 Apr 25
(sans objet)
Hi I’m working in behavioural ecology I’m interesting in doing a multi-factorial MANOVA with a random effect as of independent variable. Do you know if it’s possible to do that and how I can do it? Thanks Julien Julien Martin Laboratoire de Denis Réale Chaire de Recherche du Canada en écologie comportementale Canadian Research Chair in behavioural ecology Département des sciences
2004 Dec 15
(sans objet)
Hello, Just look at the examples in ?persp. There is a function called trans3d defined in it that will traduce your 3D coordinates to 2D, and so you will be able to draw lines with lines function. Romain. Corey Bradshaw a ??crit : >I've created a perspective plot using 'persp' in the graphics package. >I'd like to add a second plane of z values to the existing plot, but I
2008 Aug 03
(sans objet)
- Peut-on poser des questions en fran?ais? - Tr?s simple. Je fais un programme "truc.r" (sous emacs) Ce programme r?alise des graphiques. Je voudrais les enregistrer au fur et ? mesure -- sinon, quand la session est finie, ces graphiques sont perdus-- J'ai essay?: pdf("truc.pdf") Mais le fichier "truc.pdf" cr?? est vide. Comment fait-on? Merci et salutations
2004 Jun 15
(sans objet)
Dear users I have a problem with the dr function: "dimension reduction". I give you my example, and i'll be pleased to read your comments. #let be X a matrix 50*100: library(dr); X<- matrix(rnorm(50*100,5,1),50,100); #and let be Y a vector response: Y<- sample(0:1,50,replace=T); #I choose (for the expérience, but in reality i don't have it) a few variables #which are
2009 Aug 10
(sans objet)
i have written this in R, > data1 <- read.csv2("c:/Total1.csv",sep=",") > data2 <- read.csv2("c:/GWPMax1.csv",sep=",") > M <- merge(data1, data2, by.x = "Policy.Number", by.y = "Policy.Number") > nrow(data1) [1] 20 > nrow(M) [1] 12 > NbOfPolicyWithoutGWPMax <- nrow(data1)-nrow(M) >
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction! Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine. Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple: J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me donne des statistiques
2005 Dec 28
Omegahat sjava
I am trying to download and install Omegahat Sjava ( to be able to call R from within Java. The install instructions are as follows: cd $RHOME/src/library unzip cd SJava ./ $RHOME cd $RHOME/src/gnuwin32 make pkg-SJava However, my command prompt won't recognize "unzip","./", or
2009 Jan 09
grep : escape "*"
Dear R useRs, Sorry for this foolish question, but I can't find how to escape the * character when using grep : > grep("-", c("/3", "2*3", "4-4")) [1] 3 > grep("/", c("/3", "2*3", "4-4")) [1] 1 > grep("*", c("/3", "2*3", "4-4")) Erreur dans grep("*",
2004 Jan 22
min password length
Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai un PDC samba 3.0.0 sur une redhat 7.3, le tout ratach? ? un LDAP. Les postes clients sont en Windows XP Pro. Je change mes mots de passe via Ctrl+Alt+Suppr depuis windows. Cel? marche pour les mots de passe de plus de 5 caract?res. En dessous de ce nombre, j'obtiens un message d'erreur dans windows, me sp?cifiant que le mot de passe doit faire au
2014 Feb 10
building 4.1.4 on AIX 5.2 : fails on linking
Hi, I'm trying to build samba 4.1.4 on an AIX I'm using GCC v3.3.2 and python 2.7.6 I've configured the build with this command (disabling ACL because of missing headers on my system concerning nfs4 acl): $) LDFLAGS=-lpthread ./configure -C --prefix=/i/infext/samba-4.1.4 --without-acl-support And then I have run the build procedure but it fails on linking
2004 Aug 06
I have installed the icecast server on my Debian Linux 2.2. I modified the distributed icecast.conf (as far as thought was necessary), and I set up the shout.conf... Both server and shout are started from root and are set up to localhost. I could start the server, but when I started shout, it did find the server, but it was blocked with the message "BAD PASSWORD[encoder]" even if the