similar to: dendrogram's number of nodes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "dendrogram's number of nodes"

2002 May 23
nmath standalone
Dear all, I'm trying to use the as a standalone package the nmath sources. In R-1.4.1/src/nmath/standalone, in linux operating system I made 'make shared' to obtain then I copied the dir standalone, where there is in /usr/local. I tried to compile test.c with cc test.c but I obtain this error message /tmp/ccsTxu7U.o: In function `main':
2013 Jan 16
dendrogram stops!
Dear I am using the 'as.dendrogram' function from the 'stats' library to convert from an hclust object to a dendrogram with a dataset of size ~30000 (an example code is below). I need the dendrogram structure to use the "dendrapply" and "attributes" functions and to access the child nodes, I do not need any of the plot properties. The problem is that it
2006 Mar 09
Identifying or searching for labels in a hclust/dendrogram/heatmap
Hi Sorry if this is in the help :-S I've looked at example(dendrogram) and though it gives some indication of what I want, it doesn't do all. OK, so here is what I want to do: draw a tree, and then have an action, on user-click, to either draw a sub tree or a plot of the data. I also want users to be able to search for a particular label and have it highlighted on the tree, say in
2009 Apr 03
dendrogram rect.hclust() not working?
I have tried to use rect.hclust() to draw a rectangle around a set of leaves, but am running into trouble. The rect.hclust() is drawing two rects instead of one, and of the wrong size: -------------------- scoreClusterObj <- hclust(scoreDistanceObj, method=clustMethod) order <- scoreClusterObj$order orderedLabels <- rep(0, length(order)) for (orderIndex in 1:length(order)) { # this
2008 Aug 01
hclust interrogation & use of $merge for dendrogram annotation?
Hi all, I've been doing some investigation to see if it is possible to implement an hclust/dendrogram related requirement that I've been given. So far ?hclust and a lot of googling haven't provided the information I'm looking for (I've been using R sporadically for a year). The requirement I have is to: On a dendrogram plot, draw points at various merge locations, based on
2012 Oct 26
How to replace the row number for each product by real product name in as.dendrogram in cluster analysis..HELP!
data1<-data.matrix(newdata) # transforming the factor into different values data.use<-data1[,-c(1,2,3)] # leaving the value matrix data.dist = dist(data.use) data.hclust = hclust(data.dist) #complete linkage is used #if I plot the following one, I have too large data set(rows`=9980), can not see clearly all the product names in graph
2016 Apr 21
"cophenetic" function for objects of class "dendrogram"
Note that cophenetic.default (which works on the output of hclust(dist(X))) uses the row names of X as labels. as.dendrogram.hclust does not retain those row names so cophenetic.dendrogram cannot use them (so it orders them based on the topology of the dendrogram). Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 7:59 AM, William Dunlap <wdunlap at> wrote:
2002 Jan 13
changing the ordering of leaves in a dendrogram
I'd like to change the way plot.hclust displays an hclust object. Here's a description of how it's done now, from the R documentation of hclust: In hierarchical cluster displays, a decision is needed at each merge to specify which subtree should go on the left and which on the right. Since, for n observations there are n-1 merges, there are 2^{(n-1)} possible
2010 Jun 13
Finding an order for an hclust (dendrogram) object without intersections
Hello all, I manually created an hclust object. Now I am looking to reorder the leafs so they won't intersect with each other, and would be happy for advises on how to do that. Here is an example code: #------------------------------------- a <- list() # initialize empty object # define merging pattern: # negative numbers are leaves, # positive are merged clusters (defined by row
2002 Mar 27
kriging C/C++ code
Hello to everybody ! I don't have a question directly connected with R, but it takes starting point from the use of the R function Krig for kriging interpolation and from the idea of making a different implemetation of the function for my purposes. Doas anyone know where can I find free C or C++ codes of kriging ? As always, thanks a lot in advance, Paola.
2017 Mar 23
A question on stats::as.hclust.dendrogram
Hi all, This is the first time I'm writing to R-devel, and this time I'm just asking for the purpose for a certain line of code in stats::as.hclust.dendrogram, which comes up as I'm trying to fix dendextend. The line in question is at line 128 of dendrogram.R in R-3.3.3, at stats::as.hclust.dendrogram: stopifnot(length(s) == 2L, all( vapply(s, is.integer, NA) )) Is there any
2012 Aug 12
Different cluster orderings from cutree() and cut.dendrogram()
Hi! I just discovered that cutree() and cut.dendrogram() do not assign the same cluster numberings when called on the same tree. More specifically, cutree() assigns cluster numbers by order of appearance in the data, while cut.dendrogram() sorts clusters by height (see example below). I guess this is for historical reasons? I'm hit by this difference when I want to get a vector of cluster
2011 Apr 01
hc2Newick is different than th hclust dendrogram
Hi R helpers... I am having troubles because of the discrepancy between the dendrogram plotted from hclust and what is wrote in the hc2Newick file. I've got a matrix C: > hc <- hclust(dist(C)) > plot(hc) with the: > write(hc2Newick(hc),file='test.newick') both things draw completely different "trees"... I have also tried with the raw distance matrix D and
2011 Dec 12
how to colour labels (each label with a colour) in a dendrogram?
Hello to all, I still have this doubt. I'd like to colour the different labels of my dendrogram each one with a different colour. How can I do? I guess I could do using *edgetext* and then *t.col* or* lab.col* but I don't know how to add edgetext to my dendrogram. Can you help me please? Example: require(graphics); require(utils) hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") (dend1
2004 Jul 19
Dendrogram plotting options?
Hi, I was wondering if there is more flexibility in the output of dendrograms when plotting a hclust object. I can't seem to find information on how to change the default output of a "hanging" style tree with the axis on the right to a left-to-right plot with and axis on the bottom. Example code follows: library(vegan) #loads the "vegan" module that compuptes ANOSIM
2012 Apr 30
Generate Dendrogram
Hi I have a distance matrix which is computed by user defined method. I would like to plot the dendrogram. I would like to use different color and want the leaves laying down bottom. The script like this. I am not familiar with R. I followed the example shown in dist.obj <- as.dist(matrix.distance) hc.obj <-
2016 Apr 21
"cophenetic" function for objects of class "dendrogram"
Hello, I have been using the "cophenetic" function for objects of class "dendrogram" and I have realised that it gives different results when it is used with objects of class "hclust". For instance, running the first example in the help file of the "cophenetic" function, d1 <- dist(USArrests) hc <- hclust(d1, "ave") d2 <-
2011 Apr 28
visualizing bootstrapped dendrogram
I want to classify bipolar neurons in human cochleas and have data of the following structure: Vol_Nuc Vol_Soma 1 186.23 731.96 2 204.58 4370.96 3 539.98 7344.86 4 477.71 6939.28 5 421.22 5588.53 6 276.61 1017.05 7 392.28 6392.32 8 424.43 6190.13 9 256.41 3850.51 10 249.17 3118.14 11 276.97 3037.29 12 295.30 3703.76 13 314.43 5265.97 14 301.15 5781.73 I
2003 Sep 17
plot.hclust: dendrogram too large for window (PR#4197)
plot.hclust: Setting up a window for a dendrogram assumes the first link is the shortest and the last is the longest. This is not always the case when the clustering was done with hclust, method="median" or method="centroid", and the dendrogram sometimes doesn't fit within the window. I propose the fix listed below. src/main/ --- plot.c Wed Sep 17 01:03:39 2003 +++
2004 Jul 21
Cutting heatmap dendrogram
Hello, I've been clustering my data using hclust and cutting the resulting tree with cutree. Separately, I visualize the clusterings with heatmap. Is it possible to have the dendrogram on the heatmap reflect the cutree results? That is, instead of having one large dendrogram, it would have 4 or 25 in the example below. Any guidance on if that's possible or not, and what kinds of