Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Excel to R"
2004 Mar 03
How to read Excel file and access the data item?
In R, How to read Excel file and access the data item?
Thank you.
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2004 Dec 04
Excel *.xls files, RODBC
I gather from reading the back-issues of r-help that it should be
possible (modulo a number of caveats) to read an excel (yuck!) file
into R using RODBC. I have obtained and installed ODBC and the RODBC
package, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to go about
it. Can anyone give me a simple recipe?
I have an excel file on cdrom, say:
I have started R and loaded
2004 Dec 23
Importing csv files
There is a recurring need for importing large csv files quickly. David
Baird's dataload is a standalone program that will directly create .rda
files from .csv (it also handles many other conversions). Unfortunately
dataload is no longer publicly available because of some kind of
relationship with Stat/Transfer. The idea is a good one, though. I
wonder if anyone would volunteer to
2005 Nov 02
RODBC and Excel: Wrong Data Type Assumed on Import
The first column in my Excel sheet has mostly numbers but I need to treat it
as character data:
> library(RODBC)
> channel <- odbcConnectExcel("U:/efg/lab/R/Plasmid/construct list.xls")
> plasmid <- sqlFetch(channel,"Sheet1", as.is=TRUE)
> odbcClose(channel)
> names(plasmid)
[1] "Plasmid Number" "Plasmid"
2010 Feb 23
Importing Headers from excel files
Hello I am trying to import an Excel file but I am loosing the headers, My
headers are in the first to rows of the EXCEL file. In the following R
output, the NA are supposed to be the second item in the Header. Is there
any way to Import more than one row as headers?. Thank you
Felipe Parra
> Data<-odbcConnectExcel('Curva LIBOR.xlsx',readOnly=T,)
2003 Nov 06
import data troubles
HI R lovers,
I have been facing a petty trouble with datas' import :
I have a plain txt file (see attached file or the copy below) that I cannot
read either with scan or read.table
> scan(file="F:/Alt/HDG/Stoliaroff/Data/test.txt")
Error in scan(file = "F:/Alt/HDG/Stoliaroff/Data/test.txt") :
"scan" expected a real, got "??6"
2004 Oct 01
dataload for linux
Is there a dataload utility for linux. The link in genstat is down but I
managed to find the utility at:
but this is a dos/windows version.
Thank you
2003 Mar 13
RODBC and Excel in Widows
Hello, I have some problems with RODBC and Excel in Win98
I am using R 1.6.2 and just upgraded RODBC to the last version on CRAN.
I have an Excel file with columns Number, Name, Sex, Age, FEV1 on Sheet
1 and Number, Age, FEV1, Name, Sex on Sheet 2.
Now I open the channel to the file
> chan1 <- odbcConnectExcel("c:/testOdbc.xls")
> tables(chan1)
and the list appears with the 2
2009 Nov 16
Error on reading an excel file
Hello everybody, here is the code I use to read an excel file containing two
rows, one of date, the other of prices:
z <- odbcConnectExcel("SPX_HistoricalData.xls")
datas <- sqlFetch(z,"Sheet1")
It works pretty well but the only thing is that the datas stop at row 7530
and I don?t know why datas is a data frame that contains 7531 rows with the
2014 Aug 14
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Pensé que esto iba a ser trivial en R, pero me estoy encontrado muchos con
mi problema en internet, y que las soluciones ofrecidas no terminan de
Estoy intentando leer un fichero .xls en ubuntu con los siguientes paquetes
y nada:
conn = odbcConnectExcel("madrid.xls") # open a connection to the Excel file
sqlTables(conn)$TABLE_NAME # show all sheets
df =
2008 Jun 26
RODBC, sqlFetch error when accessing Excel
This is about R 2.7.0 and related packages on windows NT.
I have a mixture of numeric and character data and empty cells in an
Excel spreadsheet with several tabs that I'm trying to read with
sqlFetch from RODBC.
The data that is returned by sqlFetch is unfortunately not identical
to the source data in that in columns with character values in the
first few rows the subsequent rows of that
2008 Oct 15
Extract text from Microsoft PowerPoint files
Hello CentOS people,
I'm wondering if there are command tools like antiword and docx2txt for
Microsoft PowerPoint files (.ppt and .pptx). The idea is to extract
text from PowerPoint files. Sorry this isn't exactly about CentOS, but
I'd really like it if Yum has something. I tried xlhtml, but it hasn't
been updated in a while and isn't exactly wanting to work on CentOS
2009 Apr 07
Re ading Excel 5.0 files with RODBC?
i'm trying to read some data from excel files but it seems that neither
xlsReadWrite nor sqlFetch (RODBC) doesn't like the format (Excel 5.0).
When i open the file in Excel and save it in a new format Excel 97 -2003
everything works fine.
Is it possible to use ODBC connection to open old format files, or i guess i
will have to open and save every file in Excel in new format, which
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
@javier, me gustaría no tener que hacer nada de forma manual, ni por fuera
de r, rstudio. Es decir, el típico comando de linux que me convierta de xls
a csv prefiero no usarlo. Me gustaría hacerlo todo desde R.
@jorge ->
Con RODBC me salta ->
Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel"
Lo que creo que es inevitable en Ubuntu
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
Gracias Jorge por contestar tan rápido.
Con gdata hago eso del path, y directamente con el fichero, lo vi en una
web, y he intentado todas las opcioens que he visto.
En vez de install.packages('rJava', type = 'source')
he hecho install.packages('rJava')
Ahora probaré, y lo mismo con scan y readLines.
He visto en stackoverflow que mi problema puede ser actualizar java,
2014 Aug 15
leer ficheros excel en R en Ubuntu
offline? te lo envío a tu email, pq no creo que a toda la lista sea buena
El 15 de agosto de 2014, 9:47, Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en gmail.com>
> De nada, Miguel. Es posible que me envies el archivo offline? --JIV
> 2014-08-15 17:45 GMT+10:00 Miguel Fiandor Gutiérrez <
> miguel.fiandor.gutierrez en gmail.com>:
> Gracias
2005 Aug 31
Reading numeric data in Excel as character data in R using RODBC
The Excel 'database' I am pulling from mixes multiple character
indicators for different kinds of non-numeric results in the same column
as the numeric values. A simple sqlFetch turns all of the character
indicators into NAs. I would like to pull in all of the Excel data as
character so that I can split the column into multiple types of vectors
and control the type conversion within R. Can
2006 Feb 23
read file of EXCEL format
Hello sir:
How can I read data file of EXCEL format from disk("d:\\data.XLS" for example)?
I can only read data file of .txt format
read.delim("d:\\data.txt",header=T,as.is=T),but only EXCEL format is available at present.
Thanks a lot
2010 Oct 13
Read Particular Cells within Excel
Hello all,
I have a business user who generates monthly reports in MS Excel in a particular
format. The data I need is present in different portions of this excel file. Is
there a way to read different cells from a particular excel worksheet? i.e.,
cells b50:d100 in the Inputs worksheet. I am investigating odbcConnectExcel but
did not yet see such capability.
Appreciate your help.
2010 Dec 01
Problem in reading Excel spreadsheets
Hi folks,
Win 7 64bit
R 2.12.0 32bit
Problem in reading Excel spreadsheets
(the text file, research_databaseI.xls, was download on Internet)
> data=odbcConnectExcel(file.choose())
> sqlTables(data)
1 C:\\Users\\satimiswin764\\Documents\\research_databaseI <NA>