similar to: tuning SVM's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "tuning SVM's"

2005 May 24
Hi I am trying to fit an svm to predict speech recognition errors. I am using best.svm like this: svm.model = best.svm(data[1:3000,1:23],data[1:3000,24],tunecontrol = tune.control()) I got this: > print(svm.model) Call: best.svm(x = data[1:3000, 1:23], tunecontrol = tune.control(), data[1:3000, 24]) Parameters: SVM-Type: eps-regression SVM-Kernel: radial cost: 1
2008 Jan 02
Plot.svm error
Hi all, Sorry to be bothering again with probably an easy error to fix, but I've been trying to solve the problem and haven't been able yet to do it. So I'm doing this: > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2013 Jan 08
bagging SVM Ensemble
Dear Sir, I got a problem with my program. I would like to classify my data using bagging support vector machine ensemble. I split my data into training data and test data. For a given data sets TR(X), K replicated training data sets are first randomly generated by bootstrapping technique with replacement. Next, Support Vector Mechine (SVM) is applied for each bootstrap data sets. Finally, the
2011 Feb 18
segfault during example(svm)
If do: > library("e1071") > example(svm) I get: svm> data(iris) svm> attach(iris) svm> ## classification mode svm> # default with factor response: svm> model <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris) svm> # alternatively the traditional interface: svm> x <- subset(iris, select = -Species) svm> y <- Species svm> model <- svm(x, y) svm>
2003 Dec 10
e1071:svm - default epsilon = 0.1 (NOT 0.5) (PR#5671)
In e1071 package/svm default epsilon value is set to 0.1 and not 0.5 as documentation says. R
2010 May 05
probabilities in svm output in e1071 package<-svm(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=all_h, method="C-classification", kernel="radial", cost=bestc, gamma=bestg, cross=10) # model fitting svm.pred<-predict(, hh, decision.values = TRUE, probability = TRUE) # find the probability, but can not find. attr(svm.pred, "probabilities") > attr(svm.pred, "probabilities") 1 0 1 0 0 2 0
2011 Jul 19
Writing the output of a regression object to a file
Hi, I'm using R 2.12.0 on Windows XP. I've used the e1071 package to tune a Support Vector Regression object and I've created the SVR object: > epsilon.svr <- svm(C8R004 ~.,data = rain_flow.train, scale = T, type = "eps-regression", + kernel = "radial", cost = 0.9, epsilon=0.55,tolerance=0.001, shrinking=T, gamma=0.18,fitted=T) > esvr.pred <-
2010 Apr 29
can not print probabilities in svm of e1071
> x <- train[,c( 2:18, 20:21, 24, 27:31)] > y <- train$out > > <- svm(x, y, probability = TRUE, method="C-classification", kernel="radial", cost=bestc, gamma=bestg, cross=10) > > pred <- predict(, valid[,c( 2:18, 20:21, 24, 27:31)], decision.values = TRUE, probability = TRUE) > attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,]
2012 Aug 07
Interpreting predictions of svm
Hi, I have some difficulties in interpreting the prediction of a svm model using the package e1071. y1 is the variable I want to predict. It is of type factor and has got two levels: "< 50%" and "> 50%". z is the dataset. > model <- svm(y1 ~ ., data = z,type="C-classification", cross=10) > model Call: svm(formula = y1 ~ ., data = z, type =
2005 May 05
problem to get a correct output
Dear, I am new user of 'R' (package e1071) and the first thing I did was reading the manuals. Although it was not clear for me how it works. My problem is the following: I have a data set of customers data of insurances with variables Class, Group Distance Claim. The file called 'xx.dat'. Using the manuals I think I had entered the data in the program. I used several function,
2008 Jan 03
Svm formula
Hi all, I don't know how to choose the formula to use when plotting an svm model, I think I'm using the wrong one and so that is why I'm having trouble. I should be very grateful if someone could help me on this.. > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2010 Sep 30
Can this code be written more efficiently?
Dear users, I'm working on binary classification problem using Support Vector Machines (SVM). My objective is to train a series of SVM models on a grid of hyperparameters and then select those that maximize the AUC based on an independent validation sample. My attempted code is shown below. It runs well on "small" data sets but when I use it on a slightly larger sample (e.g., my
2005 Apr 26
Error using e1071 svm: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
Hello, As far I saw in archive mailing list, I am not the first person with this problem. Anyway I was not able to pass this error once the information I got from the archive it is not very conclusive for this case. I have used linear, radial and sigmoid kernels for the same data in the same conditions and everything is ok. This problem just happens with the polynomial kernel. I send the
2005 May 19
tune.svm in {e1071}
Dear All , 1- I'm trying to access the values of fitted(model) after model<- tune.svm( ) but seemingly it is not poosible. How can I access to values of fitted ? However ,it is possible only after model<- svm( ) 2- How can I access to the other values such as the number of Support Vectors , gamma, cost , nu , epsilon , after model<- tune.svm( ) ? these are not possible? I
2010 Jun 24
help in SVM
HI, GUYS, I used the following codes to run SVM and get prediction on new data set hh. dim(all_h) [1] 2034 24 dim(hh) # it contains all the variables besides the variables in all_h data set. [1] 640 415 require(e1071) svm.tune<-tune(svm, as.factor(out) ~ ., data=all_h, ranges=list(gamma=2^(-5:5), cost=2^(-5:5)))# find the best parameters. bestg<-svm.tune$best.parameters[[1]]
2013 Nov 15
Inconsistent results between caret+kernlab versions
I'm using caret to assess classifier performance (and it's great!). However, I've found that my results differ between R2.* and R3.* - reported accuracies are reduced dramatically. I suspect that a code change to kernlab ksvm may be responsible (see version 5.16-24 here: I get very different results between caret_5.15-61 +
2009 Aug 04
Strange error with ROCR
Hello, I've come across a strange error... Here is what happens: model <- svm(traindata,trainlabels, type="C-classification", kernel="radial", cost=10, class.weights=c("win"=3,"lose"=1), scale=FALSE, probability = TRUE) predictions <- predict(model, traindata) pred <- prediction(predictions, trainlabels) This returns an error: Error in
2013 Mar 31
Creating new instances from original ones
I have a question about data mining. I have a dataset of 70 instances with 14 features that belong to 4 classes. As the number of each class is not enough to obtain a good accuracy using some classifiers( svm, rna, knn) I need to "oversampling" the number of instances of each class. I have heard that there is a method to do this. It consists in generating these new instances as follows:
2011 Apr 04
Problem using svm.tune
Dear Sir, I am stuck with a nagging problem in using R for SVM regression. My data has 5 dimensions and 400 observations. The independent variables are : Peb, Ksub, Sub, and Xtt. The dependent variable is: Rexp. I tried using the svm.tune function as well as <_tune(svm.....), to tune the hyper parameters: gamma, epsilon and C. Since I am new to R, I am probably not using the svm.tune
2004 Dec 21
Rgui.exe - Error while tuning svm
Hello, if I try to tune my svm with the code: Tune <- tune.svm(Data.Train, Class.Train, type="C-classification", kernel="radial", gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)) i get a windows Messagebox with a error in the application "Rgui.exe" and the message: "Die Anweisung in 0x6c48174d verweist auf Speicher 0x00000000. Der Vorgang "read" konnte nicht auf