similar to: help--kernel distribution dynamics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "help--kernel distribution dynamics"

2007 Sep 10
persp() problem
I am having some trouble getting the persp() package to change the x and y axis on a 3d plot. It defaults to the [0,1] interval and when I try to change it I get errors. Example: This works: ------------ D <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) M <- c(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) DM <- cbind(D,M) persp(DM, theta = 40, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue", ltheta = 120,
2007 Feb 09
two perspective plots in in plot
Dear all, I would like to put two perspective plots into one plot. The help page for ?persp shows how one can add points and lines but not another perspective plot. data(volcano) z <- 2 * volcano # Exaggerate the relief x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z)) # 10 meter spacing (S to N) y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z)) # 10 meter spacing (E to W) ## Don't draw the grid lines : border = NA persp(x,
2004 Aug 10
persp, array and colors
Dear R-users, I'd like to plot a three-dimensional surface and at the meantime I'm using an array. I would like to have the values of my first matrix in the heights of the plot and the colors of the single facet taking into account the second matrix. I hope that the next code will help all of you to understand better my issue, Thanks in advance, Giancarlo ############################ ##
2009 Mar 14
persp plot + plotting grid lines
Dear all; Does anyone know how to add grid lines to a persp plot? I've tried using lines(trans3d..) but the lines of course are superimposed into the actual 3d surface and what I need is something like the plot shown in the following link: I'll appreciate any ideas Thanks PM
2005 Jun 24
R demos
Hi All, I am currently preparing some form of slideshow introducing R and its capabilities for some colleagues. The thing will be about 30 mins, and I'd like to have some "pretty pictures" and some "amazing facts" (I'm trying to sell, obviously :)). Can I ask if it's possible to easily retrieve a gross figure of the number of functions in R considering the
2008 Jan 12
Problem with strptime
Dear R-list, I'm experiencing some problems while using "strptime", which I don't understand. > str(natver) 'data.frame': 154 obs. of 8 variables: $ ID : Factor w/ 14 levels "AC","ALS","FA",..: 10 11 9 1 4 8 13 3 14 12 ... $ CdBMin : int 22 22 26 26 28 23 27 23 25 26 ... $ CdBMax : int 22 24 27 26 32 26 29 30 29 28 ... $
2011 Mar 29
Dirichlet surface
Dear list members, I want to draw surfaces of Dirichlet distributions with different parameter settings. My code is the following: #<begin code> a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- 2 #a2 <- .5 #a3 <- .5 x1 <- x2 <- seq(0.01, .99, by=.01) f <- function(x1, x2){ term1 <- gamma(a1+a2+a3)/(gamma(a1)*gamma(a2)*gamma(a3)) term2 <- x1^(a1-1)*x2^(a2-1)*(1-x1-x2)^(a3-1)
2010 May 26
persp(); help with 'tck' option
Hi All, I'm using 'tck' option to *reduce* the length of tick marks but it is not working, can anyone please tell me where I'm going wrong... require(graphics) require(grDevices) x <- seq(-10, 10, length= 30) y <- x f <- function(x,y) { r <- sqrt(x^2+y^2); 10 * sin(r)/r } z <- outer(x, y, f) z[] <- 1 # 'bg' works but 'tck' is not showing
2008 Jun 12
Problems with mars in R in the case of nonlinear functions
Hi, I'm trying to use mars function in R to interpolate nonlinear multivariate functions. However, it seems that mars gives me a fit which uses only very few basis function and it underfits very badly. For example, I have tried the following code to test mars: require("mda") f <- function(x,y) { x^2-y^2 }; #f <- function(x,y) { x+2*y }; # Grid x <-
2006 Jun 10
Math symbols for labels in Perspective plots
Hi .. I would like to have math symbols in perspective plots i tried : persp(x,y,z,xlab=expression(phi)) but it plots it as phi. Thanks. Harsh __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jul 12
help with bivariate density plot question
Dear R users: I have a dataset with two variables (>20000 observations, two samples from same subject) and I used "kernSur" from library(Genkern) to get a estimated bivariate density and corresponding plots as follows:<-data.normal[![,2]),] x<[,2] y<[,3] op <- KernSur(x,y, xgridsize=50, ygridsize=50,
2010 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] fp Question
433.milc, 447.deall, and 450.soplex are run as part of the nightly tests on Darwin (=MacOSX) in a way that closely approximates -O4. They are working there. I am inclined to suspect gold given that they work at -O3. Can a Linux person comment? On Jul 23, 2010, at 10:19 AMPDT, Reza Yazdani wrote: > Following is the list of fp benchmarks that fail. They all pass with > -O3, but
2008 May 20
drawing lines in 3D (rotating them)
Hi the list, I write a short function to draw lines in 3D, showing then turning. At some point, I add "delais" to slow down the rotation. So two questions: 1) I try to find a library to draw animate lines in 3D but I did not find. That surprise me since it is very simple to do. Did I forget to look somewhere ? If it does not exists and I have to use my own function : 2) Is it
2006 Jan 28
Creating 3D Gaussian Plot
Hello, I requested help a couple of weeks ago creating a dipole field in R but receieved no responses. Eventually I opted to create a 3d sinusoidal plot and concatenate this with its inverse as a means for a "next best" situation. It seems that this isn't sufficient for my needs and I'm really after creating a continuous 3d gaussian mesh with a "positive" and
2003 Aug 27
selecting by variable
Hi, I'm a recent R convert so I haven't quite figured out the details yet... How do I select one variable by another one? Ie if I want to draw the histogram of variable X only for those individuals that also have a value Y in a certain range? In STATA I would give something like: histogram X if ((Y>=A & Y<=B)) (The data is for individuals and each individual has a number of
2011 Aug 20
a Question regarding glm for linear regression
Hello All, I have a question about glm in R. I would like to fit a model with glm function, I have a vector y (size n) which is my response variable and I have matrix X which is by size (n*f) where f is the number of features or columns. I have about 80 features, and when I fit a model using the following formula,? glmfit = glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13
2004 Oct 12
Statistical analysis of a large database
Deall all, We need to perform a statistical analysis of a large database (40,000 entries with approximately 500 fields in each entry) currently handled in Oracle. The data contains categorical variables only. At the current stage we suggest classification and clustering analysis. We are planning to perform the analysis in R and would be very grateful for any
2011 Jul 12
how to find out whether a string is a factor?
I have two data frames: > str(ysmd) 'data.frame': 8325 obs. of 6 variables: $ X.stock : Factor w/ 8325 levels "A","AA","AA-",..: 2702 6547 4118 7664 7587 6350 3341 5640 5107 7589 ... $ market.cap : num -1.00 2.97e+10 3.54e+08 3.46e+08 -1.00 ... $ X52.week.low : num 40.2 22.5 27.5 12.2 20.7 ... $
2010 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] fp Question
Following is the list of fp benchmarks that fail. They all pass with -O3, but some fail with -O4. I did the test run. Thanks, Reza Estimated Estimated Base Base Base Peak Peak Peak Benchmarks Ref. Run Time Ratio Ref. Run Time Ratio -------------- ------ --------- ---------
2011 Jul 05
hash table access, vector access &c
Hi, I am confused by the way the indexing works. I read a table from a csv file like this: ysmd <- read.csv("ysmd.csv",header=TRUE); ysmd.table <- hash(); for (i in 1:length(ysmd$X.stock)) ysmd.table[ysmd$X.stock[i]] <- ysmd[i,]; the first column ("X.stock") is a string (factor): > ysmd$X.stock[[100]] [1] FLO 7757 Levels: A AA AA- AAAAA AAC AACC AACOU AACOW AADR