similar to: Basic LME

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Basic LME"

2002 Sep 13
Contrasts in ANOVA table
Hello All, Is there a way of producing an ANOVA table split into contrasts, thus showing the contrasts sums of squares and associated p-values? Thanks, Martin. Martin Hoyle, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Webpage:
2003 Aug 27
Basic GLM: residuals definition
Dear R Users, I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson GLM with simulated data; x<-rpois(1000,5) model<-glm(x~1,poisson) my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1]) plot(my.resids,residuals(model)) This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not the same as residuals(model). p 65 of
2010 Sep 16
Help for an absolutely r-noob
Hello together, I am an absolute noob in R and therefore I need help urgently. I have received a script from my tutor with plot functions in it. However, I can' manage to adapt these plots. The hole script is as follows: setwd("E:/") ##### (1) Read data ### dat <- read.table("Komfort_Tatsaechliche_ID_Versuchsreihe_1.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t",
2009 Apr 01
How to prevent inclusion of intercept in lme with interaction
Dear friends of lme, After so many year with lme, I feel ashamed that I cannot get this to work. Maybe it's a syntax problem, but possibly a lack of understanding. We have growth curves of new dental bone that can well be modeled by a linear growth curve, for two different treatments and several subjects as random parameter. By definition, newbone is zero at t=0, so I tried to force the
2007 May 24
Function to Sort and test AIC for mixed model lme?
Hi List I'm running a series of mixed models using lme, and I wonder if there is a way to sort them by AIC prior to testing using anova (lme1,lme2,lme3,....lme7) other than by hand. My current output looks like this. anova (,,,,lme.T97fc. ml,, Model df AIC BIC logLik
2012 Sep 14
linear mixed-effects models with two random variables?
Dear R users, Does anyone knows how to run a glmm with one fixed factor and 2 random numeric variables (indices)? Is there any way to force in the model a separate interaction of those random variables with the fixed one? I hope you can help me. #eg. Reserve <- rep(c("In","Out"), 100) fReserve <- factor(Reserve) DivBoulders <- rep
2002 Oct 31
Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
Dear Greg, Thanks for the new release. The decomposition of the SSQ is just what I need! Regards, Martin. Martin Hoyle, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Webpage: >>> gregory_r_warnes at 10/30/02 07:16PM >>> Version 0.7.3 of the gregmisc package
2007 Nov 01
F distribution from lme()?
Dear all, Using the data set and code below, I am interested in modelling how egg temperature (egg.temp) is related to energy expenditure (kjday) and clutch size (treat) in incubating birds using the lme-function. I wish to generate the F-distribution for my model, and have tried to do so using the anova()-function. However, in the resulting anova-table, the parameter kjday has gone from being
2002 Oct 14
normalizing data sets
Hi, Can someone tell me how to normalize a data set so that the mean of the set is 0 and the variance is 1. As I understand, when you calculate the principle components of a data set through correlation as < princomp( dataset, cor=T ) > then a similar calculation is performed. I would like to know how I can perform such a calulation directly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many
2002 Oct 13
barplot(): X-Axis Labels
Hello all. I have a simple barplot with sixteen different segments. When I plot my data, only five or six of the labels are showing in the x-axis. How do go get them all to show? Can I set them at a angle? Thank you. Jess -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2003 Aug 12
Negative binomial theta
Hi, I'm trying to use the command "glm.nb" in library(MASS) to test for a significant difference in the aggregation parameter "theta" between the three levels of a factor. Any help gratefully received! Martin. Martin Hoyle, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Webpage:
2011 Feb 03
Need advises on mixed-effect model ( a concrete example)
Dear R-help members, I'm trying to run LME model on some behavioral data and need confirmations about what I'm doing... Here's the story... I have some behavioral reaction time (RT) data (participants have to detect dome kind of auditory stimuli). the dependant variable is RT measured in milliseconds. 61 participants were tested separated in 4 age groups (unblanced groups,
2002 Oct 12
Learning R: which book to choose?
I am new to R. I am going to by one of the following book: 1. William N. Venables and Brian D. Ripley. Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus. Third Edition. Springer, 1999. ISBN 0-387-98825-4. 2. The Fourth Edition of the book from point 1. 3. `S Programming' by W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley Springer. ISBN 0-387-98966-8, 2000. I can only by one of the above books. Q1. I have found
2002 Apr 15
Nested ANOVA with covariates
Dear All, I'm rather a beginner on nested ANOVAs, so here goes with my 2 questions; Qu 1: I'm modelling the number of galls on a leaf (the response variable) as a function of; the tree on which I find the leaf, the branch on which I find the leaf. Then, the tree and the branch are both random factors, and I'm quite happy that I should write; aov(galls~tree/branch +
2007 Oct 02
Trouble obtaining results from a loop
#Hello, #I have a question about obtaining results from a loop I have written. #Below is a sample of individual genotypes from a genetic question I am working on called "P.genotype.sample ". P.genotype.sample<-matrix(10,10,10) P.genotype.sample[,1]<-c(2,2,1,5,1,1,5,6,1,3) P.genotype.sample[,2]<-c(6,3,3,6,8,1,6,7,2,3) P.genotype.sample[,3]<-c(2,2,2,3,3,2,2,2,3,3)
2007 Sep 26
Paste a matrix column in pairwise fashion with other columns?
#Hello, #I have would like to paste a single column of a matrix # in pair wise fashion with other columns based upon # even and odd column numbers. # I can do it in a very clunky fashion and I know there # must be a better way. below is a sample matrix and my extremely # clunky code that gets the job done for a small matrix, but i plan to # do this on a much grander scale. any help would be very
2006 Feb 15
no convergence using lme
Hi. I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about how I can overcome a problem of "iteration limit reached without convergence" when fitting a mixed effects model. In this study: Outcome is a measure of heart action Age is continuous (in weeks) Gender is Male or Female (0 or 1) Genotype is Wild type or knockout (0 or 1) Animal is the Animal ID as a factor
2010 Oct 09
question related to multiple regression
Hi, I am conducting an association analysis of genotype and a phenotype such as cholesterol level as an outcome and the genotype as a regressor using multiple linear regression. There are 3 possibilities for the genotype AA, AG, GG. There are 5 people with the AA genotype, 100 with the AG genotype and 900 with the GG genotype. I coded GG genotype as 1, AG as 2 and AA as 3 and the p-value for the
2008 Aug 20
Looping over groups
Hello, My R skills are somewhere between novice and intermediary, and I am hoping that some of you very helpful forum members, whom I've seen work your magic on other peoples' problems/questions, can help me here. I have a matrix with the following format: (i) individual plants comprising many different genotype groups (i.e., a plant is genotype 1 or genotype 2 or genotype 3, etc). The
2011 Mar 08
NaNs in Nested Mixed Model
Dear R users, I have a problem with something called "NaNs" in a nested mixed model. The background is that I have studied the number of insect nymphs emerging from replicated Willow genotypes in the field. I have 15 replicates each of 4 Willow genotypes belonging two 2 Willow species. Now I want to elucidate the effect of Willow genotype on the number of emerging nymphs. Previously I