similar to: aregImpute: warning message re: acepack and mace

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "aregImpute: warning message re: acepack and mace"

1998 Mar 27
R-beta: Problem with acepack
I installed the acepack package under Linux (gcc 2.7.2, R-0.61.1). Installation without problem. But --------------------------------------------------------------------- sirio[~]% R R : Copyright 1998, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.61.1 Alpha (January 12, 1998) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type
2003 Aug 31
Problem installing acepack in debian
In platform i386-pc-linux-gnu arch i386 os linux-gnu system i386, linux-gnu status major 1 minor 7.1 year 2003 month 06 day 16 language R using debian testing (latest Knoppix) I get an error when installing acepack: gcc
2003 Jun 16
Hmisc multiple imputation functions
Dear all; I am trying to use HMISC imputation function to perform multiple imputations on my data and I keep on getting errors for the code given in the help files. When using "aregImpute" the error is; >f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100) Loading required package: acepack Iteration:1 Error in .Fortran("wclosepw", as.double(w), as.double(x),
2000 Apr 03
Building acepack for Rw1000 under Win98
(Sorry, I had the previous emails on a different machine.) Thanks to Prof Ripley for diagnosing the problem with inconsistent capitals under Win98. It's 'interesting': * I had ...\acepack\Src\Ace.f Avas.f and Rlsmo.f (tar'ed in a Unix machine and Ws_FTP'ed to the PC) * when the directory name was changed to ...\acepack\src it still didn't work *
2003 Jul 25
Difficulty replacing NAs using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute
Hello R experts I am using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute (following example on page 105 of The Hmisc and Design Libraries). *My end goal is to have NAs physically replaced in my dataframe. I have read the help pages and example in above sited pdf file, but to no avail. Here is example of what I did. Ph, my data frame, is attached. > xt <- aregImpute (~ q5 + q22rev02 + q28a, n.impute=10,
2005 Jul 09
aregImpute: beginner's question
Hello R-help, Thanks for everyone's very helpful suggestions so far. I am now trying to use aregImpute for my missing data imputation. Here are the code and error messages. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Sincerely, Anders Corr ######################################## #Question for R-Help on aregImpute ######################################## #DOWNLOAD DATA (61Kb)
2000 May 04
acepack, akima and tripack will not load (PR#533)
Full_Name: Michael R. Allen Version: 1.01 OS: linux redhat Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, Thought you might be interested. I tried to load the package tripack needed by the sgeostat package. After some careful searching, three packages were found which had the same error. Here is the output. Mike > library(acepack) Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local),
2005 Jul 20
aregImpute in Hmisc
Hi, I have a dataframe ds1.2 - 503 categorial variables and 1 continuous response variables. I ran aregImpute to deal with NA's and got the followig error: > fmla = terms( Response ~ . ,data=ds1.2) > ds.i = aregImpute(fmla,data=ds1.2) Error in matrix(as.double(1), nrow = n, ncol = p, dimnames = list(rnam, : length of dimnames [2] not equal to array extent Could you explain
2005 Dec 16
Bug in acepack (PR#2352)
This ancient bug was tracked to the acepack library, line 556 in line src/avas.f The troublesome line is: if (x(n).gt.x(1)) go to 30 Since the input arguments are empty, referencing x(1) and x(n) cause a Segmentation fault, and cause R to crash. Acepack author and maintainer Rob Tibshirani <tibs at> has been contacted with this information. This is not a
2010 May 04
aregImpute (Hmisc package) : error in matxv(X, xcof)...
Dear r-help list, I'm trying to use multiple imputation for my MSc thesis. Having good exemples using the Hmisc package, I tried the aregImpute function. But with my own dataset, I have the following error : Erreur dans matxv(X, xcof) : columns in a (51) must be <= length of b (50) De plus : Warning message: In f$xcoef[, 1] * f$xcenter :   la taille d'un objet plus long n'est pas
2007 Apr 18
R-2.4.1 for MacOS X - languageR, acepack, Hmisc
I updated R to the last 2.4.1 version and unfortunately I can not load languageR any longer. In R-2.4.1, LanguageR requires acepack, but Hmisc doesn't work when acepack is loaded. > library(languageR) Loading required package: Design Loading required package: Hmisc Loading required package: acepack Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load
2010 Jan 18
does any package have the functionality of ace() from old acepack?
I found the old ace function (from acepack) valuable a couple of years ago in helping to find a transformation of the response to approximate additivity in smooth functions of the predictors. ace used alternating conditional expectations, but I'm not overly fixated on algorithms as long as it works pretty well. Is there another package that has that sort of functionality? I haven't been
1997 Jul 31
R-beta: acepack with 0.50-a1
I have an hp9000/c160 with hpux10.20+gcc2.7.2. When I try the example in the ace help I get: > library(acepack) > ?ace > TWOPI <- 8*atan(1) > x <- runif(200,0,TWOPI) y <- exp(sin(x)+rnorm(200)/2) a <- avas(x,y) /usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: pow_dd (code) from /home/buyuk/R-0.50-a1/lib/ ABORT instruction (core dumped)
2004 Aug 14
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
From: <david_foreman at> Subject: [R] Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects To: <r-help at> Message-ID: <1092391719_117440 at drn10msi01> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me with a single imputation, that has been useful. However, the help file
2000 Mar 27
R port of acepack
To whom should bug reports of the R port of acepack be directed? On a SPARC/Solaris 2.6 or 2.7 (SunOS 5.6 or 5.7) system running R-1.0.0 the avas example fails > library(acepack) > example(avas) avas> TWOPI <- 8 * atan(1) avas> x <- runif(200, 0, TWOPI) avas> y <- exp(sin(x) + rnorm(200)/2) avas> a <- avas(x, y) Process R bus error (core dumped) at Mon
2005 Jan 19
Imputation missing observations
>From Internet I downloaded the file and used it for R package updation. and R gave the message 'Hmisc' successfull unpacked. But when I use the functions like aregImpute the package is displaying coundn't find the function Where as in it is giving that use of the function >
2003 Apr 22
Hmisc's aregImpute segfaults R-1.7.0 under linux
Hello - When trying to use Hmisc library's aregImpute function on R 1.7.0, I got the following error -- shown here using the example code from the help page --- under both Linux and Mac OS X 10.2.5: set.seed(3) x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,T)) x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2) x3 <- rnorm(1000) y <- x2 +
2004 Aug 13
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me with a single imputation, that has been useful. However, the help file possibly suggests that I should get a flat-file matrix of n.impute imputations, presumably with indexing. I'm a bit stuck using alternatives to aregImpute, as neither MICE nor Amelia seem to like my dataset, and Frank Harrell no longer recommends Transcan
2003 Dec 08
Design functions after Multiple Imputation
I am a new user of R for Windows, enthusiast about the many functions of the Design and Hmisc libraries. I combined the results of a Cox regression model after multiple imputation (of missing values in some covariates). Now I got my vector of coefficients (and of standard errors). My question is: How could I use directly that vector to run programs such as 'nomogram', 'calibrate',
2000 Mar 31
building a package
Dear R-helpers, I'm learning how to compile R packages with fortran routines and use the acepack source as an example. After some hiccups (Guido told me about the need to set make_mode=UNIX) I got to the following: `make pkg-acepack' runs without error (see below), but it does not * compile any .f file in acepack/src * (hence) try to create any dll file or libs (I'm