similar to: help on compilation of R help file in LaTeX format.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "help on compilation of R help file in LaTeX format."

2007 Nov 18
Getting theta in italic in a plot
Dear All, Consider the following code: plot(0,0) text(0,0.5,expression(italic(theta))) I would like to get theta in italic, but I always get it upright. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Paul
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. fitted values
Dear Wiza[R]ds, I am very grateful to Duncan Murdoch for his assistance with this problem. His help was invaluable. However, the problem has become a little more complicated for me. Now, in each plot, I need to plot the observed and fitted values of a supine and upright posture experiment. Here is what I have and how far I got. # tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma #
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. Predicted values, change of symbols
Dear Wiz[R]ds, I am deeply grateful for the help from Duncan Murdoch, Gray Calhoun, and others. We are almost there. For whatever reason, I can't change the symbol from a circle to a triangle in the upright posture plots. Any ideas? I have included the problem in full. # tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma # concentrations supine and upright # supine datasu <-
2020 Feb 19
Problemas con tinytex (base Latex)
Estimados erreros, Llevo dos días en un bucle pantanoso tratando de resolver mi tema y no puedo y les queria pedir ayuda. Hace una semana ya no puedo transformar archivos a pdf desde RMarkdown y he tenido que tratar de instalar "tinytex", que es la solución para los usuarios de R y pasar por alto el complejo MikTex ( Sin embargo, al tratar de instalar me
2020 Feb 19
Problemas con tinytex (base Latex)
Estimado Mauricio Mardones Me llamo la atención su correo, desconocía lo que usted nombra, lo busque, pero hay una diferencia, instala textlive en un lugar del disco (.appdata), yo opino como Carlos Ortega. La documentación dice: # Windows tlmgr path remove rd /s /q "%APPDATA%\TinyTeX" Se instala en esa carpeta oculta. Saludos Javier Rubén Marcuzzi El mié., 19 feb. 2020 a las
2014 Jan 28
Recent version of Latex
I've moved most of my user's PCs from OpenSuse (11.x, unmaintainend now) to CentOS 6.4. On my old OpenSuse latex was "texlive-latex-2010" and current version on CTAN is texlive-2013. But on CentOS 6.4 I've only the old texlive-latex-2007 and several sty files available on my previous config are not available now and users cannot compile their previous documents. Is
2020 Feb 19
Problemas con tinytex (base Latex)
Mira el error en este fichero que te indica: * C:~\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\2.9\miktex\log\pdflatex.log* Ahí vendrá en las últimas líneas el fallo que se ha producido. Y con el mensaje de error específico busca si hay alguna referencia por ahí. Entiendo que estás instalando la última versión que ha salido hace pocos días... El mié., 19 feb. 2020 a las 22:36, MAURICIO MARDONES (<
2020 Feb 19
Problemas con tinytex (base Latex)
Aquí hay una posible solución... El mié., 19 feb. 2020 a las 23:16, MAURICIO MARDONES (< mauricio.mardones en>) escribió: > Esto... > > 2020-02-19 18:29:50,307-0300 INFO pdflatex - starting with command line: >
2013 Jul 12
While using R CMD check: LaTex error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found
Hi, While using R CMD check I get the following Latex error message which occurs when creating PDF version of manual: LaTex error: File `inconsolata.sty' not found I am using Windows 7 (64-bit) and R 3.0.1. I have MikTex 2.9. I see that the incosolata.sty is present under \doc\fonts folder. How can I eliminate this problem? Thanks, Ravi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Dec 17
Moving Win2k into the Samba system
Hey all, I just was wondering if there are any issues I should be aware of before moving Win2k and XP into my Samba loop? I have read the docs available but have found nothing Win2k or XP specific. Thanks in advance, chuck Chuck's Top 10 Things to Remember and Think about! ======================================================= 10. Please return stewardess to original upright position. 9.
2004 Mar 07
graphic device MetaPost
Hi all, By default, MetaPost passes all text through TeX. This has the advantage of allowing essentially any TeX symbols in titles and labels. It give us, who use the multibyte character in ordinary communication, much convenience. Gnuplot has fulfilled this function, and it give me a deep impression for I could use Chinese character in plots with a minor modification to the MetaPost file. I
2004 Feb 01
Stepwise regression and PLS
Dear all, I am a newcomer to R. I intend to using R to do stepwise regression and PLS with a data set (a 55x20 matrix, with one dependent and 19 independent variable). Based on the same data set, I have done the same work using SPSS and SAS. However, there is much difference between the results obtained by R and SPSS or SAS. In the case of stepwise, SPSS gave out a model with 4 independent
2006 May 18
Incomplete Output from lmer{lme4}
I'm still relatively new to R, so my apologies if this is covered somewhere. I've been running some mixed-effect models in R using lme{nlme}, but read in Faraway's recent book, Extending the Linear Model with R, that lmer in package lme4 is a much improved version. I tried using this approach, but the output for the fixed effects doesn't report a p-value or the degrees of freedom
2001 May 02
rcode and latex
I have discovered the listings package for including code in your latex documents. The default languages do not include R or Splus, but the definition is pretty simple, this is what I did for R: \lst at definelanguage{R}% {morekeywords={TRUE,FALSE,T,F,NA,NULL,Inf,NaN,library,% attach,detach,source,while,for,in,% repeat,switch,break,next,return,stop,function,% if,else,warning,error},%
2008 Jul 14
statistics question about a statement in julian faraway's "extending the linear model with R" text
In Julian Faraway's text on pgs 117-119, he gives a very nice, pretty simple description of how a glm can be thought of as linear model with non constant variance. I just didn't understand one of his statements on the top of 118. To quote : "We can use a similar idea to fit a GLM. Roughly speaking, we want to regress g(y) on X with weights inversely proportional to var(g(y).
2017 Sep 13
Hi, says that pst-barcode is included in texlive. I installed texlive, and it can?t find pst-barcode.sty. Is that a bug in the packaging Centos does, or is texlive in Centos some derelict version?
2006 Aug 15
AEC on a TI C6x - has no effect
Itay, I tested on C6x in May with build 11343 and 11398, and it worked fine. I just ran the same test with build 11768, and there was no cancellation, just as you saw. I will try to track this down in the next day or two. In the meantime, I suggest that you try testing with 11398. - Jim ----- Original Message ----- From: Itay Chamiel To: Sent: Monday, August 14,
2012 Apr 18
Installing texlive dependencies
Hello ALL! I am running Fedora 16 x86_64. Due to some dubious problems, that i couldn't resolve, with the TeXLive (2007, which is a default), I removed it. That removed R as well, and some other dependent packages. Then, I installed TeXLive 2011 from CTAN. However, when I wanted to install R, from Fedora's repositories, it asks for some TeX dependencies (for example, tex-preview,
2012 Feb 03
Using {tabularx} latex package with the {xtable} package?
I am trying to solve the problem of having a latex table (produced using the xtable <>, then inserted to a latex file using Sweave), exceeding the margins of my LaTeX document. I found that one such solution can be based on the tabularx<> package, and I am wondering what would be the best way to
2010 Jun 16
Latex and r
Dear R?ers I?m trying to get a summary table using latex and summary in the rms package to no avail. I?m running R 2.10.1, Mac OS X snow leopard and I have the mactex 2009 distribution installed. Any obvious things I?m missing? //M options(digits=3) set.seed(173) sex <- factor(sample(c("m","f"), 500, rep=TRUE)) age <- rnorm(500, 50, 5) treatment <-